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Types of Organisms
Some Organisms use sunlight to make food
in a process called photosynthesis:
These organisms are called AUTOTROPHS or
Some organisms cannot use sunlight to make
food-they must eat instead:
These organisms are called HETEROTROPHS
Types of Organisms
No matter how organisms get their food
ALL get their energy FROM THE FOOD
in the SAME way.
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration is a Process in which
organisms create ATP from the food they
make or eat.
Cellular Respiration
During Cellular Respiration we take potential energy
(stored energy) called chemical energy stored in the
bonds of glucose and turn it into ATP.
ATP is called free energy because it is available to do
any type of work needed in our cells called Kinetic
Energy (energy available for work)
The amount of energy released is measure in calories
or kilocalories
The more energy a type of food can release the more
calories it has
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration: catabolic, exergonic,
aerobic process that uses energy to extract
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from an organic
molecule called glucose
Catabolic: breaks molecules down
Exergonic: releases energy
Aerobic: oxygen (O2) requiring
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration is similar to breathing and
Breathing and respiration is an exchange of
oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and
the outside air
Cellular respiration is the exchange of oxygen
and carbon dioxide between the cells and the
Cellular Respiration
Makes up to 38 ATP
Cellular Respiration uses the glucose we
eat and the glucose plants make as well as
the oxygen we breathe to create up to 38
ATP as well as the carbon dioxide we
breathe out and water.
What is ATP?
Adenosine Tri-Phospate:
Made of three things
1.) Ribose (sugar)
2.) Adenosine (base)
3.) Three phosphates
Key to the activity of ATP is release energy as
the bonds break between the phosphates
ATP to ADP To ADP releases energy
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration takes place in three stages
and in different places of the cell.
Glycolysis: Cytoplasm (cytosol)Mitochondrial
Krebs Cycle: Mitochondrial Matrix
Electron Transport Chain: Inner Mitochondrial
Cellular Respiration:
The mitochondria is designed to complete
cellular respiration with maximum energy
> There are many folds in the
membrane to increase surface area and
allows many reactions of Cellular
Respiration to occur at once. This produces
a lot of ATP.
Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration is broken into three main
1.) Glycolysis: sugar splitting phase (glucose is
the sugar)
2.) Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle): Extracts the
energy from glucose
3.) Electron Transport Chain/ATP Synthase:
Turns the energy into ATP for
the body to use
*In total makes from 34 to 38 ATP**
Stage 1: Glycolysis
Location: Occurs in the cytoplasm just outside
of mitochondria in two phases.
A. Energy investment phase
Put 2 ATP in to start the reaction
B. Energy yielding phase
Create 4 ATP
MAIN GOAL: To split glucose
Invest 2 ATP to start the reaction
Split glucose molecule in half to create two molecules of Pyruvic Acid
Produces two molecules of NADH from NAD+
Produces 4 new ATP molecules
NET GAIN: 2 ATP (4 Produced - 2 Invested)
2 ATP Molecules
1 Glucose Molecule
2 NAD+ Molecules
4 ADP Molecules
2 ADP Molecules
2 Pyruvate Molecules
2 NADH Molecules
4 ATP Molecules
Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
Location: Mitochondrial Matrix
Main Goal: Break down pyruvate to carbon dioxide
and release more energy
Diffuse pyruvic acid into the matrix of the mitochondria
Each pyruvate loses one carbon and makes a 2
carbon molecule called Acetyl CoA
The carbon join with the oxygen (aerobic) that breathe
in to create the carbon dioxide we breathe out
Acetyl CoA now enters the mitochondria
Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
Since there are two molecules of Pyruvic Acid
entering the krebs cycle there must be two turns of
the cycle. One for each pyruvate.
Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
Products from glycolysis
Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA
4 Carbon Molecule to be recycled
Carbon Dioxide
Electron Transport Chain
Location: Inner Membranes of Mitochondria
Main Goal: Use hydrogen ions and electrons to
make up to 34 ATP
-All NADH and FADH2 are electron carrier
- Made from glycolysis and krebs cycle
NADH and FADH2 donate electrons and
hydrogen ions to make ATP
Electron Transport Chaine
from glycolysis and the
krebs cycle
NAD+ and FAD
In some cases there is little to no oxygen present and
organisms still need energy. Since cellular respiration is an
aerobic process it cannot occur with out oxygen.
-Fermentation occurs when no oxygen is present
-Two Types
1. Lactic Acid: Completes glycolysis and
produces lactic acid
2. Alcoholic: Completes glycolysis and
produces alcohol