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Global History 9
Hwk. Ch. 6.4 pp. 144-148
Reading # 19
Judaism is one of the oldest religions still existing today. It began in Ur in Mesopotamia
around 1300 B.C. as the religion of the small nation of the Hebrews, and through
thousands of years of suffering, persecution, dispersion, and occasional victory, has
continued to be a profoundly influential religion and culture.
Judaism is a monotheistic, belief which at one time was
among the only one of its kind. The central religious
belief of Judaism is that there is only one God.
Monotheism was uncommon at the time Judaism was
born, but according to Jewish tradition, God himself
revealed it to Abraham, the ancestor of the Jewish people
and the “father” of the first Hebrew people. Beginning
with Abraham, God has always taken special care of the
Hebrews (who would later become the Jews) and as a
result Jews considered themselves to be God’s “chosen
people.” According to the Torah, the Hebrews were
enslaved in around 1000 B.C. and believed that God, or
Yahweh helped them to eventually escape.
The Holy land for Jews is in Israel. For many years Israel and Palestine have been at
war of land they both claim to be theirs. The capital of Israel is Jersalem.
At the heart of Judaism are the Ten Commandments, laws that Jews believed God
gave them through Moses. The laws set out both religious duties toward God and rules
for moral conduct toward other people. Although strict in nature, its justice was
softened by expressions of God’s mercy. The Ten Commandments were part of a code of
laws that were interpreted by religious teachers called prophets. The prophets believed
that they had been chosen as messengers to reveal God’s will to his people. Ultimately,
Jews believe that they will go to heaven if they follow God’s teachings.
Today, Jews worship in a temple or a Synagogue and are led by a rabbi. They consider
the country of Israel to be the holy land. The goal of Judaism is to live by the ideals
and values which are believed to be stated by God. Jews consider Saturday to a holy
day or Sabbath which is observed by spending the day at the synagogue or at home
with family.
Traditional Jews eat “Kosher” foods and celebrate Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom
Kippur and Hanukkah.