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Evolution: Notes 1: Date: _____________________________
Bellwork: write why you think “Evolution is such a controversial issue…”
Notes: Life’s Diversity: What evolution ___________________mean… That we came from monkeys!
 Did we evolve from apes? We ARE apes!!! We are in the______________ _______________-!!
 Lions, and your house cat are_________________!
 We are often referred to as the “______________ __________.”
Ch 16: The Puzzle of Life's Diversity Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
 According to Webster’s: The general definition for “_________________” is… a process of______________ in a
 In Biology: Evolution: ________________by which modern organisms have _____________ from ancient organisms.
 Scientific theory: well-supported _______________________________of phenomena that have occurred in the
natural world.
Know the difference: The fact of evolution – yup, things _______________ Theory of Natural Selection: _________________________________, Only certain organisms survive to reproduce.
 Voyage of the Beagle: 1831: Charles Darwin sailed from England on the H.M.S.Beagle
 He developed: The Theory of Natural Selection: the way life_____________________________.- or the “Theory of
Evolution”(was he the only scientist to theorize this? ______)
 Darwin studied many ___________________________________________in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador
 Fossils: the ________________________________of ancient organisms. On his voyage Darwin collected these
 The four types of fossils are
mold fossils: fossilized__________________ made in the substrate - a _________________________of the organism.
cast fossils: formed when a ___________________ is filled in
trace fossils = ichnofossils: fossilized____________, gastroliths( _____________rocks), burrows,
true form fossils: fossils of the _________________________or animal _____________________.
Darwin's Observations
 He observed that many plants and animals were___________________________________________ they inhabited.
 He was impressed by the ways in which __________________________________________________offspring.
 Darwin was puzzled by where ____________________________lived and did not live. Rabbits: none in
_______________/Kangaroos: none in _____________________.
 Grasslands in some regions were ________________to one another but were inhabited by very________________.
 Darwin wondered if animals living on different islands had once been members of the_____________________.
 These separate species would have __________________________ an original South American ancestor species.
Darwin Wrote:______________________________________________
He _____________________________________for years and told his wife to publish it in case he died.
In 1858, Alfred Wallace sent an essay to Darwin for review. Wallace’s __________________________Darwin’s work.
In 1859, Darwin ______________________his book
Survival of the Fittest: ability of an individual to ________________________in its specific environment (its fitness.)
Darwin proposed that________________________________________.
Adaptation: any inherited characteristic ____________________an organism's chance of survival.
Darwin realized that high birth rates and a ________________________________would force
organisms to compete for resources.
Malthus (said) if a ____________________population continues to grow unchecked,
eventually there ____________ _______________________& _______________for all
There is ____________________________for food and resources –_______ is the driving
force of EVOLUTION
Natural/Artificial Selection: Notes 2: Date: _____________________________
Over time, natural selection results _________________in the inherited characteristics_________________.
These changes increase a species' fitness in its environment.
Artificial selection: selection by humans for breeding of useful______________ from the ______________
_______________among different organisms.
Compare it to:
Natural Selection: Process where individuals ____________________to their environment survive and
________________most successfully
Darwin developed a scientific
hypothesis to explain how evolution
occurs by comparing
processes in nature to
artificial selection.