Height - Housing Regulation Database
... 2.44 STORY - That portion of a building contained between any floor and the floor or roof next above it, but not including any portion so contained if more than one-half of such portion vertically is below the average finished grade of the ground adjoining such building. 2.45 HALF-STORY - That porti ...
... 2.44 STORY - That portion of a building contained between any floor and the floor or roof next above it, but not including any portion so contained if more than one-half of such portion vertically is below the average finished grade of the ground adjoining such building. 2.45 HALF-STORY - That porti ...
the study of the concept of the sacred hearth and greek goddess of
... Fig. 68. Plan of houses of the third quarter of the eighth century BC in Trench H at Old Smyrna. Mazarakis-Ainian, 1997: Fig. 408. Fig. 69. Plan of houses of the last quarter of the eighth century BC in Trench H at Old Smyrna. Mazarakis-Ainian, 1997: Fig. 409. Fig. 70. Restored drawing of House XXXV ...
... Fig. 68. Plan of houses of the third quarter of the eighth century BC in Trench H at Old Smyrna. Mazarakis-Ainian, 1997: Fig. 408. Fig. 69. Plan of houses of the last quarter of the eighth century BC in Trench H at Old Smyrna. Mazarakis-Ainian, 1997: Fig. 409. Fig. 70. Restored drawing of House XXXV ...
Rhetoric and the Architecture of Empire in the Athenian Agora
... civic architecture and public rhetoric in the agora. A study of the parallel developments of architectural and rhetorical form, supported by previously published archaeological evidence and the well documented history of classical rhetoric, demonstrates that both served to propel democracy and, late ...
... civic architecture and public rhetoric in the agora. A study of the parallel developments of architectural and rhetorical form, supported by previously published archaeological evidence and the well documented history of classical rhetoric, demonstrates that both served to propel democracy and, late ...
diss final - University of California, Berkeley
... 1. The Limits of State Authority All ancient Greek social and political communities could be identified by the specific festivals they celebrated, and sanctuaries they maintained. Herodotus, for example, identified Ionian communities as those who celebrated the Apatouria festival.1 On an individual ...
... 1. The Limits of State Authority All ancient Greek social and political communities could be identified by the specific festivals they celebrated, and sanctuaries they maintained. Herodotus, for example, identified Ionian communities as those who celebrated the Apatouria festival.1 On an individual ...
... This dissertation examines the evidence for foundation rituals in post-Bronze Age Greece while investigating their function and meaning in ancient Greek culture. Foundation rituals are prescribed rites known throughout the ancient Mediterranean that marked the initiation of a buildings’ construction ...
... This dissertation examines the evidence for foundation rituals in post-Bronze Age Greece while investigating their function and meaning in ancient Greek culture. Foundation rituals are prescribed rites known throughout the ancient Mediterranean that marked the initiation of a buildings’ construction ...
A Day In Old Athens
... The writer has been under a heavy debt to the numerous and excellent works on Greek "Private Antiquities" and "Public Life" written in English, French, or German, as well as to the various great Classical Encyclopedias and Dictionaries, and to many treatises and monographs upon the topography of Ath ...
... The writer has been under a heavy debt to the numerous and excellent works on Greek "Private Antiquities" and "Public Life" written in English, French, or German, as well as to the various great Classical Encyclopedias and Dictionaries, and to many treatises and monographs upon the topography of Ath ...
The Early Development of the Polis: Boundaries, Balance, and
... Procedural laws, as well as social and governmental entities which allowed for an adhesion to the state, shaped symmetry among the citizenry in order to create a semblance of equality among the many groups of a polis. I shall first discuss what I believe is meant by a polis and how its aspects are d ...
... Procedural laws, as well as social and governmental entities which allowed for an adhesion to the state, shaped symmetry among the citizenry in order to create a semblance of equality among the many groups of a polis. I shall first discuss what I believe is meant by a polis and how its aspects are d ...
Pericles Of Athens
... pericles of athens and the dangers of democracy : engraving of a bust of pericles from the frontispiece of the parliamentary report on the elgin marbles, 1816. PERICLES - SIMPLE ENGLISH WIKIPEDIA, THE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA Thu, 13 Apr 2017 08:43:00 GMT pericles or perikles (ca. 495 ... this was a chief ...
... pericles of athens and the dangers of democracy : engraving of a bust of pericles from the frontispiece of the parliamentary report on the elgin marbles, 1816. PERICLES - SIMPLE ENGLISH WIKIPEDIA, THE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA Thu, 13 Apr 2017 08:43:00 GMT pericles or perikles (ca. 495 ... this was a chief ...
Περίληψη : Χρονολόγηση Γεωγραφικός εντοπισμός Kore / Persephone
... the daughter of Demeter, were not the same person.7 Persephone plays a leading role in the Orphic religion as mother of ZagreusDionysus by Zeus.8 The god was reported to have mated with Persephone in the form of a snake.9 Persephone’s name is also found in texts inscribed on the gold leaves that wer ...
... the daughter of Demeter, were not the same person.7 Persephone plays a leading role in the Orphic religion as mother of ZagreusDionysus by Zeus.8 The god was reported to have mated with Persephone in the form of a snake.9 Persephone’s name is also found in texts inscribed on the gold leaves that wer ...
saved - PDFbooks.co.za
... see and hear in ancient Athens, if by some legerdemain he were translated to the fourth century B.C. and conducted about the city under competent guidance. Rare happenings have been omitted and sometimes, to avoid long explanations, PROBABLE matters have been stated as if they were ascertained facts ...
... see and hear in ancient Athens, if by some legerdemain he were translated to the fourth century B.C. and conducted about the city under competent guidance. Rare happenings have been omitted and sometimes, to avoid long explanations, PROBABLE matters have been stated as if they were ascertained facts ...
conclusion - The University of Michigan Press
... most likely, did they aim to be. Solon’s reforms probably did furnish ordinary Athenians with some modest political gains and protections, but only as many as were required to restore equilibrium, or eunomia, to a state in turmoil. Likewise, Peisistratus and his sons favored the status quo. Though t ...
... most likely, did they aim to be. Solon’s reforms probably did furnish ordinary Athenians with some modest political gains and protections, but only as many as were required to restore equilibrium, or eunomia, to a state in turmoil. Likewise, Peisistratus and his sons favored the status quo. Though t ...
Ancient Greek architecture

The architecture of Ancient Greece is the architecture produced by the Greek-speaking people (Hellenic people) whose culture flourished on the Greek mainland and Peloponnesus, the Aegean Islands, and in colonies in Asia Minor and Italy for a period from about 900 BC until the 1st century AD, with the earliest remaining architectural works dating from around 600 BC.Ancient Greek architecture is best known from its temples, many of which are found throughout the region, mostly as ruins but many substantially intact. The second important type of building that survives all over the Hellenic world is the open-air theatre, with the earliest dating from around 350 BC. Other architectural forms that are still in evidence are the processional gateway (propylon), the public square (agora) surrounded by storied colonnade (stoa), the town council building (bouleuterion), the public monument, the monumental tomb (mausoleum) and the stadium.Ancient Greek architecture is distinguished by its highly formalised characteristics, both of structure and decoration. This is particularly so in the case of temples where each building appears to have been conceived as a sculptural entity within the landscape, most often raised on high ground so that the elegance of its proportions and the effects of light on its surfaces might be viewed from all angles. Nikolaus Pevsner refers to ""the plastic shape of the [Greek] temple.....placed before us with a physical presence more intense, more alive than that of any later building"".The formal vocabulary of Ancient Greek architecture, in particular the division of architectural style into three defined orders: the Doric Order, the Ionic Order and the Corinthian Order, was to have profound effect on Western architecture of later periods. The architecture of Ancient Rome grew out of that of Greece and maintained its influence in Italy unbroken until the present day. From the Renaissance, revivals of Classicism have kept alive not only the precise forms and ordered details of Greek architecture, but also its concept of architectural beauty based on balance and proportion. The successive styles of Neoclassical architecture and Greek Revival architecture followed and adapted Ancient Greek styles closely. Several issues related to interpretation, restoration or/and reconstruction of Ancient Greek architectural monuments are often assisted by new technologies, including 3D and virtual or augmented reality environments.