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Lecture 4
The Early Renaissance
(1500 AD)
Late Renaissance (1600 AD)
Baroque (1700 AD)
Sejarah Senibina Barat
BAEA 2115
Naziaty Mohd Yaacob
Renaissance 15th Century
Florence is an Italian
city that became
famous as the
birthplace of the
Such great artists as
Leonardo da Vinci, Fra
Angelico, Giotto, and
Michelangelo produced
many of Florence's
magnificent paintings
and sculptures. Great
writers who lived in the
city included Giovanni
Boccaccio, Dante, and
From World Book © 2001 World Book, Inc., 233 N. Michigan Avenue,
Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601. All rights reserved. World Book map;
map data ©, Inc.
Leonardo's scientific
drawings include his famous
study of human proportions
called Vitruvian man that fits
into the perfect shapes of the
square and circle. .
Like other artists, Leonardo
was interested in the
proportions of the human
body. According to Vitruvius,
the Roman architect, the
parts of the body are related
to one another in ratios of
whole numbers, and these
ratios should be used in the
design of architecture.
Because of his inquiring
mind, Leonardo has become
a symbol of the Renaissance
spirit of learning and
intellectual curiosity.
From World Book © 2001 World Book, Inc., 233
N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL
60601. All rights reserved. Pen and ink (about
1492); Accademia, Venice, Italy (SCALA/Art
Renaissance Italy
Renaissance Italy
consisted of about 250
states, most of which
were ruled by a city. The
Renaissance began
during the 1300's in the
city-states of northern
Italy. Early centers of the
Renaissance included the
cities of Florence, Milan,
and Venice.
World Book map
From World Book © 2001 World Book, Inc., 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite
2000, Chicago, IL 60601. All rights reserved. World Book map
From World Book © 2001 World Book, Inc., 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite
2000, Chicago, IL 60601. All rights reserved. © Loyola University
Chicago: R. V. Schoder, SJ, photographer
The architect
Filippo Brunelleschi
and the political
analyst Niccolo
Machiavelli were
born in Florence,
and the
astronomer Galileo
did some of his
work there.
Brunelleschi was
the first
architect to revive
the ancient Roman
style of
architecture. He
arches, columns,
and other elements
of classical
architecture into his
Brunelleschi's design
contained two shells for the
dome, an inner shell made of a
lightweight material, and an
outer shell of heavier windresistant materials, so that
during construction because
workers could sit atop the inner
shell to build the outer shell of
the dome.
To support the dome
Brunelleschi devised an ingenius
ring and rib support from
oak timbers. The rings hug
both shells of the dome, and
the supports run through them.
Brunelleschi’s Designs
Pazzi Chapel, Florence
Vaults and domes
S Lorenzo, Florence
(for Medici Family)
Vaults and domes
Basilican plan
Added sacristy
Roman ideas followed
Alberti –
The Church of Sant'
Andrea in Mantua,
Italy, was designed by
Leon Battista Alberti
in the mid-1400's. The
front resembles a
Roman temple with
an arch.
(c) Gian Berto Vanni, Art Resource
From World Book © 2001 World Book, Inc.,
233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago,
IL 60601. All rights reserved. SCALA/EPA
Santa Maria Novella in
Florence, Italy, is a
leading example of Italian
architecture. The church's
facade was designed by
Leon Battista Alberti in
the mid-1400's. (c) Gian Berto
Vanni, Art Resource
From World Book © 2001 World Book, Inc., 233 N.
Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601. All
rights reserved. © Gian Berto Vanni, Art Resource
High Renaissance,
Late Renaissance & Mannerism
16th Century
High Renaissance
15th Century Palace in Florence with symmetrical plan,
interesting cornice and courtyard (1489)
Bramante added a
‘tribune’ (domed
crossing and choir)
to Solari’s Gothic
structure (1463).
Intended as a
Mausoleum for the
Sforza dukes.
Domed concealed
by Conical roof.
St. Peter’s Rome
1506 – 1626
Interior of St Peter’s Rome from an 18th Century painting
St Peter’s Rome
From World Book © 2001 World Book, Inc., 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000,
Chicago, IL 60601. All rights reserved. SCALA/EPA
The Palazzo Vidoni
Caffarelli in Rome
(1515) By Raphael.
Heavily rusticated ground
storey, below a ‘piano
nobile’ with windows set
between paired columns.
High renaissance
Contrast Raphael’s High
Renaissance building with
Alberti’s (Early Renaissance)
Plazzo Rucellai in Florence
Palazzo Farnese, last
of the High
Renaissance, where
five years later
Palazzo Massimi
became an example of
Mannerist architecture.
Biblioteca Laurenziana,
Florence (1524-57) by
Mannerist traits using
Illogicality, like the
coupled columns on
brackets. Also give
contrast to the long
perspective of the
library itself.
Medici Chapel in S. Lorenzo, Florence (begun 1521) by
Michelangelo as a marriage of sculpture and architecture
Plan of the Capitol, Rome, laid out by Michelangelo (15381612). Sense of enclosure (left)
Palazzo del Senatore (1573-1612) largely designed by
Michelangelo. With raised basement storey giving prominence.
Giant order of pilasters.
Statue of Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor, on the concourse.
Use of rustification to create
monumental strength with
playful details
String course becomes
Using stucco like stone effect
Villa Rotonda
(1550) By
Absolute symmetry;
Clear on plan
Palladio’s Palazzo Chiericati in Vicenza (1550)
Baroque Architecture
17th Century
Planning the City
From World Book © 2001 World Book, Inc., 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60601.
All rights reserved. World Book map; map data ©, Inc.
Piazza at
St Peter’s
Square by
At the
Bernini’s Scala
Regia in the
Vatican (1663-6)
is made to seem
longer by
reducing the
height and width
as it ascends.
Bernini’s S. Andrea al Quirinale, Rome (1658-78)
Borromini’s façade
of S. Carlo alle Quattro
Fontane in Rome
Classic elements, with
concave plane set
against convex.
Borromini’s S. Carlo alle
Quattro Fontane, Rome
S. Ivo della Sapienza, Rome (1642-60). Borromini using plan
based on a six point star with a fantastic dome developed
The façade of Sta Maria
Della Pace, Rome (1656-7)
by Cortona making the
upper level curve contrast
with semi circular porch
below creating tension.
Dome of the
Chapel of the
Santissima Sindone,
Turin Cathedral
Guarini combined
Gothic and
Architecture and
produce a unique
dome built
up by segmented
arches on one another.
Each pierced emitting
Palazzo Carignano, Turin (begun 1678). Guarini gives
interest to façade by alternating concave and convex
sections, derive from Bernini. Texture and ornament
almost Arabic in character.
At S. Agnese, in Rome
(begun) 1652), Borromini
created the towers to be
independent of the plan and
created a town planning
(urban) interest.
Producing each towers as a
Sculptural entity.
Renaissance outside of Italy
Versailles Palace in France (by Le Vau from
Queen’s House in Greenwich in England
(by Inigo Jones from 1616-35)
St. Paul’s Cathedral(by Christopher Wren
from 1675 – 1710)
The Queen’s House in Greenwich, England by
Inigo Jones (1616 – 35)
St. Paul’s
Cathedral by
Christopher Wren
Chatsworth House, Derbyshire for the Duke of Devonshire,
By William Talman (from 1686)
Bleinheim Palace, Oxfordshire by Vanbrugh and Hawksmoor,
English Baroque Architecture fine example (1705-24)
Blenheim Palace
Great court flanked
by stable and
kitchen courts;
Main axis
Curving quadrants
The End
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