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Ribonucleic Acid
– R- Ribo
– N- Nucleic
– A- Acid
RNA- Structure
– The monomer of RNA
– Consists of 3 parts
Nucleotide Part 1
5 carbon sugar
– Ribose
Nucleotide Part 2
Phosphate group
Nucleotide Part 3
Nitrogenous bases- 4
– Purines
Adenine (A)
Guanine (G)
Nucleotide Part 3
Nitrogenous bases
– Pyrimidines
Uracil (U) (replaces T of
Cytosine (C)
Nucleotides form a
single strand
Types of RNA (p 205)
mRNA- messenger
– Copies and carries the
code/message from
DNA to the ribosome
in a cell
– Contains a codon (3
letter sequence)
Types of RNA (p 205)
tRNA- transfer RNA
– Picks up and carries
the amino acids from
the cytoplasm to the
– Contains an anticodon
Types of RNA (p 205)
– ribosomal RNA
– Makes up most of
Comparison of DNA & RNA
(p 205)
5 carbon sugar
DNA- deoxyribose
RNA- ribose
Comparison of DNA & RNA
(p 205)
# of strands
– DNA- double strand
– RNA- single strand
Comparison of DNA & RNA
(p 205)
Nitrogenous bases
– DNA- A-T, C-G
– RNA- A-U, C-G
Comparison of DNA & RNA
(p 205)
Types– DNA
m- messenger
t- transfer
r- ribosomal
Comparison of DNA & RNA
(p 205)
– DNA- nucleus
– RNA- nucleus,
Protein Synthesis & Words
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sentences using the
list of words. Make
your sentences at
least 8 words long.
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