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The Perfect
Media Mix:
TV and Online Advertising
As wired consumers increasingly adopt the “twoscreen” viewing habit (watching TV and using the
Internet at the same time) advertisers can reap
significant rewards by investing their marketing dollars
into both mediums rather than either one in isolation.
Pioneering research from Thinkbox, the marketing
body for commercial TV in the UK, and the Internet
Advertising Bureau (IAB) shows that combining TV
and online advertising strategies produce both positive
brand perception and increased purchase intent among
Conducted by Q Media Research, the study focused
on three major categories: automotive, fast moving
In the sample group, almost half said they watch TV and
go online at the same time on a daily basis and 61% do
the same on a weekly basis. The top two motivators for
getting on the web were to gather research/information
(75%) and to communicate with other Internet users
(66%). Watching television provided respondents
with entertainment and relaxation (80% and 73%,
Two thirds of respondents watch TV programming
or videos via the Internet, most often to catch up
with broadcast television. Most (53%) view video
content via broadcaster websites, followed by 45%
who visit YouTube.
consumer goods (FMCG) and finance. Participant data
included a sample group of 3,011 online respondents
and qualitative research in ten households.
The TV Authority
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The Perfect
Media Mix:
TV and Online Advertising
Mainstream Multi-Tasking
Frequency of Two-Screen Viewing
% of Respondents
Infrequently 3%
Not at all
At least once
a day
At least once
a week
SOURCE: TV and Online: Better Together, Thinkbox/IAB
The Roles of TV and Online Advertising
When it comes to advertising, the study showed:
● When TV and online advertising are used
together brands experience 47% more
positive perception than when one medium is
used in isolation
● Purchase intent increases by more than
50% when advertisements are placed on TV
and online
Researchers found that awareness of a new product
or service starts with television ads, which sparks
initial viewer interest. Online advertising about the
same product or service provides consumers with a
place to find out more information to help in making a
purchase decision.
The sample group participants were asked to what
degree they agreed with a series of statements
about the roles TV and online advertising play in the
purchase process.
Which medium:
Tells you about a new brand
you’ve never heard of
Sparks interest in a brand
Gives you new information
about a brand you haven’t
heard of
Persuades you to try a brand/
Encourages you to talk about it
with someone else
Helps you decide which brands
are relevant to you
Makes you re-evaluate a brand
Gives you enough information
to make a purchase decision
Makes you like a brand
% Agree
SOURCE: TV and Online: Better Together, Thinkbox/IAB
The Perfect
Media Mix:
TV and Online Advertising
Results of the qualitative study provide insight into
the relationship consumers have when using the
two screens simultaneously. In-home observations
by the researchers reveal that:
● TV advertisements prompt viewers to go online
to find out more information
● TV ads raise awareness about a new product
or service and online ads grow interest and
● Online ads prompt users to explore more
product details and television ads reinforce
consumer interest
TV and online ads also influence purchase decisions
(75% and 52% respectively). Online ads are more
likely to trigger online investigation and purchase, but
TV ads have a greater influence on offline purchase
and “talkability” among viewers.
A number of key brand metrics rose considerably
when both media were used together across all three
of the categories, with the likelihood of buying or using
a product increasing by more than 50% when seeing
advertisements on both TV and online.
Online Brands Turning to TV, Too
Online brands, or businesses with little or no physical
presence, have discovered that TV can create an
emotional connection with consumers and drive traffic
to their websites. TV ad buys now represent almost
72% of measured marketing investments for webbased businesses that have increased their ad buys at
an annual rate of 172% since 2004.
According to Thinkbox analysis of Nielsen data, the
surge in growth, facilitated by two-screen viewing,
underlines how critical television advertising is in
generating consumer awareness.
In order to create synergy between the two mediums,
the study results reinforce the need for advertisers to: Key statistics show:
● Use a consistent theme/message and present
information with high level visuals that reinforce
the information
● Use the strengths of each medium appropriately
(TV ads produce excitement and impact; online ads
encourage interaction and personal engagement)
● Develop online ads that target those who have
seen the TV commercial to extend the message
rather than to extend audience reach
● Online brand TV advertising has increased seven
fold (or 1,997%) since 2004
● In 2009, online brands accounted for 5.5% of all
TV spot advertising revenue
● Additionally, online brands sponsored more than
20 programs last year
Both brick-and-mortar stores and virtual businesses
are driving the surge in online video advertising, which
is now the second fastest-growing segment of the
Internet market (behind online news content). During
the first half of 2009, Internet video ad buys were up
38%, generating $477 million in revenue. Research by
eMarketer shows a continued growth trend of 35% to
45% each year for the next four years, topping out at
$5.2 billion by 2014.
The Perfect
Media Mix:
TV and Online Advertising
Creating Synergy
Online advertising formats range from display
banners and pop-ups to pre- and post-roll videos
that run prior to or after a user views web content.
Another Thinkbox study looked at how online TV
viewers respond to advertisements and found that:
● Ads are accepted and expected by online
TV viewers
● As TV expands its online presence, the
Internet is opening up more programming to
wider audiences
● Online TV reinforces loyalty to broadcast
TV viewing
Thinkbox also found that when people watch TV online
they expect to see video ads around the content and
want their online TV experience to replicate their usual
TV-watching experience, even with program ad breaks.
New research from comScore supports the Thinkbox
findings. The study found that online TV viewers are
willing to watch almost twice the amount of advertising
commonly delivered on the set box screen. In the
survey of 1,800 web users who watch TV content
online, results revealed that the “sweet spot” for
advertisers is between 6 and 7 minutes per hour,
significantly higher than the 4 minutes of ads per hour
on traditional TV programming.
Another comScore/Fox Networks study showed that
consumers who are exposed to video ads (versus
online display ads) were 28% more likely to visit brand
sites and twice as likely to conduct trademark searches.
Thanks to technology and the proliferation of DVRs
and laptops, two-screen viewing gives people more
control of when and where they watch TV content. But,
the value of on-demand has also unlocked new and
unique opportunities for advertisers when they use
television and online together.
SOURCES: Thinkbox, 05/08/08, 02/18/10; AdAge, 01/22/10;
Media Post, 04/01/10; Xposition, 04/09/10; imedia, 04/16/10;, 05/13/09; Brandweek, 01/22/10.
The TV Authority