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PowerPoint Learning Quest
Biology 9
Unit 3: Nutrition and
Biological Molecules
Created by: Jeff Wolf and Mike Graff
Objectives: After completing this Learning
Quest the student will…
 Describe what a food pyramid
is and how this pyramid can
assist humans in acquiring the
daily dietary requirements
necessary for healthful living.
 Explain how carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, and nucleic
acids assist in maintaining a
healthy human body.
 Apply the knowledge of the
Food Pyramid and Biochemistry to the development
of a healthy daily menu.
Follow the instructions in
the Anticipation Guide
found in this PowerPoint
Follow the instructions and
answer all questions found
in the Learning Guide.
Follow the instructions in
the Conclusion Guide.
Anticipation Guide (Page 1)
 Nutrition is key in
maintaining a healthy
 The Food Pyramid is a
set of guidelines that
can help people
develop a healthy body.
Anticipation Guide (Page 2)
 Within this Food
Pyramid exist five major
food groups. All are
important in the
development of a healthy
 To find out more about
the new food pyramid
click on the picture to the
right for a Internet video
Anticipation Guide (Page 3)
 The first group, at the
bottom, is the Bread,
Cereal, Rice, and Pasta
group. It is important
that each person receive
at least 6 to 11 servings of
this food group.
 Click on the picture to the
right to receive a website
with further information
on the required food
portion necessary to reach
6 to 11 servings.
Anticipation Guide (Page 4)
 For the the second food
group, the Vegetable
group , each person
should receive 2-3
servings per day. These
include raw, cooked and
leafy vegetables. Again,
you can click on the
picture to find out more
about this food group and
the necessary portions in
order to receive 2-3
servings per day .
Anticipation Guide (Page 5)
 The third group is called
the fruit group.
According to the The
Food Pyramid it is
necessary to receive 2 to
4 servings of fruits in
either whole, can or
juice form. Click on the
picture for more
information on portion
Anticipation Guide (Page 6)
 The fourth group
of the Food
Pyramid is the
Milk, Yogurt, and
Cheese group.
Two to three
servings from this
group are required
in order to
maintain a healthy
body. Click on the
picture for more
Anticipation Guide (Page 7)
 The fifth food group
of the Food Pyramid
is known as the Meat,
Poultry, Fish, Dry
Beans, Eggs and Nuts
Group. According to
the Food Pyramid it is
important to receive 2
to 3 servings from this
group. Click on the
picture to the right to
find out more about
this group.
Anticipation Guide (Page 8)
 The final group of the
Food Pyramid is the
Fats, Oils, and Sweets
group. According to
the Food Pyramid,
fats, oils, and sweets
should be used in
small amounts as a
part of your daily food
Anticipation Guide (Page 9)
 Assignment:
Create a 1 day menu where you
receive the correct portions and
calories for all of the food
groups within the Food Pyramid.
Refer to
ries/index.htm for additional
information. Keep in mind that
your diet should be comprised of
55% carbohydrates, 10 – 15 %
proteins and less than 30 % fats.
Include a breakfast, lunch, and
supper within your menu. Log
all info.!
Learning Guide (Page 1)
 The following slides will be
dedicated to the study of the
four classes of large macromolecules that are used by
your body. These four
molecules include
carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins, and nucleic acids.
Each of these molecules are
important for the structure
and function of the human
Learning Guide (Page 2)
 The first class of the large
molecules that will be
discussed are the
Carbohydrates can be
found in a wide variety of
foods. Carbohydrates, or
“carbs” as many people
call them, include small
sugar molecules found in
many soft drinks, fruits,
and vegetables. As well as
starch molecules found in
pasta or potato dishes.
Learning Guide (Page 3)
 The first type of
carbohydrate is called a
Monosaccharides are
simple sugars that include
glucose, galactose, and
fructose. Glucose is often
found in a variety of food
sources, galactose is found
in dairy products and
fructose is often found in
Learning Guide (Page 4)
 Monosaccharides are the
building blocks or monomers
for larger sugars.
 Monosaccharides are also the
simplest forms of sugars and
can be digested easily.
 Finally, monosaccharides are
an excellent source of energy.
They are made up of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen in a
1:2:1 ratio (see diagram to the
right) and contain 4 calories
of energy per gram.
Learning Guide (Page 5)
 From two monosaccharides the
cells can construct a disaccharide
or double sugar. The process of
creating a disaccharide is called
dehydration synthesis or a
condensation reaction.
 Dehydration synthesis occurs
when the cell removes a molecule
of water from two monosaccharides (see diagram to the
right). An example of a
disaccharide is Maltose, a
common double sugar found in
plants and used in the beer
making process.
Learning Guide (Page 6)
 Refer to pages 42 – 45 in your textbook.
 As stated earlier, dehydration synthesis is
responsible for the creation of these organic
molecules, however, hydrolysis is responsible for
the digestion or breakdown of these food
molecules. Notice how water molecules are either
removed or added to complete the bonding process.
 Observe figures 3.7 and 3.11
Learning Guide (Page 7)
 Other common
disaccharides include
Sucrose (table sugar) and
lactose (dairy sugar).
 All disaccharides have the
following formula
C12H22O11. Disaccharides
are also very good sources
of energy, but require to be
Learning Guide (Page 8)
 Complex carbohydrates,
those that contain many
sugar units forming a
long chain, are called
 Polysaccharides can be
found in many foods
such as potatoes and
corn. These foods are
rich in starch. Starch is a
storage polysaccharide
that cells break down in
order to obtain sugar.
Learning Guide (Page 9)
 Other forms of polysaccharides include Glycogen found in
muscle cells, Cellulose or fiber found in plant cell walls, and
chitin found in an insect’s exoskeleton.
 Note: Polysaccharides do not provide the quick boost of energy
that come from monosaccharides or disaccharides.
Muscle cells
Plant Cell
Insect Exoskeleton
Learning Guide (Page 10)
 The second class of molecules, used by cells, are
called lipids. Lipids are different than carbohydrates
because they do not mix with water. The Lipid
molecule contains a hydrophobic end (water fearing)
hydrocarbon end and a hydrophilic end (water loving)
carboxyl end/COOH.
 A perfect example of a lipid coming in contact with
water is an unshaken bottle of Italian salad dressing.
(Note:Where the oil and water come into contact with
one another is the hydrophilic end of the lipid
molecule.) The oil in the salad dressing, a type of a
lipid, separates from the vinegar, which is mostly
made up of water. Even when the salad dressing bottle
is shaken, the two substances will be forced to mix.
Yet, when the bottle is left alone, the oil (a lipid) and
vinegar (a watery substance) will begin to separate
once again.
Learning Guide (Page 11)
 Lipids are an important
source of stored energy,
keep you warm, provide
protection and even store
 Lipids also contain 9
calories of energy per gram
and your body’s second
source of energy.
 Lipids are also made of
carbon, hydrogen, and
 Lipids include fats, oils,
waxes, and steroid
Learning Guide (Page 12)
Saturated fats vs. Unsaturated fats:
• Saturated fats are found
in animals.
• Unsaturated fats are
found in plants.
• Solid at room
• Liquid at room
• Associated with heart
disease (unhealthy).
• Do not promote heart
disease (healthy).
Learning Guide (Page 13)
A special class of lipids are called phospholipids. Phospholipids are important to the
structure of cells because they make up the cell membrane’s of animal cells.
As a result of these phospholipids, the cell membrane becomes selectively permeable,
meaning that the cell can now regulate the passage of materials into and out of the
cell’s interior.
Cell (Plasma)
Membrane Structure
Learning Guide (Page 14)
 The third class of molecules
used by cells are called
proteins. Proteins are are
constructed from any
combination of 20 common
amino acids.
 Proteins are an important
structural and functional
component of the human
body. Proteins also yield 4
calories of energy per gram.
 The protein shape
determines its function.
The Four Common Types of
Proteins are:
Structural proteins
Contractile proteins
Storage proteins
Transport proteins
Learning Guide (Page 15)
 The diagram in the left is a perfect example of amino acids joining in
order to become proteins.
 The diagram in the right is an example of a primary structure of a
protein created by linking one amino acid to another.
 Note: In order for amino acids to be joined together to form a
protein, a peptide bond is required to hold the amino acids together.
Learning Guide (Page 16)
 A unique type of protein is
called an enzyme.
Enzymes are important in
all biological activities.
Enzymes also allows for
chemical reactions to occur
in the human body and
catalyze them.
 The diagram to the right is
an example of how
enzymes function.
 Enzymes work by lowering
the amount of activation
energy a reaction needs in
order to function.
Learning Guide (Page 17)
 The fourth and final class
of the large molecules used
by cells and the human
body are called nucleic
acids. Nucleic acids
provide the directions for
building proteins.
 The two types of nucleic
acids inside of the body are
DNA (deoxyribonucleic
acid) and RNA (ribonucleic
Learning Guide (Page 18)
 The structure of a DNA
molecule can be broken down
into three specific parts. The
first part, the nucleotide (a)
consists of three parts: a sugar, a
phosphate, and a nitrogenous
base. In these simplified
diagrams, the three parts of a
nucleotide are symbolized with
shapes and colors.
Learning Guide (Page 19)
 The second part of the DNA
molecule is the DNA strand
(b) is composed of
nucleotides linked into a
backbone, with appendages
consisting of the bases. A
strand has a particular
sequence of four bases
abbreviated A, G, C, and T.
Learning Guide (Page 20)
 The third part of the DNA
molecule is the Double helix
(c ). A double helix consists of
two DNA strands bonded
together by strand bases. These
bonds are hydrogen bonds and
are therefore individually weak.
However these bonds zip the
two strands together with a
strength to give the double helix
Learning Guide (Page 21)
 When doctors talk about
children inheriting certain
traits such as blue eyes, or red
hair, from their parents, the
genetic material that these
children receive from their
parents consists of DNA.
 The directions for these
proteins are actually a
chemical code that must be
translated from a “nucleic
acid” language to a “protein”
language. The cell’s RNA
molecules is in charge of this
Learning Guide (Page 22)
 The chemical code within the DNA
consists of four bases.
 Adenine (A).
 Guanine (G).
 Thymine (T).
 Cytosine (C ).
 Genes can be pass along to offspring
because inheritance is based on
DNA code which is double stranded.
In the core of the helix the bases
mentioned above bond to create this
double helix DNA molecule. In this
code A can pair only with T, and G
can only pair with C.
Conclusion Guide (Page 1)
Practice Assessment #1: Complete the following quiz on a piece of paper.
1.Most organic compounds contain carbon and are.
Not important to life.
Made by living organisms.
Not made by living organisms.
2.The distinguishing feature of a polar compound is its (yellow biology
textbook p. 32).
A. even distribution of electrical charge.
B. uneven distribution of electrical charge.
C. even temperature.
D. uneven temperature.
Conclusion Guide (Page 2)
Because the carbon atom has four electrons in its outer energy level
carbon. (yellow biology textbook p. 40).
A. Participates in a dehydration synthesis reaction.
B. Participates in hydrolysis.
C. Bonds easily to itself and to other elements.
D. Adheres to solid surfaces.
The main source from which plants and animals get their energy is the
A. glucose.
B. fructose.
C. galactose.
D. glycogen.
Conclusion Guide (Page 3)
5. Plants store glucose in a polysaccharide called
A. cellulose.
B. maltose.
C. lactose.
D. starch.
6. When two amino acids bond, (yellow biology textbook pp. 48-49, Figure
3-18 and 3-19).
A. the carboxyl group of one amino acid joins to the amine group of
the other in a condensation reaction.
B. the carboxyl group of one amino acid joins to the amino group of
the other during hydrolysis.
C. A dipeptide is formed through intermediary metabolism.
D. A polypeptide is formed through intermediary metabolism.
Conclusion Guide (Page 4)
7. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in the cell by
A. raising the activation energy.
B. lowering the activation energy.
C. releasing the products of the reaction.
D. emerging from the reaction unaltered.
8. Lipids are distinguished from other organic molecules because they.
A. contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a ratio of 1:2:1.
B. do not dissolve in water.
C. store energy.
D. form structural and functional compounds of universal importance in
Conclusion Guide (Page 5)
A nucleotide is composed of a phosphate group, a five-carbon
sugar, and a
A. substrate.
B. triglyceride.
C. nitrogen base.
D. macromolecule.
10. Compare and contrast a condensation reaction with hydrolysis.
11. Define disaccharide and give examples.
12. What factor determines the shape of a protein?
13. What are two nucleic acids and their functions?
Conclusion Guide (Page 6)
 Once you have completed the Practice
Assessment please see your teacher for the
final unit test.
After completing the test, move onto Unit #4.
Works Cited