Download Dalibor Sames Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 10:30am

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Invitation to Seminar Talk
Imaging and Repairing Synapses with Chemical Tools
Dalibor Sames
Columbia University
Host: Harald Janovjak
In this lecture I will discuss our progress on the pursuit of two interconnected longterm goals: visualization and repair of synaptic function with chemical tools. First, I
will describe how this overarching theme led us to the development of conceptually
new imaging agents, termed fluorescent false neurotransmitters (or FFNs). FFN
probes as fluorescent tracers of endogenous neurotransmitters enable microscopic
imaging of neurotransmitter release from individual presynaptic sites and form the
basis of experimental platforms that afford new insights into functional properties of
synapses and effects of drugs. Generality of the FFN concept including the strengths
and limitations will be discussed. As the second topic, I will describe how three
structurally distinct compounds (one synthetic pharmaceutical and two natural
products) with remarkable clinical and preclinical activities led us to the opioid
receptors and their signaling. An update on synthetic, pharmacological and behavioral
projects will be provided. Throughout the lecture I will touch on the gaps in the
current understanding of relationships between the different levels of complexity
(from molecules to cellular responses, circuits to behavior) in the context of drug and
chemical probe development.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016, 10:30am
Seminar room, Lab Building East, ground floor
This invitation is valid as a ticket for the IST Shuttle from and to Heiligenstadt Station. Please find a schedule
of the IST Shuttle on our webpage (note that the IST Shuttle times are highlighted in dark green):
The IST Shuttle bus is marked IST Shuttle (#242) and has the Institute Logo printed on the side.
Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Am Campus 1 | 3400 Klosterneuburg