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Chapter 6 The Rise of Islam
Important Events
200 300
The Rise of Islam
The Umayyad Empire
The Rise of the Abbasids
Important People
Who was Ali?
He was the cousin and son in law of
Muhammad and took his place as a possible
target of assassins during the exile from Mecca.
What is the Haj?
This is the Islamic name for the pilgrimage to
What was Yathrib ?
This was the other name for the city
of Medina.
What was a caliph?
This means successor to the prophet
What are mosques?
These are Muslim places of worship.
What is a jihad ?
This is the Arabic word for struggle often against
other religions and groups for political
What was Karbala ( which would explain
fighting during the Iraq conflict) ?
The son of Ali was assassinated by the Umayyad
clan at this Holy place in Iraq, which marked the
beginning of the major split in Islam.
What were the Ridda Wars ?
This was the name given to the series of bloody
confrontations that restored order in the Islamic
world following the death of Muhammad’s
death in 632.
Who were the Sunnis who backed the
Umayyads, and the Shi’a who supported Ali?
These Muslims were followers and supporters
of the Umayyad clan and the other Islamic sect
were followers of Ali.
“Don’t Choke!”
What were wazirs or viziers?
This was the chief administrative
official under the Abbasid Caliphate
originally recruited from the Persian
area of the Islamic empire.
Who was Abu Bakr?
He was one of Muhammad’s earliest followers
and good friend who became the first Caliph.
What was a zakat?
This is a payment or a charity tax
and was an obligation of the Islamic
What was the Battle of Siffin
in 657 C.E. ?
This battle was nearly won by Ali
but it was stopped due to truce talks
and he was later assassinated in 661.
Who were the Dhimmis?
They were people of the
book and the term applied to
Jews and Christians.
What was the Battle of the River Zab?
This was the battle and victory which resulted in
the capture of Syria and the capital of
What are recite the words of witness (there is no God but
Allah and Muhammad is his prophet), give alms to the
poor, worship five time to Mecca, Fast during Ramadan,
and make a pilgrimage to Mecca if possible?
What were the five pillars of the
Islamic faith ? ( specifically)
Who are the Sufi Mystics, or Sufism?
This is the division in the Islamic faith whose
practitioners experience religious fervor and
gyrate and dance in religious ecstasy ( Whirling
What are Bedouins?
These are Arab herders or nomads.
What is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem?
This is the city and building where Muhammad
ascended into heaven.
What was the town, Tours in France?
This is as far into Western Europe as the Islamic
faith reached before being stopped by the
“Don’t Choke!”
What is the Ka’ba?
This is the shrine in Mecca where every Muslim
must try to visit once in their lifetime.
Who are the muezzin?
These are the men who call
the Muslims to prayer every
What was Baghdad?
The Abbasids moved the political center of their
Empire to this city.
What was a jizya?
This was a head tax paid by all
non-believers in the Islamic world.
What were hadiths ?
This was the name for the traditions of the
prophet Muhammad often recorded by
Who was Uthman ( His death set off a Civil
War ) ?
This was the third caliph and was
murdered by mutinous warriors
returning from Egypt.
What was the umma?
This was the community of the faithful within
Islam that transcended old tribal boundaries to
create a degree of political unity.
What is mawali?
This is the term for non-Arab Muslim
converts to Islam.
What was a dhow?
This was the name of the Arabic sailing vessel.
What was a shaykh?
Arabic tribes and clans were ruled by a
man who had the respect of his tribe.