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Kids Discover
Objective: Gather information about Ancient Greece to understand more about
the culture.
Follow the directions below to complete this station activity.
This task uses:
1. Open the Kids Discover-Ancient Greece app.
2. If the index doesn’t appear, touch the
hand to view it.
Task Card Templates
3. Check the top
of your
page toeach
see week
whichto create a task card for
slide below
a Tech Tub station.
sections you should explore.
Make sure to fill in the “Notes” below the task card with
Common Core State
4. Begin at question 1 on the activity
5. Record your answers on the activity page, then
Integrate information presented in
continue through the activity page.
different media or formats as well
as in words to develop a coherent
understanding of a topic or issue.
Conduct short research projects to
answer a question.
Name: ____________________________________
Parts 1 and 2
1. Begin with section 1, “Great Greece!” What is one thing the Ancient Greeks were the first
to do? ____________________________________ ____________________________
2. What is the mythological home of the gods? ____________________________________
3. Swipe to move to the next page. Go to the Greek Alphabet. Tap each letter to hear how it
is pronounced.
4. Move to the next page on Greek gods. What was Poseidon the ruler of?
5. Continue to section 2. What was the Acropolis? __________________________________
6. Read about Athens. How many people loved at the front of the Acropolis and in the
surrounding areas? ____________________________________
7. Go to page 2. Read about the statue of Athena and the figure of Nike. Why do you think
the Nike shoe manufacturer chose that name for their brand?
8. Use your fingers to move around the Parthenon. Pinch to zoom in and spread 2 fingers
apart to zoom out.
9. Move to the next page. What did it take to remove an unpopular politician?
10. What do the Greeks call their country? ____________________________________
Answer Key-Parts 1 and 2
1. Olympics, the theater, and democracy.
2. Mt. Olympus
3. Swipe to move to the next page. Go to the Greek Alphabet. Tap each letter to hear how it
is pronounced.
4. The seas
5. The rocky hill that dominated Athens.
6. More than 100,000
7. Answers may vary—should include Nike being the goddess of victory.
8. Use your fingers to move around the Parthenon. Pinch to zoom in and spread 2 fingers
apart to zoom out.
9. More than 6,000 citizens had to vote against a person.
10. Hellas or Ellada
Name: ____________________________________ Parts 3 and 4
1. Begin with section 3. What is a chiton? ____________________________________
2. Move to the next page. What was the difference in the clothing the rich and poor Greeks
wore? ____________________________________________________________________
3. Name three things honey was used for. ____________________________________
4. Move to the next page. What was one duty of citizens?
5. Continue to section 4. For the Greeks, what did sports provide, besides fun and games?
6. Move to the next page. In Ancient Greece, what was the prize for winning an Olympic
event? _________________________________________________________________
7. On the next page, choose one of the sports listed. Write the name of the sport and
describe it. ____________________________________ _______________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
8. Where did the idea of lighting a flame to open the Olympics come from?
9. What was the festival that women took part in every four years? ____________________
Answer Key-Parts 3 and 4
1. A chiton is a loose-fitting tunic.
2. Rich and poor Greeks wore the same type of clothing, but the richer people might wear
dyed clothes.
3. Honey was used as a sweetener, to treat cuts and burns and to preserve meats.
4. Citizens defended the state as a hoplite warrior.
5. Sports provided training for warfare.
6. An olive wreath
7. Answers may vary—possible sports are chariot racing, boxing, pentathlon and long jump.
8. Winning teams used their torch to light a fire to Athena or Zeus.
9. Heraia, in honor of the goddess Hera.
Name: ____________________________________ Parts 5 and 6
1. Begin with section 5. When is the Trojan Horse story believed to have taken place?
2. Why did the Trojans bring the horse inside their city?
3. What was hidden inside the horse? ___________________________________________
4. Move to the second page of section 6. How was Socrates’ way of teaching (the Socratic
method) different? _______________________________________________________
5. What did Plato describe in his Republic? ____________________________________ __
6. What is Aristotle believed to be the first to promote? ____________________________
7. On the next page, read about Democracy. What is a major difference in the democracy of
ancient Greece and that of today? ___________________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
8. What did Archimedes discover? _____________________________________________
9. Who was Hippocrates? _____________________________________________________
10. What does the Hippocratic oath require? ______________________________________
Answer Key - Parts 5 and 6
The 13th century B.C.
They thought it would bring good luck.
Greek soldiers
Socrates incorporated questions and answers in his teaching, not simply lecturing.
Plato detailed rules on the best way to govern a state.
Aristotle promoted the scientific method of observation.
In the 5th century B.C. in Athens, many people did not have the right to vote (women,
slaves, foreigners). Now, everyone of age who is a citizen can vote.
8. Archimedes discovered that a body displaces its own weight in water.
9. Hippocrates is known as the father of medicine.
10. The Hippocratic oath requires physicians to act ethically and morally.
Name: ____________________________________ Parts 7 and 8
1. Begin with section 7. What is the oldest surviving Greek play? ______________________
2. What was inside the Parthenon? ______________________________________________
3. What were the three important architectural styles created by the Greeks?
4. Move to the literature section. In the Greek myth, what caused Icarus to fall into the
Aegean Sea? ____________________________________________________________
5. What was the importance of Herodotus?____________________________________ __
6. Continue to section 8. What did the oldest known shipwreck contain? ______________
7. What happened to a Minoan colony on the island of Santorini? ____________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
8. What do archaeologists today believe that Heinrich Schliemann discovered?
9. What is believed to have caused the fall of the Minoan civilization? ________________
Answer Key - Parts 7 and 8
The Persians
A huge gold and ivory statue of the goddess Athena, patron of Athens.
Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
He flew too close to the sun and the wax holding his wings on melted.
Herodotus is considered the father of history because he was the first person to gather
facts about events and write them down.
Agricultural implements, weapons, bronze tools, vases, and copper
It was buried over 3,000 years ago by an enormous volcanic explosion.
The site of the Trojan War.
It was struck by an earthquake.