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Earth and Space Science
Earth and Space Science
The Sun
Grab Bag
Planets $100
What is the first
planet from the sun?
Planets $100
Planets $200
What are the inner
planets in order
from the sun?
Planets $200
Mercury, Venus,
Earth, and Mars
Planets $300
What are the outer
planets in order
from the sun?
Planets $300
Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto.
Planets $400
How is Pluto
classified? Why?
Planets $400
Pluto is classified as a
dwarf planet
because it is so
Planets for $500
Why does a year on
Jupiter last longer
than a year on the
Planets for $500
Jupiter is farther
from the sun.
The Sun for $100
What is the star at
the center of our
solar system called?
The Sun for $100
The sun
The Sun for $200
What force keeps the
planets in orbit
around the sun?
The Sun for $200
The Sun for $300
What gases make up
the sun?
The Sun for $300
It is mostly composed
of hydrogen and
The Sun for $400
What are sunspots?
The Sun for $400
These are the dark
areas that are cooler
than the rest of the
sun’s surface.
The Sun for $500
Where does the
process of nuclear
fusion take place on
the sun?
The Sun for $500
Nuclear fusion takes
place in the sun’s
The Moon for $100
What are the different
shapes the moon has
in the sky called?
The Moon for $100
The Moon for $200
Why would an object
weigh more on the
Earth than on the
The Moon for $200
The moon has less
gravity than the
The Moon for$300
What phase is the
moon in when you
can barely see it?
The Moon for $300
It is the new moon.
The Moon for $400
How long does it take
the moon to revolve
around the Earth?
The Moon for $400
About 28 days.
The Moon for $500
Why do we only see
one side of the moon
from the Earth?
The Moon for $500
We only see one side of
the moon because its
revolution and its
rotation take exactly
the same amount of
Weather for $100
What is the layer of
the air that
surrounds the earth?
Weather for $100
The layer of air that
surrounds the Earth
is called the
Weather for $200
What is weather?
Weather for $200
Weather is the condition
of the atmosphere
outside at any given
Weather for $300
What is the boundary
line between two
moving air masses
Weather for $300
A front?
Weather for $400
What are the four
forms of
Weather for $400
Rain, snow, sleet, and
Weather for $500
What causes wind to
form on the Earth’s
Weather for $500
Wind is caused by the
uneven heating of
the Earth’s surface
by the sun.
Water for $100
What is the water
Water for $100
The change of water
from one state to
another as it moves
between Earth’s
surface and the
Water for $200
What is evaporation?
Water for $200
This happens when a
liquid changes to a
Water for $300
What is precipitation?
Water for $300
This is any form
of water that falls
from the clouds.
Water for $400
How does the sun
affect the water
Water for $400
It heats the water
and causes it to
Water for $500
What is the process
by which water
vapor becomes
cloud droplets?
Water for $500
Grab Bag for $100
What is a rotation?
Grab Bag for $100
This is the spinning of
the earth an its axis.
Grab Bag for $200
What is the path that
a planet or moon
takes as it moves
around another
object called?
Grab Bag for $200
A revolution (or
Grab Bag for $300
What is the lunar
Grab Bag for $300
The changing phases
of the moon as it
revolves around the
Grab Bag for $400
What is refraction?
Grab Bag for $400
The bending of light
as it moves from one
material into
Grab Bag for $500
What is a warm
Grab Bag for $500
The boundary line
formed when a
warm air mass
catches up to a cold
air mass.