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In your notebook…divide a page into two columns (long ways). At the top of the page, label one column
Asexual Reproduction and the other Sexual Reproduction. Classify the following
terms/phrases/characteristics as either Asexual or Sexual Reproduction. If you want a couple bonus points, you
can also color each type of reproduction a different color to give you more of a visual comparison.
Haploid cells
Sex cells
Joining of egg and sperm
Daughter cells have same
number of chromosomes as the
parent cell
Diploid cell produces two diploid
In humans, produces cells with
23 chromosomes
Body cells making more body
Produces four cells
New cells are genetically
identical copies of each other
Homologous chromosomes line
up together and “cross over”
Diploid cell produces four
haploid cells
Produces two cells
Has 2 separate divisions
New cells are genetically
different from each other
Two haploid gametes come
together to form a diploid zygote
Genetic Variation
Binary Fission
Somatic cells making more
somatic cells
Involves Prokaryotic cells
Tissue repair & growth of
Produces cells that are different
from the original parent cell
(How cells become specialized
to further development of a
into a baby)
Cells are 2n before & after
Produces cells that are identical
to parent cell