Download Review Sheet 9R Renaissance – Reformation – Catholic Reformation

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Review Sheet: Renaissance – Reformation – Catholic Reformation
Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper.
Due Date: Friday, May 1
1. Significant Italian city states
2. Explain the significance of the Medici family
3. Definitions
 Patrons, papacy, humanism, sfumato, chiaroscuro, vernacular, theocracy,
4. Why is Petrarch an important person in understanding the Renaissance?
5. Explain Castiglione’s Universal Man or Renaissance Man
6. Be sure to know the Southern Renaissance painters listed here:
 Michelangelo: David,
 Raphael
Creation of Adam in the
 Botticelli
Sistine chapel
 Giotto
 Da Vinci: anatomy of human
body, Mona Lisa
 And the Northern Renaissance painters
 Van Eyck
 Bruegal: vices and
 Durer: self-portrait
 Massys: Ugly old woman
What are the 95 Theses?
Explain the Peace of Augsburg
What are the main ideas of John Calvin?
What does Martin Luther believe?
How did Henry VIII reshape the Church in England?
How are these women related to Henry the VIII: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Mary I,
Elizabeth I
What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?
Inquisition: its goal and purpose
Who is Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuits, Teresa of Avila
What is a scapegoats, provide an example
What do Anglicans/Episcopalians believe?
1. What was the Renaissance and how was it different from the Middle Ages?
2. Who wrote The Prince. What is the central message of the book?
3. Describe 2 ways in which the printing press revolutionized Europe in the 16th c. – Gutenberg bible,
Luther 95 Thesis, Castiglione, The Prince
4. Why did many Christians call for Church reform? Include historical pieces of evidence to support
your answer.
5. How did the Reformation reflect humanist ideas?
6. Describe the steps in which the English became Protestant.