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Persian Wars
Where was Persia?
Greeks fed up
Persia wants to expand.
Miletus Rebels – with help of Athens
Persia Attacks Athens.
– Marathon
– Thermopylae
– Salamis Bay
• What made the Greeks so successful?
Mighty Empire of Persia (Iran) controls much of the
Middle East and the Mediterranean.
Causes of the wars
• Underlying causes
– Persia was a threat to other city-states
because they were wanting to expand.
– Greeks loved independence, this sparked a
desire for freedom from a large empire.
– The Persians wanted revenge.
• Immediate causes
– The Persians made advancements on Athens
at Marathon as revenge.
Who was Persia?
• They were the largest empire of all near east
empires. Present day Iran.
• Led by Cyrus the Great
• It was a military state.
– What is that?
• Greatest military power in the world at the time.
• They were a threat to Greek city-states because
the city-states were small scattered units
weakened by fighting among each other. (Were
not prepared to fight a strong empire.)
Mighty Empire of Persia (Iran) controls much of the
Middle East and the Mediterranean. Can you find
Where to go next….?
Ionian Revolt
• When Greece colonized, they set up several city-states
along the coast of Asia Minor. Several people moved to
• There had not been any interference with them until 6th
Century BC.
• In 546 BC Cyrus invaded the area and now the Greek
city-states in Asia Minor were under Persian control.
– These city-states became important ports for the
Persian Navy.
• Even though the Greek city-states prospered because of
this they did not like being dependant on a foreign
• In 499 BC Greek colonies, led by Miletus, and city-states
on Asia Minor revolt against Persia. Tired of paying
tribute to Persia.
Persian Wars
Persian leader, Darius, sends huge Persian naval fleet
of 600 vessels to attack and destroy Athens….
•Persian navy hit by huge storm…..loses over ½ fleet!?!
•Darius You Greeks are lucky, we’ll get you!
•Athens Sea Gods are on our side!'71.jpg
• Colonies on Asia Minor asked Greece for help in
fighting Persia.
• Athens only polis (city state) to respond by
sending their navy. Destroys Persian fleet.
Sparta refused to help.
• Persia eventually defeated the attack after 5
years, but never forgot the challenge to their
• Cyrus died (not known how) and his son Darius I
took over. Wanted revenge on Athens.
Cyrus the Great’s Tomb
• Athens finds silver mines and builds a
great navy of triremes.
• City-states pay Athens for protection.
• Persia severely ticked off now. (They want
An ancient Greek or Roman galley or warship, having three
tiers of oars on each side.
Trireme Trireme Bays
The War is Near
• Darius planned for 9 years on how he would
attack mainland Greece.
• He started by taking over Thrace, Macedon and
northern Greece.
• Darius sent messengers throughout Greece to
warn of a Persian attack, but the threats were
ignored. City-states did not prepare.
• Athens and Sparta agree to help the other if
• 490 BC Persians cross the Aegean Sea and
land on Greek soil with a fleet of 600.
Persian Wars
Persians attack at the Plains of Marathon, near Athens
Persian Wars
Plains of Marathon
Persian Wars
• Athenians see the huge amount of ships
and panic.
• Send Pheidippides from the plains of
Marathon to Sparta (125kms) for help.
• “We’ll come when we’re
done partying.”
• Returns and drops dead.
Heavily outnumbered
No cavalry
No archers
No allied support for many days….
What to do…?
• They were protecting their own turf.
• They had a great general named
• They had used “phalanx”.