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World History and Geography Classical Greece Name_________________ Hour ____ Chapter 5 Key terms to define/explain: Mycenaeans Trojan War Polis Acropolis Oligarchy Helots Phalanx Persian Wars Peloponnesian War Questions: give a specific answer with supporting details for each item. What aspects of culture did the Mycenaeans adopt from the Minoans? How did the physical geography of Greece cause Greek-speaking peoples to develop separate, isolated communities? List at least three contributions that Solon and Cleisthenes make to the development of Athenian democracy? How did Athens benefit from victory in the Persian Wars? What steps did Pericles take to strengthen democracy in Athens? List at least five of the contributions of the Greeks to art, drama, literature and architecture that endure to today. Why did Alexander the Great continue on to conquer more than Persia? If he had lived, would he have been as successful in ruling his empire as he was in building it? Explain. What four influences blended to form Hellenistic culture? Using Critical Thinking Why were the Spartan soldiers willing to sacrifice themselves at Thermopylae? Why do you think some Athenians found the ideas of Socrates so disturbing? ARE THERE ABSOLUTE STANDARDS FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE? Explain your reasoning thoroughly. Should he have been condemned to death? Why or why not? What qualification or characteristics are necessary for a leader to build an empire? Why?