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MKT 298C-Electronic Marketing
Final Exam Review Questions
Chapter 5:
1. Explain what is meant by the term “disintermediation.” Explain what the anticipated results
were with the onset of the Internet and what the actual results were (phrased differently, was
disintermediation expected and did it happen??)
2. In class we talked about four different types of intermediaries (wholesalers, etc.). List and
define each type of intermediary. Provide an “e” example for each of these intermediaries.
3. One approach when developing online initiatives (or any type of electronic initiative) is to
develop synergy between the online and offline operations. Provide at least three strategies that
could be used to closely integrate online and offline operations (and explain how they would
work). Some advocate high levels of cooperation between online and offline branches of a
company while others prefer a highly competitive environment between online and offline parts
of a business. Provide 2-3 advantages/disadvantages of the cooperation approach and 2-3
advantages/disadvantages of the competition approach. Conclude with which you think is a
more effective approach.
Chapter 6:
1. In class we talked about the “hierarchy of effects” model and how it relates to consumer
decision making.
a. Explain the “think, feel, do” model and “think, do, feel.” What do they mean and
what is the difference between them?
b. In the online environment are most purchases high or low involvement and WHY??
c. What are 3 creative ways (banner ads are NOT creative) for a pure play online e-tailer
to generate brand awareness?
2. Banner ads are a commonly used method in the electronic environment.
a. What are three traits of good banner ads?
b. There are two main ways to evaluate the effectiveness of a banner ad. What are the
two methods? Provide any rough statistics you can about how effective banner ads
are in these two methods.
3. Direct mail is an important marketing communication tool e-marketers can use.
a. list two advantages and two disadvantages of direct e-mail compared to direct “snail”
b. What is meant by “opt-in” and “opt-out?
c. Describe what is meant by the term “viral marketing.” Provide one illustration of
viral marketing (either real or make one up).
4. Many websites like to claim that they have very high levels of customer traffic. In fact, there
are many different ways to assess how much traffic is going to a particular site. In class, we
talked about 4 of these methods.
a. list and describe the 4 methods to determine volume of site traffic.
b. Which do you feel is the “best” measure of true site traffic and WHY?
Chapter 7:
1. For many years, marketing was based upon the idea that mass marketing was the most
efficient/effective approach to a marketplace. However, more recently the emphasis on
“relationship marketing” has been growing.
a. List and describe 3 differences between mass marketing and relationship marketing
b. There are three “levels” of relationships. List and define each of them. Provide an
illustration for each of these levels of relationships in the online grocery industry.
2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been increasing in popularity over the past 5
years. Some claim it is another fad while others contend it is the way business will be conducted
for years to come.
a. List and describe 3 reasons why CRM has increased in popularity (benefits from the
company’s perspective)
b. List and describe 2 customer benefits of CRM applications
c. In addition to the positive aspects of CRM, there are also limitations/dangers with this
approach. List and describe 4 of these concerns.
3. In the textbook the “CRM Process” is described as a 3 step process.
a. List and describe each step in the process.
b. Use online banking as a context to illustrate how each step might be conducted.
c. What is meant by “interaction” in this 3 step process?
4. Explain what is meant by Coding, Routing, Targeting and Sharing. Provide one company
example to illustrate how each of these are currently being used by companies.
5. Customization is a critically important aspect of CRM and e-marketing. A marketing mix can
be customized from either the company (push) or the customer (pull) side. In addition, the
customization can be directed towards either small groups of customers or individual customers.
a. List and define/explain one tactic from each of the four categories of customization
b. Illustrate each of these customization tools described in part a by applying the
concept to CSUC customizing their marketing mix for current students.
6. Why are communities valuable in relationship building efforts? List and describe what you
feel are the three most important principles associated with building a community.
E-Loyalty Book:
1. What is e-loyalty and how does it differ from retention marketing, one to one marketing, and
CRM? How is loyalty with a business similar to a relationship we may have with other people
(such as family, friends, etc.) What is the purpose of the “faith in marketing” pretest we
discussed in class?
2. Given a list of 5 of the “Seven Steps to Designing an e-Loyalty Strategy,” you should be able
to describe, define and illustrate three of them.
3. Discuss the four biggest challenges in implementing an e-Loyalty program identified by the
author of the book. Define, discuss and provide illustrations for each of them.
4. Given a list of 7 website design concepts, you should be able to describe, define and provide
illustrations for three of them. (NOTE: you will not be allowed to select the website design
concept your group presented in class).