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General Anatomy
Anatomy as the science of forms, structure and development of the human body. The
history of the development of human anatomy; the role of Russian anatomists. Methods of
investigation of gross anatomy, microscopic anatomy, radiographic anatomy and computered
Anatomical terminology.
Basic structural levels of the human body: cells, tissues, organs, structural-functional units
of organs, systems of organs, the apparatus, the organism and its integrity.
General principles of the organization of the human body: bilateral symmetry, metamery,
cranio-caudal gradient. Sagittal, frontal and horizontal sections of the body.
Development of the human body from the fertilized egg-cell to the adult form which
includes the next stages: prenatal ontogenesis (embryonic, fetal); organization of embryo body
(ectoderm, entoderm, dorsal and ventral mesoderm; somites and their components), postnatal
The Locomotion Apparatus
The skeletal system
The skeleton as a part of the locomotion apparatus. The bone as an organ, it’s function,
structure and development. Classification of the bones. Growth of the bones. Dependence of
bone development on internal and external factors. Relationship between social and biological
factors in the structure of bones. Function, development, structure, variants and anomalies, age
peculiarities and the roentgen anatomy of bones: the human axial skeleton and it’s structure; the
vertebral column, ribs and sternum; the skull and cranial bones. The appendicular skeleton: the
bones of the upper and lower limbs. Similarity and differences in the skeletal structure of the
upper and lower limbs. Role of labour and significance of the vertical position of human body
during the formation of the skeleton.
The skeletal joints
The classification of the skeleton joints and their characteristics. Individual, age and
sexual factors of the structure and roentgen anatomy of joints. Joints of the vertebral column,
connections of the vertebral column with the skull: the vertebral column as a whole. Connections
of ribs with the vertebrae and sternum. The thorax. Specific structural and functional features of
the vertebral column and the thorax in man in relation to the vertical position of the body. Joints
between the cranial bones; the skull as a whole. Influence of external and internal factors on the
skull morphogenesis. Joints of the bones of the upper limb. Structural features of the first
carpometacarpial joint specific for a man. Joints of the bones of the lower limb. The pelvis as a
whole. Dimensions of the female pelvis and their significance. The foot; vaults of the foot.
The muscular system.
The skeletal muscle, the smooth muscle and the cardiac muscle: peculiarities of their
structure and functions. The skeletal muscle as an organ. Development of the muscles, their
classifications. Peculiarities of distribution and variations of muscles. Auxiliary apparatus of the
Interrelation between the function and structure of muscles and bones.
Development, structure, function and topography of skeletal muscles of the human body.
Muscles of the head, of the neck, of the trunk (of the back, of the thorax, of the abdominal wall ),
of the pelvis. Muscles of the upper and lower limbs. The sites of weak resistance, their practical
significance. Analysis of main position and movement of the body. Specific features of the
structure of the locomotive system: that are characteristic of men.
The Digestive System
The anatomy and development of the oral cavity, teeth, tongue. The pharynx, esophagus,
stomach, small and large intestines. The liver and the pancreas. The peritoneum. The basic layers
of the digestive tube and the function of each one.
The Respiratory System
Anatomy and development of the respiratory system. The structure, function and
topography of the external nose, nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The pleura. The
mediastinum. Mechanism of breathing.
The Urinary System
The structure, development, function and topography of the urinary organs: the kidneys
and urinary tracts (the minor and major calyces, the pelvis, ureters, the urinary bladder, the
The Reproductive System
The structure, development, function and topography of the male genital organs: the testes
and the epididymis, the vas deferens. The spermatic cord. The seminal vesicles, their ducts and
the ejaculator ducts. The prostate, the penis and the scrotum.
The structure, development, function and topography of the female genital organs: the
ovaries, the uterine tubes, the uterus and the vagina. The external female genitalia. The
perineum, male and female. The mammary gland.
The Circulatory System
General Anatomy of the circulatory system: the heart, arteries, arterioles, capillaries,
venules and veins. The lesser and the greater circulation. Peculiarities of the blood vessels
branching; anastomoses; collateral circulation. The development of blood vessels. The vitteline,
placental and pulmonary circulation.
Anatomy of the heart: structure, development, function and topography. Arteries and
veins of the heart. The pericardium. Age and type anomalies of the heart. The heart
maldevelopment. The roentgen anatomy of the heart.
Anatomy of the blood vessels: topography, branches, regions of the blood supply,
anastomoses, variations of the arteries of the lesser (pulmonary) circuit: the pulmonary trunk and
pulmonary arteries, their branching within the lung; and arteries of the greater (systemic) circuit;
the aorta, it`s parts; branches of the ascending aorta; branches of the aortic arch; the carotid
arteries, the subclavian artery, the axillary artery; arteries of the upper limb; the thoracic aorta
and it`s branches; the abdominal aorta and it`s branches; the iliac arteries, arteries of the lower
limb . Sites for determination of pulsation and compression of arteries. Regularities of branching
of the intraorganic arteries.
Structural peculiarities of veins: the venous plexuses, sinuses and cavernous bodies.
Topography, tributaries, points of entry, anastomoses, variants and anomalies. Veins of the lesser
(pulmonary) circulation: veins of the greater circuit: systems of the superior and inferior vena
cava, the portal vein.
The Lymphatic System
Function, development and structure of the lymphatic system. Relation with the blood
circulatory system. Lymphatic capillaries, vessels, nodes, trunks and ducts. The thoracic and
right lymphatic ducts. The lymphoepithelial organs. The lymphatic vessels and the regional
nodes of the head and neck of the walls and organs of the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities
and of the limbs. Collateral routes of the lymph drainage. The roentgen anatomy of the lymphatic
The Immunity System
The central organs of the immunity system: the red bone marrow and the thymus. The
peripheral organs of the immunity system: the tonsils (palatine, lingual, tubal, pharyngeal), the
lymph - follicles, the spleen.
The Nervous System
General characteristics and function of the nervous system, it`s division into parts. The
phylo- and ontogenesis of the nervous system. Structural elements of the nervous system. The
reflex arch as the basic principle of nervous system activity.
The central nervous system: development, structure (external and internal), functional
characteristics of nuclei of the gray matter and fibers of the white matter of all parts of the
central nervous system: the spinal cord, the spinal ganglia; the spinal cord segment; the brainsimilarity and differences from the spinal cord. The medulla oblongata, the pons and cerebellum,
the fourth ventricle; the mesencephalon, diencephalons, the telencephalon (cortex and basal
ganglia, the rhinencephalon), the lateral ventricles. The limbic system. The reticular formation of
the brain. Conduction tracts of the spinal cord and brain (afferent and efferent). Membranes of
the spinal cord and brain, intermembranous spaces. Pathways of the cerebrospinal fluid
circulation and it`s drainage.
The peripheral nervous system: the spinal nerves, their formation, topography,
composition of nerve fibres and the rami. The posterior rami - composition of nerve fibres,
topography, region of innervation. The anterior rami – composition of nerve fibres, topography,
the principle of the formation of the plexus. The intercostal nerves, their branches, topography;
region of innervation. The plexuses (cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal), sources of
their formation, topography, branches, regions of innervation. The cranial nerves: the nuclei, the
composition of nerve fibres, branches, topography; region of innervation, relations with other
nerves (the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens, the trigeminal, facial, vestibulocochlear,
glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal nerves). Structural similarity and differences
between the cranial and spinal nerves.
The autonomic nervous system: general principles of the structure and functions of the
autonomic nervous system. Division into pars. The reflex arc of the autonomic nervous system.
The sympathetic nervous system; it`s central and peripheral part. The parasympathetic nervous
system, the central portions and peripheral part. Vegetative plexuses in the region of the head
and neck, the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities. Innervation of the blood vessels. Unity of
the autonomic and central nervous system.
The organs of special senses: development and structure of the organs of the special
senses. The receptor conduction and cortical parts of the analyzer, their functional unity. I.P.
Pavlov’s teaching on analyzers. Skin: it’s appendages and derivatives. The organ of vision:
structure of the eye, focusing images on the retina, visual pathways. The organ of hearing and
balance, development and structure of the ear. Mechanisms of hearing: mechanisms of
equilibrium and balance. The organ of olfaction. The organ of taste.
The Endocrine System
Peculiarities of endocrine glands, structure, relation with the vascular and nervous
systems, participation in the neurohumoral regulation. Classification of the endocrine glands,
their development, structure, topography, variants and anomalies: the thyroid, parathyroid and
thymus glands, the hypophysis, the epiphysis, the adrenal glands and the paraganglia: the genital
glands: the islands of Langerhans of the pancreas.
The Integumentary System
Layers of the human skin and their structure and function: accessory structures (hair, nails,
glands) functions of the human skin: its innervation and blood supply.