Download Food Webs Within Ecosystems

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Food Webs Within Ecosystems
Marine, Freshwater, and Terrestrial
• A community of organisms interacting with
one another and their environment
• Includes all Biotic and Abiotic factors
– Biotic Factors – All living things
• Plants and animals
– Abiotic Factors – All nonliving things
• Water, light, air and land
Marine Ecosystems
Freshwater Ecosystems
Lakes, ponds, rivers, streams
Terrestrial Ecosystems - Land
Forests, Deserts, Grasslands, Mountains
Place where an organism lives
Group of individuals of the same species that
live in a certain area
• A group of similar organisms that can breed
and reproduce offspring.
All the populations that live and interact with
each other in an area
The role of an organism within it’s community
Coral, plankton, fish
Food Chain
Shows how the energy in food is passed from
organism to organism in an ecosystem
Food Web
Combination of all overlapping interconnected
food chains in an ecosystem.
Organisms that get energy from the Sun
through photosynthesis - Plants
Animals - Organisms that eat other organisms
to obtain food for energy
3 Types of Consumers
• Herbivores – Animals that only eat plants
• Omnivores – Animals that eat plants and other
• Carnivores – Animals that only eat other animals
Predator/Prey Relationships
• Predator – Organism that hunts, kills and eats
another organism
• Prey – Organism that is hunted, killed and
Parasite/Host Relationships
• Parasite – organism that feeds off other living
– Fleas, Ticks, Worms, Lice, etc.
• Host – organism that is being feed on by a
Organisms that get their energy by breaking
down dead organisms and other organic matter
Video Quiz
1. What is the study of organisms and their
2. What is a community of organisms interacting
with each other and the environment?
3. What are the living things called in an
4. What are the non-living things called in an
5. What is a particular place in which an organism
6.What is the unique role an organism plays in
its habitat?
7.What type of organisms gets energy from the
Sun through photosynthesis?
8.What type of organism gets energy by eating
other living things?
9. What type of organism gets energy by breaking
down dead organisms or other organic matter?
10.What are the 3 types of consumers?