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36.1 Feeding relationships
determine the path of energy
and chemicals in the
I. Energy Flow and Chemical
A. Energy enters an ecosystem as light.
B. Photosynthetic producers, like plants,
change light energy to chemical energy
(organic compounds).
C. Consumers obtain chemical energy by
feeding on producers or on other
D. Decomposers break down wastes and
dead organisms.
E. As living things use chemical energy,
they release heat/thermal energy.
F. Energy is not recycled within an
ecosystem, but flows through it and
out. (light energy into chemical energy
into heat energy)
G. Chemicals, such as C, O, & N, can be
recycled between living & nonliving
parts of ecosystems & the biosphere
II. Food Chains
A. A food chain is a pathway of food
transfer from one trophic level (feeding
level) to another (see Figure 36-2).
B. Producers make up the trophic level
that supports all others.
C. Consumers are the organisms in
trophic levels above producers.
D. Consumers can be categorized by
what they eat:
1. Herbivores eat only producers. (i.e.
cow eats grass)
2. Carnivores eat only other consumers.
(i.e. lion eats zebra)
3. Omnivores eat both consumers and
producers. (i.e. bear eats salmon &
E. Consumers can be categorized by position in
a food chain.
1. Primary consumers feed directly on
producers (i.e.grasshoppers eating plants)
2. Secondary consumers eat primary
consumers. (i.e. mice eating grasshoppers);
Tertiary eat secondary…
F. Decomposers feed on & break down detritus
(wastes & remains of dead organisms).
1. The main decomposers are bacteria and
fungi; they’re abundant in soil.
2. All ecosystems include decomposers even
though most food chains don’t show
III. Food Webs
A. Feeding relationships are usually
more complicated than shown in
simple food chains.
B. Ecosystems contain many different
species that have a variety of food
C. Food webs show the feeding
relationships between interconnected
& branching food chains
A Desert Food Web
36.2 Energy flows through
I. Productivity of Ecosystems
A. Available energy or energy budget is
limited in an ecosystem.
B. For most ecosystems, the amount of
sunlight that enters the ecosystem
determines the budget.
C. Earth’s producers make billions of
kilograms of organic material, or
biomass, each year.
D. The rate at which producers build
biomass is called primary productivity.
E. Primary productivity determines the
maximum amount of energy available
to all the higher trophic levels in an
F. Productivity is different for different
1. Tropical rainforests have the highest
productivity. Why? Their warm moist
climate supports year-round growing.
2. Productivity is low in typically dry & cold
3. Conditions are more moderate for
producers in grasslands
Rain Forest
G. Exception – organisms living in deep
dark ocean do not get their energy from
the sun; prokaryotic producers can
extract energy from sulfur compounds
released by hydrothermal vents to make
organic compounds.
II. Ecological Pyramids
A. Energy is “spent” at each step of the
food web.
B. As each consumer feeds, some energy
is transferred from the lower trophic
level to the higher trophic level.
C. An average of 10% of the available
energy at a trophic level is converted to
biomass in the next higher trophic level.
D. The rest of the energy (about 90%) is
lost as heat.
E. The amount of energy available to top-level
consumers is tiny compared to that
available to primary consumers.
F. It takes a lot of vegetation to support higher
trophic levels.
G. Most food chains are limited to three or four
levels because there is not enough energy
at the top of the energy pyramid to support
another trophic level.
H. Ecological pyramids are diagrams used to
depict information about energy, biomass,
and numbers of organisms at different
trophic levels.
An Energy Pyramid
36.3 Chemicals cycle in
I. The Basic Pattern of
Chemical Cycling
A. Chemical cycles usually involve three general
1. Producers incorporate chemicals from the
nonliving environment into organic molecules.
2. Consumers feed on the producers and
use some of the chemicals from the producers
for their own life processes and release some
back into the environment as waste.
3. Organisms die & decomposers break
them down, supplying soil, water, & air
with chemicals in inorganic form. The
producers gain a renewed supply of raw
materials for building organic matter &
the cycles continue.
B. Part of each chemical’s cycle
involves nonliving processes like rain
and fires.
II. The Carbon and Oxygen
• All living things are made up of chemicals that include
carbon. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins contain
• Carbon is also found in the nonliving parts of the
environment. Ex: Carbon dioxide and oxygen are found
in the air and in bodies of water. Carbon is found in fossil
fuels, such as coal and oil.
• Plants and other organisms that undergo photosynthesis
take in carbon dioxide and use it to make
• food. Animals take in carbon containing chemicals when
they eat plants or other animals.
Carbon-Oxygen Cycle
• During photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide
and release oxygen through their leaves and
other plant parts. Animals use oxygen and
release carbon dioxide when they exhale.
E. Decomposers break down detritus and
release CO2 gas.
F. Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) &
wood releases CO2 gas into the atmosphere.
G. Volcanic eruptions add CO2 gas to
Carbon-Oxygen Cycle
III. The Nitrogen Cycle
A.Nitrogen is a gas that makes up about 78% of
the air.
B.Many chemicals important to living things,
such as proteins and DNA, contain nitrogen.
However, the nitrogen in the air is not in a
form that organisms can use.
Certain bacteria are able to change
nitrogen gas into a chemical, called ammonia,
that plants can use. These bacteria live in the
soil and in the roots of some plants.
Nitrogen Cycle
The process by which the bacteria change
nitrogen gas into ammonia is called nitrogen
E.During this process, certain bacteria change the
ammonia into chemicals called nitrates. Plants
use both ammonia and nitrates to make proteins
and other chemicals they need.
F.Not all nitrates are used by plants, bacteria
change some of the nitrates back into nitrogen
gas, allowing the nitrogen cycle to continue.
Nitrogen Cycle
• G. Animals get the nitrogen they need by
feeding on plants or on animals that eat
• H. When organisms die, decomposers
change the nitrogen containing chemicals
in the organisms into ammonia. The
ammonia may then be used by plants or
may be changed into nitrates by bacteria.
Nitrogen Cycle
IV. Water Cycle
A.The water cycle shows how water cycles between
the living and the nonliving parts of an ecosystem.
B.The most noticeable water in ecosystems is the
water found in lakes, rivers and oceans. In
addition, groundwater exists beneath the surface
of the land.
So, what happens when a puddle of water
dries up? As the puddle dries, the liquid water
changes into a gas, or evaporates.
This gaseous water is called water vapor.
Water from oceans, lakes and rivers evaporates
and becomes part of the air. Water vapor comes
from other places, too.
Water Cycle
• E. Organisms produce water when they get
energy from food during cellular respiration.
Plants release water vapor through their leaves
(transpiration). Animals release water vapor with
their breath and with their wastes.
• F. Water vapor is always in the air, but you
cannot see it. You can see this on a glass with ice
in it. Water vapor from the air condenses
(changes into a liquid) on the outside of the glass.
Water Cycle
• G. Water vapor in the air may cool and
condense into water droplets in a cloud.
When enough water gathers in a cloud, rain
or snow may fall. That water is used by
organisms for various life processes. Ex:
Plants take in water from the soil through their
roots. Animals drink water from ponds or
streams or get water from the food they eat.
Water Cycle
36.4 Human activities can
alter ecosystems
I. Human Activities Impact
Carbon Cycle
A. Deforestation – clearing forests for
agriculture, lumber, etc., affects carbon cycle
by eliminating the plants that remove CO2
from atmosphere.
- burning the trees would increase CO2 and
accounts for about 20% of CO2 added to
atmosphere by human activity.
B. Burning fossil fuels increases CO2 levels &
accounts for about 80% of CO2 added to
atmosphere by human activity.
Impact the Carbon cycle
C. Adding CO2 increases greenhouse effect (a
natural process)
1.CO2 & water vapor are some heat
absorbing gases.
2. These greenhouse gases let sunlight
through but then trap heat radiated from
Earth’s surface.
3. increasing them could possibly lead to
global warming (see Fig. 36-14
Impact the Carbon cycle
D. Global warming is an increased average
temperature worldwide
E. Possible effects of global warming (even by
just a few degrees):
1. melting of glaciers & polar ice caps.
2. rise in sea level & flooding low-lying
coastal areas.
3. changes in weather patterns (precipitation).
4. boundaries between biomes might shift
and affect species.
Carbon dioxide
II. Human Activities Impact
Nitrogen Cycle
A. Some sewage treatment plants release
dissolved nitrogen compounds into streams &
B. Fertilizers can run off into streams & ponds.
C. High levels of nitrogen (and phosphates) in
the water can cause eutrophication – rapid
growth of algae (algal bloom), which later die.
Bacteria decompose algae and use up so
much of the oxygen that the body of water
can no longer support other organisms.
Impact Nitrogen Cycle
D. Burning fossil fuels releases nitrogen and
sulfur compounds into air. These compounds
combine with water in the air and form nitric
and sulfuric acid. Precipitation with these
acids is called acid rain.
1. Compounds in the atmosphere can travel
great distances. Compounds produces in the
Midwest of the U.S. create acid rain problems
in Eastern Canada
2. Clean Air Act has lessened problem in U.S.
by reducing levels of sulfur emissions.
III. Human Activities Impact
Water Cycle
A. Deforestation of tropical rainforests greatly
reduces amount of water vapor added to
atmosphere by transpiration.
- this can affect precipitation patterns which
affects ecosystems.
B. Drawing water from rivers and underground
aquifers faster than it’s replaced could cause
the aquifers to run dry.
IV. Other Effects of Pollution
A. Biological Magnification – the process by
which pollutants become more concentrated
in successive trophic levels of a food web
- example: PCBs from industrial wastes were
detected in tissues of organisms from the
Great Lakes. PCB levels
increased from 0.025 parts per million
(ppm) in phytoplankton to 124 ppm in herring
gull eggs.
- example: DDT caused shells of eagle eggs
to break easily. DDT use has been banned in
the U.S. and population of eagles has
Effects of Pollution
B. The Ozone Shield, which absorbs harmful
ultraviolet radiation, has been thinning since the
1970’s. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) released
from aerosol cans, refrigeration units, etc.,
destroy ozone (O3) molecules (see Fig. 36-18)
1. Increased exposure to UV radiation can cause:
- increased rates of skin cancer & cataracts.
- crop yields lessened & other producers harmed.
2. CFCs have been banned in many countries.
36.5 Conservation biology can
slow the loss of biodiversity
I. Why Diversity Matters
A. Many of the species in an ecosystem are
-Ex. if one species disappears, other species &
the health of the whole ecosystem may be
B. People value biodiversity (variety of life on Earth)
1. organisms & ecosystems are sources of
beauty & inspiration.
2. organisms are sources of oxygen, food,
clothing, & shelter.
3. 25% of all medicines contain substances that
come from plants.
C. It’s important to conserve biodiversity for future
uses & needs.
II. Threats to Biodiversity
A. Throughout Earth’s history species have
become extinct – the last member of the
population died and the species no longer
exists on Earth.
B. Periods of mass extinction occurred as a
result of dramatic climate changes from
volcanic eruptions & asteroid impacts.
(ex.Dinosaur extinction at end of Cretaceous
Threats to diversity
C. Currently a mass extinction is taking
place on Earth. It’s scale is uncertain
because the 1.5 million known species
are only a fraction of the total on Earth.
There are signs that species are
disappearing at a dramatic rate (page
Threats to diversity
D. What threatens biodiversity?
1. Pollution
2. Habitat Destruction – as human population
grows, more land is cleared for agriculture,
roads, and communities.
3. Introduced (non-native) Species often prey
on native species & compete with them for
4. Overexploitation – the practice of harvesting
or hunting to such a degree that the small
number of remaining individuals may not be
able to sustain a population.
III. Conservation Biology
A. Focusing on Biodiversity Hot Spots, small
geographic areas with high concentrations
of species (see Fig. 36-23)
1. Many tend to be hot spots for extinction.
2. Global efforts are being taken to preserve some
hot spot areas.
B. Understanding an Organism’s Habitat – to
manage existing habitat or to create a new
one for a species
Conservation biology
C. Balancing Demands for Resources – efforts
to save species often conflict with the
economic & social needs of people.
D. Planning for a Sustainable Future
1. Nations establish zoned reserves – areas
of land that are relatively undisturbed by
humans, surrounded by buffer zones which
are minimally impacted by humans.
2. Sustainable development – developing
natural resources so that they can renew
themselves & be available for the future. (ex.
Selectively harvesting timber)