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Advertising Media
Visual Merchandising
Written Advertising
Publicity and Public Relations
Promotion is any form of
communication a business or
organization uses to inform,
pursuade or remind people about
its products and improve its public
Types of Promotion
Sale Promotion
Personal Selling
the nonpersonal presentation and promotion
of ideas, goods and services by an identified
•large numbers see the message
•cost per customer is usually low
•appropriate media can be easily chosen to reach target market
control of content and easily adapted to market
•integrated to media possible: TV, radio, print- a fixed message
presell products can influence people to make up their mind
before they shop
the nonpersonal presentation and promotion
of ideas, goods and services by an identified
•can not focus on individual needs (message the same for all)
•can be too costly
•can be wasteful and inefficient
•must be brief, often cannot achieve required depth
involves creating a demand for a business or
product by placing news about it in publications or
on radio and or TV
the way a business or organization is defined in the
public eye
Huge audience for news
Often free
Has the potential for negative image
Sales Promotion
is the use of marketing devices such as displays,
premiums and contest to stimulate purchases
visual forms of merchandising
Sales Promotion
Premiums-prizes, reward as an added
inducement to make a purchase
trading stamps
factory packs
contest, sweepstakes, rebates;
games and discounts offered by
– manufacturers
– product samples
Personal Selling
personal contact with the buyer in an oral
• Order taker
• Order getting
Most flexible and individualized promotion
Promotional Mix
a combination of different types of promotion
a business uses to get customers to buy its
More than one type of media
Must complement each other
Stimulate interest in varied forms
Must be coordinated : local vs. national or both
Insure smooth transitions between areas
Advertisement Development
• Advertising agencies
– Client services: forecast market needs, prepares
marketing plans
– Creative services: creates the advertisement and
produces the ads
– Research services: studies targeted populations
and their buying behaviors
– Media services: makes decisions on how
advertising budgets will be spent on mediums
Advertising Media
helps business by:
creating an interest in products
introducing new products
presenting product information
supporting personal selling efforts
creating new markets
bad products
unlikely to change the a customer who’s mind is
already made up
Media Types
• Print Media
Direct Mail
Directory Advertising
Transit Advertising
Broadcast Advertising
• Radio
+ reaches 96% of all population over
age 12
+ 15, 30 and 60 second segments
+ selective audience
+ flexible and mobile
– short life span
– competitive
– lack of visuals
Broadcast Advertising
• Television
+ Pulls together all medium
+ population inclined to believe what they see
+ personal and mass audience
+ flexible short life span
– cost prohibitive
– audience size not assured
– commercials considered a nuisance
Specialty Advertising
• Relatively inexpensive novelty items with an
advertisers name printed on them
memo pads
give away items
A name, design, or symbol that identifies the
products of a company or group of companies
Brand Name- Kleenex, Pepsi, Arby’s Miracle Whip
Brand Mark- Ford’s Blue Oval, US postal service Eagle
Trade character- human form: Pillsbury Doughboy
Slogans are often used:
• “Have a Coke and a smile”
• Dodge -“Ram Tough”
Selection of Media
• Does the medium reach the greatest number of
customers at the lowest cost?
• Does the medium provide opportunity to
illustrate the product?
• Does the medium provide an opportunity to
present an adequate selling message?
Selection of Media
• Does the medium present special problems?
• Is the medium flexible in terms of promotion?
• Does the medium meet the targeted
geographical area?
• Does the medium fit the image of the business
and offer enough prestige and distinction?
Parts of a Print Ad
Headline- lettering slogan or saying that gets
the readers attention, arouses interest and leads
them to read an ad
With Prices Like These, Who Needs a Headline?
After a day of Downhill Skiing, Getting a Fine
Meal Shouldn’t be an Uphill Battle.
Parts of a Print Ad
Copy- the selling message
Parts of a Print Ad
Illustration- the photograph or drawing of
the product
Attract attention
Create Interest
Arouse Desire
Parts of a Print Ad
Signature- logotype, business id,
trademark, phone number, etc...
Visual Merchandising
• The coordination of all physical elements in a
place of business so that it projects the right
image to its customers.
• Display- the visual and artistic aspects of
presenting a product to a targeted group of
Elements of Visual
• Storefront
– Marquee
• store sign or name
– Entrance
• varies with store design and placement
– Window Display
• promotional
• institutional
• public service
Elements of Visual
• Store layout - the way floor space is allocated.
selling space
merchandise space
customer space
store interior
• Interior displays
point of purchase
Elements of Visual
• Interior displays
one time item - single item display
line-of-goods - product line
related merchandise - items that can be used together
variety display - unrelated items
• Setting type
– realistic - depicts a room or area common to a
– semi-realistic - suggests a setting
– abstract - gaining in popularity
Artistic Elements
Line- most people read displays right to left
Color- can make or break a display
Shape- physical appearance of materials
Direction- guides a viewers eye over the
• Texture- surface quality
Artistic Elements
• Proportion- relationship between
• Balance- placement size elements
• Motion- attracts attention
• Lighting- attracts and highlights
items for display
Public Relations
• Public relations refers to any activity
designed to create goodwill towards a
– Employee relations
• job training
• newsletter
• open communication between management and
• promotion from within
Public Relations
– Customer relations
customer advisory board
consumer affairs specialist
– Community relations- activities that gain the
respect of the community members
• foster good relations
• civil and social activities
– Rotary Club, Junior Achievement
Marketing is Promotion
Promotion: any form of communication
used to inform, persuade, or remind
people about a business’s products and
improve its public image. This includes
advertising, publicity, sales promotion
and personal selling.