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Period ________
Exam Semester 1 Study Guide
Ms. Lykens Biology
Unit One: Cell Structure and Organization
1. Are organisms considered living if they do not have cells?
2. Did prokaryotes (single-cell) organisms come before eukaryotes (multi-celled)?
3. What are the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell?
4. What are the characteristics of a eukaryotic cell?
5. What is made in the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
6. What is metabolized in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
7. What is the function of the nucleus? What is found in the nucleus?
8. What is the does the nuclear envelope do for the nucleus?
9. Why are holes necessary in the nuclear envelope?
10. What is the function of the golgi body?
11. What is the function of the cell membrane? What is another name for it?
12. What is the function of the mitochondria?
13. What is the function of the cytoplasm?
14. What do ribosomes make?
15. What is made in the nucleolus?
16. What organelles are found only in plant cells?
17. What is the function of the cell wall in a plant cell?
18. What does the chloroplast do for a plant cell?
19. Lysosomes are only found in ________ plant cells.
20. What is the purpose of a vacuole in a plant cell?
21. Lysosomes are only found in ________ animal cells.
22. What is the purpose of a cytoskeleton in an animal
23. What are the functions of the cell?
24. Do cells require a specific pH and temperature to
25. What does a pH scale tell you?
26. A solution with more __________ ions will be more
27. If a solution is 0-6 on the pH scale, it is __________.
28. If a solution is 7 on the pH scale, it is __________.
29. If a solution is 8-14 on the pH scale, it is ___________.
30. How will a higher then normal temperature affect a cell?
31. How will a lower then normal temperature affect the cell?
32. What is osmosis?
33. What is another name for a cell membrane?
34. In osmosis, _______ is being let in and out of cell placed in a _______ solution.
35. What is happening to a cell in a hypotonic solution?
36. What is happening to a cell in an isotonic solution?
37. What is happening to a cell in a hypertonic solution?
Unit Two: DNA
1. Describe the scientists who contributed to the discovery of DNA (Griffith, Avery, HersheyChase, Watson/Crick, Franklin)
2. What makes the backbone of DNA (two things)?
3. What makes up the middle of DNA?
4. What are the four nitrogenous bases that makes up DNA and what pairs with what?
5. What are purines and what are pyrimidines?
6. What is the purpose of DNA replication?
7. What are the enzymes involved in DNA replication and what do they do?
8. What is the final product of DNA replication?
9. What
10. What
11. What
12. What
13. What
14. What
15. What
16. What
17. What
does RNA stand for?
does DNA stand for?
is the difference between DNA and RNA (three things)?
is transcription?
are the key enzymes in transcription and what do they do?
is the final product of transcription?
is translation?
are the key enzymes in translation and what do they do?
is the final product of translation?
18. What is tRNA?
19. What is an anti-codon? What is the anti-codon of ACG?
20. Where does transcription and DNA replication occur in the cell?
21. Where does translation occur in the cell?
22. Use the following sequence: ATGCAAATGAAGAAATTG
a. Make the RNA strand
b. Use your codon chart to make the protein
Unit Three: Meiosis and Reproduction
1. What are the two main differences between asexual and sexual reproduction?
2. What type of reproduction, asexual or sexual, do organisms that undergo meiosis have?
3. What type of reproduction do most bacteria undergo?
4. What is binary fission?
5. What type of reproduction do mammals undergo?
6. What is the difference between a gene and a chromosome?
7. Do all organisms have the same number of chromosomes in their cell?
8. How many total chromosomes do humans have in the nucleus of their cells?
9. How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have in the nucleus of their cells?
10. What is a gamete and how many chromosomes does it have?
11. What are the other names for a human gamete?
12. What is the difference between a diploid and haploid cell?
13. During interphase of meiosis, what does the DNA do to double the amount of chromosomes
for a split second?
14. List the steps of meiosis in sequential order and what happens in each step.
15. After the first stage of meiosis, how many cells are there?
16. After the second stage of meiosis, how many cells are there?
17. At the end of interphase, how many chromosomes are there?
18. After the first stage of meiosis how many chromosomes are there in the cell?
19. After the second stage of meiosis how many chromosomes are there in cell?
20. What is the end product of meiosis?
21. If a normal cell of an organism has 50 chromosomes, how many would its gamete have?
22. If an organism has a gamete cell with 40 chromosomes, how many would its skin cell have?
23. What is crossing over and when does it happen in meiosis?
24. Explain the law of segregation and law of independent assortment.
25. What is the purpose of meiosis?
Unit Four: Mendelian Genetics
1. What is Gregor Mendel and what did he contribute to genetics?
2. What are alleles?
3. What are genes?
4. What is a chromosome?
5. What is homozygous dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive?
6. What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?
7. What is the definition and an example of epistasis, polygenetic inheritance, multiple alleles,
and pleiotropy.
8. What is the purpose of chi-squared analysis?
9. How many traits are involved in a monohybrid and dihybrid cross?
10. How many phenotypes can result in a monohybrid and dihybrid cross?
11. List the four gametes alleles combinations from the genotype AABb.
12. Use your packets/problems to study
a. monohybrid crosses
b. dihybrid crosses
c. codominance
d. incomplete dominance
e. sex-linked
f. blood type problems
Unit Five: Genetic Mutations
1. What is a mutation?
2. What is an insertion mutation and what are the two types?
3. What is a point mutation and what are the three types?
4. Does a gene mutation affect a protein?
5. What is non-disjunction and what is an example of a genetic disorder with this mutation?
6. Give one example of a genetic disorder and explain how the gene and protein is affected.
7. Shape determines ____________ of a protein.
8. What is a pedigree?
9. What do the shapes mean on a pedigree?
10. Would a recessive disorder should more or less shaded circles/squares than a dominant
11. What are the four chromosomal mutations?
12. What is the difference between an autosome chromosome and a sex chromosome?
Unit Six: Genetic Engineering
1. What is a genetically modified organism (GMO)?
2. Give an example of a GMO.
3. What is DNA fingerprinting and what is it used for?
4. What is gene therapy and how is it used to help those that have a genetic mutation?
5. What is cloning and what is the procedure?