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Nutrition and Your Health
Nutritional Fundamentals
Standards: HE3 nutrition
Two Major Types of Nutrients
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Micronutrients
– Vitamins
– Minerals
– Phytochemicals
• Macronutrients
– Fats
– Proteins
– Complex carbohydrates
Use of Micronutrients
Standards: HE3 nutrition
Vitamin B12—for the nervous system.
made by bacteria from the soil.
when the bovine grazes, it picks up this
bacteria from the soil and once in the body,
the bacteria makes vitamin B 12.
Humans clean their foods and remove the
beneficial bacteria as well as a host of other
not so beneficial organisms.
Use of Micronutrients
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Vitamin D
• Generated when sun shines on skin
– Uses are:
• Immune system and bones
Rheumatoid arthritis
Use of Micronutrients
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Minerals
• Because these are found in such small
amounts they are often referred to as trace
Use of Micronutrients
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Phytochemicals
– Found in colorful fruits and vegetables
– Use
• Fights off cancer
• Helps to eliminate free radicals
– Charged molecules
– Trying to gain or loose an electron
– Attacks your cells and damages the DNA
• Found in cooking oils and normal cellular
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Protein
– Myths about this nutrient
• Animal protein in complete and thus is quality, better(myth)
• You need a lot of this in your diet(myth)
• If you lift weights you must make sure you get a lot of this and
you need to take protein supplements and shakes(myth)
• Because the amino acids of animal protein more closely
resembles human it is better(myth)
• It causes you to reach your maximum growth faster so it is
• Plant protein is incomplete, thus not as good(myth)
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Protein is a needed macronutrient
– It need not come from animals
– Plant protein is better for humans
– Yes, the amino acids sequence in animal
protein is closer to human sequencing than
plant. But, the closest is human flesh; would
you want to eat that?
– Does faster growth equate to better health?
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• No! The human has between 18 and 21
years to reach maturity
• A calf has just a few months to reach
– It needs, high protein and high fat for the first few months
of life. In nature, before bovine domestication, the calf
had to grow fast to keep up with the heard or be left
behind for predators
– Mother cow was never designed to give milk in the
quantity and repetitive manner in which man as become
accustomed to expecting/growth hormones are added
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Mother cow weans the calf after only a few
• In nature she was intended to go dry until
the next birth
• Man has bred her for quantity and turns
right around and breeds her again as soon as
• Cow’s milk is 30% protein and high in fat
Affects of Protein on the Body
Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Just because one is an athlete, does not require a
radical increase in protein
• Today’s SAD standard American Diet, includes
way too much animal protein already
• Mom’s milk is 5%
• Anything above that tends to activate the cancer
gene and promote cancer growth as well as bone
• No amount of plant protein does this
Fat Standards: HE3 nutrition
• Fat is a required nutrient; it must be present for the
body to function properly
• Amount and type of fat is important
– Necessary for proper utilization of fat soluble vitamins
necessary for good health
• Fat should be consumed only as a part of a whole
plant food
– Nuts
– Seeds
– Avocado
HE3 nutrition
• Fats from nuts and seeds is
– Omega 3 fats or oils
• Flax seed
• Walnuts
– Good for human health
– Can get from fish, but fish is contaminated, and is
animal protein/high is saturated fats
• Saturated fat causes cancer and heart disease
– Processed oils promote cancer especially if they are
HE3 nutrition
• Two types
• Complex
– Whole grains
– Whole plants
HE3 nutrition
• Simple
– White flour
– Baked goods
Highly processed packaged products
– Chips
– crackers