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Pg. 54
The Structure of Atoms
Theory – states that all matter
is made up of tiny particles called atoms.
Matter is defined as anything that has
mass and takes up space.
Pg. 54
The Structure of Atoms
 Atoms
are made up of three subatomic particles:
 Protons – positive charge
 Neutrons – no charge; neutral
 Electrons – negative charge
 Protons
Neutrons, and Electrons are made up of particles called
and Neutrons are located in the nucleus of an
 Electrons are located outside the nucleus in random
patterns, but clustered in electron shells.
Pg. 54
The Structure of Atoms
first electron shell has no more than two
The Second shell can have as many as eight
The other shells have varying numbers of electrons
depending on the number of electrons in the atom.
The last electron shell usually will hold no more than
eight electrons.
Pg. 56
Properties of Elements In the
Periodic Table
number of protons in an atom gives the
atom its identity.
Atoms that have the same number of protons
are called elements.
Elements are arranged according to their
atomic number on the periodic table.
atomic number corresponds to the number of
protons or electrons in the atom.
Pg. 56
Properties of Elements in the
Periodic Table
atomic mass is the number of
protons plus the number of neutrons
found in the atom.
do not contribute to the mass of
the atom because they are so small.
+ Neutrons = Atomic Mass
Pg. 56
Properties of Elements in the
Periodic Table
 Atoms
of the same element do not always have the
same number of neutrons.
 Atoms that have different numbers of neutrons are
called isotopes.
 The atomic mass given on the periodic table is the
average of all the isotopes and is not a whole number.
 To find the number of neutrons for an element,
subtract the number of protons (atomic number) from
the atomic mass.
 Atomic
Mass – Atomic Number = Number of Neutrons
Pg. 56
Properties of Elements in the
Periodic Table
periodic table is made up of elements
placed in organized rows and columns according
to properties and size.
Rows are called period and are arranged
according to the atomic numbers.
Columns are called families and have similar
properties and always have the same number of
electrons in their outer shell.
can remember that families of people have
similar characteristics or properties and a family
tree goes down.
Pg. 57
Properties of Elements in the
Periodic Table
can all be classified as metals,
nonmetals, metalloids, or noble gases.
up the majority of the table and are located
to the left.
is the only exception.
solids at room temperature, are hard, have
luster (shiny), and conduct heat and electricity.
Pg. 57
Properties of Elements in the
Period Table
side of the periodic table.
Usually gases or dull, brittle solids at room
diagonally between the metals and
Have properties of both metals and nonmetals.
Used in semiconductors and computer chips.
Pg. 57
Properties of Elements in the
Periodic Table
in one family; Family VIIIA
Far right column of the periodic table
Nonmetal gases that do not react with any
other elements.
Pg. 61
Reactivity of Elements in the
Periodic Table
element is most stable when its last
electron shell is full.
All elements have outer shells that can
hold 8 electrons.
Hydrogen and Helium
Pg. 61
Family VIIIA
gases have 8 electrons in their
outer shells
2 electrons.
Helium, but is complete with only
stable elements
Will not react with other elements
Pg. 61
Family IA
is Hydrogen (non metal)
Have only one electron in the outer shell
Give up its one electron forming ions
Pg. 61
Family IIA
Earth Metals
2 electrons out of 8 possible in their
outer shell
reactive, but less reactive than the
Alkali Metals
Pg. 62
Family B
Metals found in the middle of
the periodic table.
Reactivity of these metals increases as
you go down the periodic table and from
right to left.
Pg. 62
Family VIIA
reactive nonmetals
Have 7 out of 8 possible electrons in
their outer shell
Combine with metals to form a salt
Na + Cl → NaCl
Pg. 62
Family VIA
common name
Have 6 of 8 possible electrons in their
outer shell
Not as reactive as the halogens
Pg. 62
Family IIIA through VA
common name
Family IVA is half full making it more
stable than IIIA or VA on either side of
Pg. 64
Bonding of Atoms
of different elements combine
chemically to form compounds
by sharing or transferring electrons
in the outer shell of an atom
are called valence electrons
Ionic bonds result in the transfer of
electrons from atom to atom.
Pg. 64-65
Bonding of Atoms
bonds are usually present in
compounds which have metal atoms
bonded with nonmetal atoms
Covalent bonds are when two or more
atoms share electrons
Usually present with two or more
Pg. 69
of the same element can have different
numbers of neutrons.
Atoms of the same element that have
different numbers of neutrons are called
When there are too many neutrons in the
nucleus the nucleus becomes unstable.
An unstable isotope will be radioactive and is
called a radioactive isotope
Pg. 69
atoms give off three
Particles – helium nucleus with 2p and
an alpha particle is given off the atomic
number of the parent nucleus is reduced by two
If ingested will do more damage to internal
tissues than other forms of radiation.
Pg. 70
Particles – electrons emitted
more than alpha particles but can be
stopped by lead
Particles – high energy x-rays
only be stopped by thick lead or concrete
elements with atomic numbers
greater than 83 are radioactive
Pg. 70
radioactive atom that emits an alpha, beta,
or gamma particles is going through a process
called radioactive decay
Radioactive decay causes an atom of one
element to become a different element by
reducing its atomic number
The half-life of a radioactive atom is the time
it takes for ½ of the particles in the nucleus to
Pg. 71
occurs when the nucleus of an atom
that is so unstable that it splits into two
smaller atoms.
a large amount of energy
Used in nuclear reactors
Reactors use control rods to absorb excess energy
Nuclear bombs have no control rods and release all
of the energy in one blast
Pg. 72
is when two small atoms are
joined together to form a larger atom
Produces energy also
Requires high temperatures
Occurs in the sun when two hydrogen
fuse to form a helium atom
Scientists are still working to recreate this
but can’t generate the high temp