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1. Even though there is a great deal of variation between individuals within a species, all organisms tend to
produce offspring that are generally like themselves. For instance, tomato seeds reliably grow into tomato
plants and have never been known to spontaneously produce asparagus. How do parents manage to
consistently produce offspring that are similar to themselves?
a. Bits of tissue in the parents are incorporated into the offspring, resulting in similar development.
b. Hormones from the parents direct the development of the offspring.
c. Parents pass their own DNA to their offspring so the same directions are provided for development.
d. Proteins from each parent join together to form offspring similar to the parents.
2. The word gene refers to a
a. Factor that controls a trait.
b. Replicated chromosome.
c. Recessive allele.
d. Rung of the DNA ladder.
3. The order of nitrogen bases along a gene determines
a. The type and order of amino acids added to a protein.
b. The number of DNA molecules formed during replication.
c. The sequence of events in DNA replication.
d. Whether the gene is carried on RNA or DNA.
4. A blue-eyed mother (bb) and a brown-eyed father (BB) have four children. What will the phenotype of their
children be?
a. Bb
b. bb
c. brown-eyed
d. blue-eyed
5. A couple has three brown-eyed children. The parents are brown-eyed (Bb). The allele for brown eyes is
dominant over the allele for blue eyes. They believe the fourth child they have will be blue-eyed. Which
statement below explains what actually will happen?
a. The couple will have a blue-eyed fourth child.
b. The couple will have a brown-eyed fourth child.
c. The couple has a 75% chance of having a blue-eyed child.
d. The couple has a 25% chance of having a blue-eyed child.
6. Sasha’s mother has sickle-cell disease. Her father does not have the disease and is not a carrier. Sasha has one
brother and one sister. Which answer below best describes the genotypes of Sasha and her siblings? The key is
for reference.
a. All three children are carriers.
b. All three children have sickle-cell disease.
c. Sasha and her sister have sickle-cell disease, while their brother is a carrier.
d. Sasha and her sister are carriers, while their brother is not.
7. Mendel concluded that the alleles or tall stems in pea plants are dominant. Thus, crossing a purebred tall pea
plant with a purebred short pea plant should result in
a. All tall plants
b. All short plants
c. All medium height plants
d. Half short and half tall plants
Which of the following is true of genes?
a. All genes contain the same number of nitrogen base pairs.
b. Each gene has a fixed location on a chromosome.
c. Genes code only for dominant traits.
d. Each gene is repeated on all of the body’s 23 chromosomes.
DNA contains the genetic information for cells to make
a. Chromosomes
b. Genes
c. A double helix
d. Proteins
Mendel crossed two pea plants: one with green pods and one with yellow pods. The F(1) generation all had
green pods. What color pods did the F(2) generation have?
a. Most had green, but some had yellow.
b. All had green.
c. All had yellow.
d. Each was a green and yellow blend
In pea plants, red flower color is dominant to white flower color.
If a homozygous red flowered plant is crossed with a white flowered plant, what percentage of their offspring
will have red flowers?
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 100%
Use the diagram above. If the allele for white flowers is dominant and the allele for purple flowers is recessive,
what is the probability that the offspring in the F(2) generation will have purple flowers?
a. 100%
b. 75%
c. 50%
d. 25%
13. According to the chromosome theory of inheritance, genes are carried from parents to their offspring on
a. Traits
b. Centromeres
c. Chromosomes
d. Nitrogen bases
14. A cross between a mother with type A blood and a father with type B blood produces a baby with AB blood.
Which type of inheritance pattern is this?
a. Co-dominance
b. Multiple allele
c. Single allele
d. Simple dominance
In dogs, black fur is dominant to gold fur. I want to breed my with a friend’s dog. My friend’s dog has two
dominant alleles for fur color, and my dog has one dominant allele and one recessive allele for fur color.
Which of these best predicts their offspring?
a. All of the offspring will have two dominant alleles.
b. All of the offspring will have two recessive alleles.
c. All of the offspring will have black fur.
d. All of the offspring will have white fur.
If Sandra’s father has blood genotype AB, and her mother’s blood genotype is OO, what blood genotype would
Sandra be?
a. AA
b. AO
c. AB
d. OO
Genes determine whether you have dimples, what color eyes you have, and even the ability to roll your tongue.
What is the role of a gene in inheritance?
a. The gene contains chromosomes that show an organism’s traits.
b. The gene gets messages from its cell about showing certain traits.
c. The gene has nerves that send messages to the brain controlling specific traits.
d. The gene is a section of DNA that controls a trait that the organism inherits.
The Punnett square shows the possible genotypes for the offspring of a colorblind father and a mother who is a
carrier. If this couple has a daughter, what is the probability that she will be colorblind?
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 100%
19. One of the cells shown below is a parent cell about to undergo meiosis. Another cell is in the process of
meiosis. A third cell is a sex cell that results from meiosis. Which answer lists the cells in the correct order from
the start of meiosis to the end of meiosis?
a. H, F, G
b. H, G, F
c. F, G, H
d. G, F, H
20. The cells that result from meiosis have
a. Half as many chromosomes as the other cells in the organism.
b. An exact copy of the chromosomes in the other cells in the organism.
c. Twice as many chromosomes as the other cells in the organism.
d. None of the chromosomes that are present in the other cells in the organism.
During ______________, a cell divides to form two cells that have sets of chromosomes that are complete and
identical to each other and to the parent cell.
a. Meiosis
b. Mitosis
c. DNA replication
d. Fertilization
How is meiosis different from mitosis?
a. Meiosis requires cells with a nucleus and mitosis does not.
b. Mitosis requires cells with a nucleus and meiosis does not.
c. Meiosis is required for sexual reproduction and mitosis is required for asexual reproduction.
d. Meiosis is required for asexual reproduction and mitosis is required for sexual reproduction.
After mitosis, each daughter cell ends up with a single set of chromosomes identical to the set that was
contained in the parent cell. That fact tells us that
a. Spindle fibers form when the nuclear envelop breaks.
b. Chromosomes form from chromatin in the nucleus.
c. The chromosome number doubled during mitosis.
d. Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes at their centromeres.
What is the process in which a cell’s nucleus divides into two new nuclei and one set of DNA is distributed into
each daughter cell?
a. Cell cycle
b. Meiosis
c. Interphase
d. mitosis
In which of the following ways are sexual and asexual reproduction similar?
a. Both require DNA from two parents to make an offspring.
b. Both result in offspring with a complete set of genetic material.
c. Both produce offspring that are genetically identical to the parents.
d. Both create offspring that are larger and healthier than the parents.
Insulin is a protein used by the body. People with diabetes are not able to produce the correct amount of
insulin. Advances in biotechnology have allowed scientists to make bacterial cells that produce insulin for
people. Which technique has allowed scientists to do this?
a. DNA fingerprinting
b. Gene therapy
c. Genetic engineering
d. Selective breeding
Which of these is a possible end-product of the process shown in the diagram?
a. Sex cell
b. Body cell
c. Daughter cell that is identical to the parent cell
d. Daughter cell with twice the number of chromosomes as the parent cell
28. Cloning results in two organisms that are
a. Both adult mammals
b. Produced from cuttings
c. Genetically similar
d. Genetically identical
29. What positive effects might genetic engineering have on society?
a. Y chromosomes can be changed to X chromosomes.
b. Gene therapy can be used to correct genetic disorders.
c. Bacteria can be made resistant to antibiotics.
d. Repeated inbreeding can be used to create a single breed of corn.
30. Which of the following is an advantage of sexual reproduction?
a. More offspring are produced.
b. More offspring survive to maturity.
c. The offspring have more genetic variation.
d. The offspring and parents are identical.