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Roman Republic Exam
1. According to legend, Romulus and Remus watched for a(n) ______ to decide where
to build their city. (6.7.1)
a. eclipse
b. omen
c. lightening bolt
d. dark cloud
2. According to legend, who was the first king of Rome? (6.7.1)
a. Remus
c. Virgil
b. Romulus
d. Julius Caesar
3. The Roman Republic ended when ______________________. (6.7.2, 6.7.4)
a. Spartacus lead a successful revolt
c. the Plebeians left Rome for good
b. Julius Caesar declared himself dictator
4. All of the following contributed to the success of Roman expansion except: (6.7.3)
a. making allies of conquered people
c. sharing wealth money with conquered
b. giving citizenship to some conquered
d. maintaining strict military control over the
conquered people
5. The Romans built the city of Rome on seven hills which was on a broad, flat plane
known as ______________. (6.7.1)
a. latium
b. palatine
c. nostrum
d. aventine
6. Rome's early expansion involved taking over the Italian Peninsula and conquering
the _____________________ who lived on the peninsula. (6.7.1)
a. Greeks and Sicilians
b. Greeks and Gauls
c. Gauls and Phoenicians
d. Etruscans and Greeks
7. The second Punic War was unusual because the invading Carthaginian army used
60,000 men, 6,000 horses, and 37 _____________ to fight the Romans. (6.7.1)
a. Giraffes
b. Lions
c. Elephants
d. Bears
8. What was the first form of government in Rome? (6.7.1)
a. Etruscan king
c. dictatorship
b. Roman Republic
____ 9. Why was the Twelve Tablets an important change for the Romans? (6.7.1)
a. It ended debt bondage.
c. It gave plebeians the right to vote.
b. It created the first written laws.
____ 10. Which of the following is a difference between the geography of Rome and ancient
Greece? (6.7.1)
Rome has a milder climate.
Rome has more land for farming.
Rome has better natural harbors.
Rome has better access to trade routes.
____ 11. What northern mountain range separates the Italian peninsula from the rest of
Europe? (6.7.1)
a. Apennines
b. Tiber
c. Alps
d. Himalayas
____ 12. The Patricians and the _____________ were the two main social classes in Rome.
a. patrons
b. clients
c. plebeians
d. tribunes
____ 13. What was important about the creation of the Twelve Tables? (6.7.1)
a. They ended debt bondage
b. They were the first written laws in Roman history
c. They gave plebeians the right to vote
____ 14. Why did many Romans make being a soldier a career? (6.7.3)
a. Women could become soldiers.
b. The government started paying the fighting men.
c. Farmers were not allowed to work as soldiers.
____ 15. Rome fought the Punic Wars with which other country? (6.7.3)
a. Macedonia
c. Carthage
b. Spain
____ 16. What did the Romans offer people who they conquered? (6.7.3)
a. slavery
c. banishment
b. Roman citizenship
____ 17. What was the basis of the Roman economy? (6.7.3)
a. weaving
c. tourism
b. farming
d. mining
____ 18. Why was it possible for Roman cities to become centers of business and trade?
a. Roman citizens wre the only ones allowed to buy goods
b. Only people living in cities could afford to buy trade items
c. The network of paved roads allowed goods to move freely.
____ 19. Using the chart above, what can you tell about the Patricians and the Plebieans?
a. Plebieans had more power
b. Each group became important in the
running of the Roman government
c. Only Patricians could be Consuls
d. Patricians didn’t want to be in the Senate
____ 20. The Tribune of Plebieans was created ____________________________. (6.7.2)
a. when the Plebieans protested and left the c. by Spartacus
city of Rome
b. to give the Plebieans a place in
government other than the Senate
d. by the Consuls to help get women
involved in government
____ 21. The Plebeians left Rome because they ____________________. (6.7.2)
a. wanted to protest the use of slave labor
c. wanted more political power
b. disagreed with Rome's military policies
d. none of these choices
____ 22. The images above are of Fasces Sticks. These are symbols of government power the
Romans took from the Etruscans. They represent the King’s power to
___________________. (6.7.1)
a. buy and sell lumber for his cities
b. rule in this life and the afterlife
c. raise an army and conquer other lands
d. detroy and rebuild his civilization
____ 23. The government of Rome began with which of the following? (6.7.1)
a. Etruscan kings
c. Great Dictator
b. Roman Republic
d. Res Publica