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Why we do what we do… Understanding individual ethical behaviour 22/05/2017 1 Our Journey • Framing…The elusive nature of an important behaviour. • Theory of the self • Ethical behaviour as a part of a decision making process • Individual vs. situational variables • Putting it all together 22/05/2017 2 Moral behaviour a mind map Context / situation •Weak vs. Strong Perspectives •Business as a jungle •Script •Stanford prison experiments Individual variables •Business as a game •Business as war •Moral identity Moral behaviour •Locus of control •Competitiveness Decision making process Awareness / Judgement /Intent / Behaviour Values & beliefs Self-regulatory processes •Nationality Moral reasoning •Organisational •Duties •Department •Consequences Culture •Emotions •Rationalization •Justice •Virtue 22/05/2017 3 What influences people’s behaviour? Personal variables )Moral) Behaviour Situational variables 22/05/2017 4 Decision Making process Recognize moral issue (awareness) Make moral judgement Establish moral intent Engage in moral behaviour An issue-contingent model of ethical decision making in organizations / Adapted from Jones 1991 22/05/2017 5 Self-regulation and rationalization Rationalization (Moral) Behavior Mood Positive/Negative Later behaviour Bandura 1999 22/05/2017 6 Rationalizations (Bandura 1999) • Moral justification (It would have hurt her more if I told the truth) • Euphemistic labelling (I am “flexible” with the truth) • Advantageous comparison (This little lie is better than people who steal from their boss) • Displacement of responsibility (He pushed me into a corner – I had to lie) • Diffusion of responsibility (We all decided together that this was the right thing to do) • Disregard or distortion of consequences (A little lie never hurt anybody) • Dehumanization (He’s a ‘worm’ he doesn’t deserve the truth) • Attribution of blame (He left me no choice, I had to lie) 22/05/2017 7 Putting it all together – an example Moral Disengagement Moral Identity Competitiveness Moral Behavior Affect Positive/Negative Support for negative behaviour 22/05/2017 8 Ethics: “It is the domain of obedience to the unenforceable. That obedience is the obedience of a man to that which he cannot be forced to obey. He is the forcer of the law upon himself” Lord Moulton 1924 (in Kidder 2003) 22/05/2017 9 Questions, anyone? 22/05/2017 10