The Scribe Who Must Be Right
... It was an odd scene really—this Roman herald racing over the cobblestone streets of Jerusalem followed by a gaggle of bookish scribes! Scribes don’t run! They glide! As they huffed through the streets on their way to the Fortress, their minds reeled with questions. Herod? Why would he wish to see u ...
... It was an odd scene really—this Roman herald racing over the cobblestone streets of Jerusalem followed by a gaggle of bookish scribes! Scribes don’t run! They glide! As they huffed through the streets on their way to the Fortress, their minds reeled with questions. Herod? Why would he wish to see u ...
Suffering in Christianity and Buddhism: The Same
... “Let’s all become lechers.” He means there is a normal, simple, comfortable, ordinary life of human delights that we may enjoy with no troubling thoughts of heaven of hell or sin or holiness or God—if there is no resurrection from the dead. And what stunned me about this train of thought is that man ...
... “Let’s all become lechers.” He means there is a normal, simple, comfortable, ordinary life of human delights that we may enjoy with no troubling thoughts of heaven of hell or sin or holiness or God—if there is no resurrection from the dead. And what stunned me about this train of thought is that man ...
On the Value of Faith and Faithfulness
... argued, might be sufficient to justify ranking it among the intellectual or moral vices, one arguably made all the more dangerous owing to its associations with religious passions that frequently evoke deep fervor, emotional attachment, and out-group enmity, and the fact that religious convictions a ...
... argued, might be sufficient to justify ranking it among the intellectual or moral vices, one arguably made all the more dangerous owing to its associations with religious passions that frequently evoke deep fervor, emotional attachment, and out-group enmity, and the fact that religious convictions a ...
Vowing Away the Fifth Commandment
... III. The Hebrew Bible The Hebrew Bible indicates that vows were important in Israelite religion from an early period.9 With a vow a person was placed under solemn obligation to God to do something or to refrain from doing something. Vows were voluntary. Yet, once taken, they were to be fulfilled. Th ...
... III. The Hebrew Bible The Hebrew Bible indicates that vows were important in Israelite religion from an early period.9 With a vow a person was placed under solemn obligation to God to do something or to refrain from doing something. Vows were voluntary. Yet, once taken, they were to be fulfilled. Th ...
Restoration Quarterly 42 (2000) 193
... III. The Hebrew Bible The Hebrew Bible indicates that vows were important in Israelite religion from an early period.9 With a vow a person was placed under solemn obligation to God to do something or to refrain from doing something. Vows were voluntary. Yet, once taken, they were to be fulfilled. Th ...
... III. The Hebrew Bible The Hebrew Bible indicates that vows were important in Israelite religion from an early period.9 With a vow a person was placed under solemn obligation to God to do something or to refrain from doing something. Vows were voluntary. Yet, once taken, they were to be fulfilled. Th ...
Solving the Mystery of BABYLON THE GREAT
... especially by those Jews active in the religion of Judaism. He explains and documents why the Jews are imbued with such an unjustifiable but overwhelming hatred and loathing for Christianity and Christians. Contrary to what most people think to be the case, Hendrie documents that Judaism is not the ...
... especially by those Jews active in the religion of Judaism. He explains and documents why the Jews are imbued with such an unjustifiable but overwhelming hatred and loathing for Christianity and Christians. Contrary to what most people think to be the case, Hendrie documents that Judaism is not the ...
Full Text - Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard
... If, then, those who lived in old ways came to newness of hope, no longer keeping Sabbath, but living in accordance with the Lord’s day, on which also our life arose through him and his death (which some deny), through which mystery we received faith, and therefore we endure that we may be found disc ...
... If, then, those who lived in old ways came to newness of hope, no longer keeping Sabbath, but living in accordance with the Lord’s day, on which also our life arose through him and his death (which some deny), through which mystery we received faith, and therefore we endure that we may be found disc ...
Judaism— Revelation of Moses Or Religion of Men?
... sight of the simple Hebraic way of life defined by the Old Testament? That such fundamental differences existed between the teachings of Jesus and what the apostle Paul would later call the “Jews’ religion” (Gal. 1:13-14) begs the question: Was first-century Jewish religion a corruption of the ancie ...
... sight of the simple Hebraic way of life defined by the Old Testament? That such fundamental differences existed between the teachings of Jesus and what the apostle Paul would later call the “Jews’ religion” (Gal. 1:13-14) begs the question: Was first-century Jewish religion a corruption of the ancie ...
Print this article - Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal
... though she was born Hadassah. Indeed, “this is the virtuous Esther who is called Hadassah” (Megilah 10b),7 “Why then was she called Esther? Because she concealed … the facts about herself, as it says, Esther did not make known her people or her kindred” (13a). The book of Esther has been interpreted ...
... though she was born Hadassah. Indeed, “this is the virtuous Esther who is called Hadassah” (Megilah 10b),7 “Why then was she called Esther? Because she concealed … the facts about herself, as it says, Esther did not make known her people or her kindred” (13a). The book of Esther has been interpreted ...
Messianic Judaism 101 Class 1
... Are we “free” from the Law? I’ve heard lots of various teachings on this topic. Some have said that the Evil eye is talking about hatred. If you’re hateful then it penetrates into the rest of your soul and you become evil. Hatred does penatrate into the soul and causes some people to become evil, b ...
... Are we “free” from the Law? I’ve heard lots of various teachings on this topic. Some have said that the Evil eye is talking about hatred. If you’re hateful then it penetrates into the rest of your soul and you become evil. Hatred does penatrate into the soul and causes some people to become evil, b ...
... If the churches in Galatia abandoned him [Paul] on this score, the whole of his missionary work since the Antioch incident would be put in jeopardy…18 This specific issue of covenantal markers is Paul‟s first attempt at dealing with Jewish self-understanding and covenantal law (what Sanders calls co ...
... If the churches in Galatia abandoned him [Paul] on this score, the whole of his missionary work since the Antioch incident would be put in jeopardy…18 This specific issue of covenantal markers is Paul‟s first attempt at dealing with Jewish self-understanding and covenantal law (what Sanders calls co ...
Part 4 B
... with a proclamation of the fitness of Christ’s person and the adequacy of his work to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him.” —T. David Gordon, Why Johnny Can’t Preach ...
... with a proclamation of the fitness of Christ’s person and the adequacy of his work to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him.” —T. David Gordon, Why Johnny Can’t Preach ...
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für das Masterstudium im Fach
... mahzorim of various denominations and especially of liberal and conservative (Maoretic) Judaism. It treats the liturgical peculiarities of special Sabbaths, festivals, fasting and memorial days and introduces specific melodies and cantellations for these days. Knowledge of the sources of liturgical ...
... mahzorim of various denominations and especially of liberal and conservative (Maoretic) Judaism. It treats the liturgical peculiarities of special Sabbaths, festivals, fasting and memorial days and introduces specific melodies and cantellations for these days. Knowledge of the sources of liturgical ...
Jewish Proselyte Baptism and Its Relation to Christian Baptism
... roots back in JudaisD, is it possibl e that Christian baptimn l ikewise might have its roots at the same sour ce? thou~.ht, ...
... roots back in JudaisD, is it possibl e that Christian baptimn l ikewise might have its roots at the same sour ce? thou~.ht, ...
Critical Analysis of
... official source for Catholic/Jewish relations is Vatican II’s Nostra aetate, and although admitting that a covenant between God and Israel “cannot be explicitly read into Nostra aetate,” nevertheless, the Commission argues that Nostra aetate is “located within a decidedly th ...
... official source for Catholic/Jewish relations is Vatican II’s Nostra aetate, and although admitting that a covenant between God and Israel “cannot be explicitly read into Nostra aetate,” nevertheless, the Commission argues that Nostra aetate is “located within a decidedly th ...
The Day of Judaism in the Catholic Church of Poland
... understand the Christian identity of Catholics and the relation of Judaism and Christianity to each other. Furthermore, this study aims to present the Polish model of the Day of Judaism to people from abroad interested in reconciliation between religions. This example may inspire other individuals, ...
... understand the Christian identity of Catholics and the relation of Judaism and Christianity to each other. Furthermore, this study aims to present the Polish model of the Day of Judaism to people from abroad interested in reconciliation between religions. This example may inspire other individuals, ...
`Works of the Law` and the Jewish Settlement in Asia Minor.
... one of the sage “Barbarians” as counterpart to Aristotle’.8 Martin Hengel, however, suggests that by the first half of the third century bce, when Clearchus actually wrote his work, Jewish miracle workers may well have been evident.9 Further, the historical data of the fragment itself is convincing— ...
... one of the sage “Barbarians” as counterpart to Aristotle’.8 Martin Hengel, however, suggests that by the first half of the third century bce, when Clearchus actually wrote his work, Jewish miracle workers may well have been evident.9 Further, the historical data of the fragment itself is convincing— ...
The shield of faith - Bible Teaching Program
... It is not wrong to use methods, but we cannot trust these things as they will fail in spiritual warfare, and we will be defeated. A good soldier does not become caught up in civilian affairs, 2 Timothy 2:4 'No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who ...
... It is not wrong to use methods, but we cannot trust these things as they will fail in spiritual warfare, and we will be defeated. A good soldier does not become caught up in civilian affairs, 2 Timothy 2:4 'No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who ...
Perspectives on Friendship Across Religions
... Foundation of Love “I look at every human being, of any faith, as a person created in the image of God. […] Not always [does] my wife agrees with me and I agree with her. But we live together in love. And if people think that everyone has to think as the other one thinks, then there’s no relationsh ...
... Foundation of Love “I look at every human being, of any faith, as a person created in the image of God. […] Not always [does] my wife agrees with me and I agree with her. But we live together in love. And if people think that everyone has to think as the other one thinks, then there’s no relationsh ...
chapter six isaac mayer wise, cosmic evolution
... in the main, Jews in the century or so since Darwin have been concerned with other more pressing issues, such as assimilation, anti-Semitism, and Zionism (Cantor and Swetlitz 2006). Elsewhere I have discussed two American-Jewish thinkers, namely, Mordecai Kaplan and Hans Jonas, who bucked this gener ...
... in the main, Jews in the century or so since Darwin have been concerned with other more pressing issues, such as assimilation, anti-Semitism, and Zionism (Cantor and Swetlitz 2006). Elsewhere I have discussed two American-Jewish thinkers, namely, Mordecai Kaplan and Hans Jonas, who bucked this gener ...
this PDF file - Open Access Journals at BC
... 11:15]? The “full inclusion” of the Jews in the Messiah’s salvation, in the wake of “the full number of the Gentiles” [Rom 11:12, 25; cf. Lk 21:24], will enable the People of God to achieve “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,” in which “God may be all in all” [Eph 4:13; 1 Cor 15:2 ...
... 11:15]? The “full inclusion” of the Jews in the Messiah’s salvation, in the wake of “the full number of the Gentiles” [Rom 11:12, 25; cf. Lk 21:24], will enable the People of God to achieve “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,” in which “God may be all in all” [Eph 4:13; 1 Cor 15:2 ...
The Model for the Messianic Community
... It wasn’t as if these “discrepancies” involved anything that could be considered “heresy,” or that they could adversely affect anyone’s salvation. But they did, at least as far as I was personally concerned, have a major influence on the way that I viewed (a) the Church, Israel, and their relationsh ...
... It wasn’t as if these “discrepancies” involved anything that could be considered “heresy,” or that they could adversely affect anyone’s salvation. But they did, at least as far as I was personally concerned, have a major influence on the way that I viewed (a) the Church, Israel, and their relationsh ...
Introduction - Augsburg Fortress
... the particularism of Judaism, which ultimately produced Rabbinic Judaism, while works such as Deutero-Isaiah represented the universalism of Judaism, which would culminate in the development of Christianity as the true fulfillment of the Old Testament. Wellhausen viewed himself as a historian, but hi ...
... the particularism of Judaism, which ultimately produced Rabbinic Judaism, while works such as Deutero-Isaiah represented the universalism of Judaism, which would culminate in the development of Christianity as the true fulfillment of the Old Testament. Wellhausen viewed himself as a historian, but hi ...
Sincere Faith
... In the past two discussions we have seen two of the three things listed in 1 Timothy 1:5 that work together to carry our instruction toward its desired goal of love. We have looked at a pure heart and a good conscience, and now we would like to consider the idea of a sincere faith. Just what is a si ...
... In the past two discussions we have seen two of the three things listed in 1 Timothy 1:5 that work together to carry our instruction toward its desired goal of love. We have looked at a pure heart and a good conscience, and now we would like to consider the idea of a sincere faith. Just what is a si ...
Outline One: The Bible
... written in *the Prophets: “Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.” 3) “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.’”* 4) John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for ...
... written in *the Prophets: “Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.” 3) “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.’”* 4) John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for ...
Mnachem Risikoff
Mnachem (Mendel) HaKohen Risikoff (1866–1960), was an orthodox rabbi in Russia and the United States, and a prolific author of scholarly works, written in Hebrew. Risikoff used a highly stylized and symbolic pen-name, יאמהדנונחהים, made up of the Hebrew letters of his first name, the Hebrew word for Lord, and the Tetragrammaton, one of Judaism's terms for God. It is not clear whether this pen name was used in conversation, or whether it was used only in his writings.