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a) Northward
b) Southward
c) Upward
d) Downward
e) Eastward
A positively-charged particle moves
horizontally in a uniform downwarddirected magnetic field as depicted
at right. What is the direction of the
force exerted on the particle by the
magnetic field at the instant in
f) Westward
g) Clockwise as viewed from
h) Counterclockwise as viewed
from above.
i) There is no force.
A positively-charged particle moves
horizontally in a uniform downwarddirected magnetic field as depicted
above. The particle remains in the
magnetic field for the entire time
period under consideration here. No
force but that of the magnetic field
acts on the particle. As time goes by:
a) The speed of the particle increases.
b) The speed of the particle decreases.
c) The speed of the particle stays the same.
a) The velocity of the particle changes.
b) The velocity of the particle stays the
A positively-charged particle moves
horizontally in a uniform downwarddirected magnetic field as depicted
above. The particle remains in the
magnetic field for the entire time
period under consideration here. No
force but that of the magnetic field
acts on the particle. As time goes by:
a) increases.
b) decreases.
c) stays the same.
A positively-charged particle moves
horizontally in a uniform downwarddirected magnetic field as depicted at
right. The particle remains in the
magnetic field for the entire time
period under consideration here. No
force but that of the magnetic field
acts on the particle. As time goes by,
the kinetic energy of the particle…
What can one say about the work being done on a
charged particle (with no magnetic dipole moment) by
a magnetic field when that charged particle is moving
in the magnetic field?
a) It is always zero.
b) It is zero if the velocity of the particle is
collinear with the magnetic field vector at the
location of the particle and non-zero otherwise.
c) The work done is always greater than zero.
d) The work done is always less than zero
e) It is zero if the magnetic field is uniform, but, it
can be zero or non-zero if the field is nonuniform.
a) A circle.
b) A parabola.
c) A hyperbola.
d) A straight line.
e) A sinusoidal path.
A positively-charged particle
moves horizontally in a uniform
downward-directed magnetic
field as depicted at right. The
particle remains in the magnetic
field for the entire time period
under consideration here. No
force but that of the magnetic
field acts on the particle. On
what kind of path does the
particle move as time elapses.
A positively charged particle is moving
northward in a downward-directed magnetic
field. What is the direction of the force exerted
on the particle by the magnetic field?
a) Northward
b) Southward
c) Eastward
d) Westward
e) Upward
f) Downward
g) There is no force.
A negatively-charged particle is moving
upward in an eastward-directed magnetic field.
What is the direction of the force exerted on
the particle by the magnetic field?
a) Northward
b) Southward
c) Eastward
d) Westward
e) Upward
f) Downward
g) There is no
A negatively-charged particle is moving
northeastward in an upward-directed magnetic
field. What is the direction of the force exerted
on the particle by the magnetic field?
a) Northward
b) Southward
c) Eastward
d) Westward
e) Upward
f) Downward
g) There is no