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Renaissance and Reformation Study Guide Identification Johann Gutenberg Flanders Predestination Leonardo da Vinci Florence sect Niccolò Machiavelli Theocracy John Calvin Martin Luther Ulrich Zwingli Anabaptists Sir Thomas More Council of Trent Renaissance Reformation Francesco Petrarch Jesuits Short Answer Name all of the Artists of the Renaissance that we discussed and list all of their most known works of art. What led to the English Reformation? What changes were made by the Catholic Church during their Reformation? How did Martin Luther react to the Peasant Revolt? How did indulgences change from the beginning of their use until Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses? Compare the beliefs of Martin Luther to those of John Calvin on the topics of indulgences and salvation. What were the three main cities involved in the formation of the Renaissance? Why were the three the ones that led to it? Who were the writers that we spoke of in class? What did they write and what were their writings about? What is the most important invention of the Renaissance and Reformation? What are the subjects of the humanities? Who is given credit for creating the first printing press with movable type? What area actually established movable type? Name the three countries associated with the area known as Flanders? Describe the English succession of the Tudors. How was Elizabeth finally able bring spiritual peace?