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The Renaissance and Humanism
Europe, 1100s-1300s
What was the Renaissance?
• A time of creativity and change.
• Renaissance means “rebirth”
• Rebirth of art, literature, and science
after the Middle Ages.
Before the Renaissance…
It was the Middle Ages
Most people lived on manors under feudalism
Most people were serfs
Most people could not read or write
Before the Renaissance…
• There was no money economy
• Art revolved around the church
Causes of the Renaissance
• Crusades caused an increase in trade
• Money gained importance
Causes of the Renaissance
• Bubonic Plague caused a decline in the
• Labor became scarce.
• Serfs could demand more rights, including the
right to be paid for their labor.
• Serfs could also leave the manor in search of
better opportunities.
• Many moved to cities in search of a better life.
Causes of the Renaissance
• Commercial Revolution created a money
Causes of the Renaissance
• Merchants became wealthy and had extra
money to spend
• Much of the extra money was spent on art
Where did it begin?
• The Renaissance began in Italy.
Why did it begin in Italy?
• Italian city-states were centers of trade
• Merchants in these cities were wealthy
• They had extra money to spend on the arts
New Ways of Thinking
• During the Middle Ages, art and literature
focused on religious themes and life after
New Ways of Thinking
• During the
Renaissance, thinkers
began to focus on life
in the present.
• Renaissance thinkers
developed a new way
of thinking called
What word do you see in “humanism”?
This should help you remember what it means.
• a new way of thinking that humans could achieve
things on their own without God.
• The idea that humans are powerful and that their
achievements should be celebrated.
• This often comes up in the multiple choice
section of the regents exam!
Artistic Achievements
• Art was supported by
wealthy merchants
• Artists rejected medieval
art and returned to Greek
and Roman styles
• Art reflected humanist
– Realistic
– Painted every day
people and events
Famous Artists
• Michelangelo: painted
the Sistine Chapel
• Leonardo da Vinci:
Mona Lisa, sketches of
Literary Achievements
• During the Middle Ages, books were written in
Latin and few could read them.
• During the Renaissance, books were written in
everyday language (English, Spanish, French)
so more people could read.
• This reflected humanism
• Everyday language=vernacular
Famous Writers
Shakespeare: Wrote about
the joys and sorrows of
human life.
• Wrote about the best
way for leaders to rule
• Believed it was better to
be feared than loved
• Believed the ends
justify the means
Summary of the Renaissance
Period in Europe after the Middle Ages
A *rebirth* of learning, art, and science
Rise of humanism
Many famous artists and writers reflected
humanism in their work