Download Chapter 16: Renaissance and Reformation

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Introduction to the Renaissance & The Italian Renaissance notes
1. What does the term Renaissance mean?
2. What time period (dates) did the Renaissance occur?
3. Where did the Renaissance begin?
City-states of Italy
4. What city-state was the birthplace of the Renaissance?
Renaissance Art
Be able to identify the following artist and their works:
1. Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa. Proportions of the Human Figure, The Last Supper
2. Raphael
School of Athens
3. Giotto
Madonna and Child
4. Massacio
The Trinity
The Northern Renaissance
1. Name 3 ways Renaissance ideas spread.
War, Trade, Printing
2. Who was Johannes Gutenberg? What did his invention do?
Developed the printing press; books were created faster and
were less expensive; things were easier to copy & print
3. What is a chateaux?
French castle
4. Who was Francois Rabelais?
Wrote satires (comedies & parodies)
The Protestant Reformation
1. Who was Martin Luther?
German monk who started Protestant Reformation
2. What did Martin Luther criticize the sale of by Tetzel?
Define it.
Indulgences – certificates for pardons of sins
3. What document did he do this in?
95 Theses
4. Why did Charles V summon Martin Luther?
5. What is justification by faith?
A person could be made good by faith alone
6. Know the differences b/w what the Lutherans and the
Catholics believed.
What is predestination? Who began this idea?
salvation was determined a long time ago; John Calvin
What did the Anabaptists believe?
Believed Christians should not be baptized until
What was Italian government run by during the Renaissance?
Wealthy families
What was the main business of the Medici family?
What did Humanism focus on?
secular, or worldly themes
What did it also stress?
individualism and independent thinking, dignity and worth
David (in marble), Creation of Adam, Expulsión From the
Garden of Eden
David (in bronze)
How did northern European painters depict their works?
Used daily life and landscapes for a more realistic view
Why was the Renaissance slow to spread to England?
A series of bloody conflicts over rightful heir to the throne
Who was Thomas More?
Author of Utopia
Who was William Shakespeare?
English playwright
What faith did Henry VIII begin? (know both names given)
Anglicanism (Church of England)
Why did he break away from the Catholic Church?
He wanted to marry Anne Boleyn and try to have a male heir
Who were the Puritans?
Radical group that wanted to purify the Catholic Church
What did Pope Paul III lead?
Catholic, or Counter Reformation
What happened at the Council of Trent? (know all 4 bullets)
 defined Catholic beliefs and corrected abuses
 prohibited sale of indulgences
 simony outlawed
 monasteries and convents cleansed of immoral clergy
Who founded the Jesuits? What were they determined to do?
Ignatius of Loyola
What was the name of the church court that was strengthened
during the Catholic Reformation?
The Inquisition
How was Europe divided after the Catholic Reformation?
Catholic South and a Protestant North
The Scientific Revolution
Identify the following and their achievements:
1. Nicolaus Copernicus - Polish scholar who proposed a heliocentric, or sun-centered, model of the universe
2. Galileo Galilei - Italian scientist who assembled an astronomical telescope and was condemned by the Catholic Church
3. Rene Descartes - Frenchman whose famous quote was “I think, therefore I am.”
4. Isaac Newton - Englishman who discovered gravity
5. Andreas Vesalius - published On the Structure of the Human Body, the first accurate and detailed study of the human body