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Quantum Technologies:
A £1Bn Industry for the UK
Richard Murray [email protected] Technologist -­‐ Emerging technologies and industries Quantum Technologies: a £1Bn industry for the UK? Quantum Technologies: a £1Bn industry for the UK? What are quantum technologies? Conven&onal quantum devices are everywhere! Transistors Lasers There are two quantum proper&es that are not exploited in current devices: Superposi&on Entanglement •  ‘Being in two states at once’ •  ‘Spooky ac&on at a distance’ • Superposi&on states are very sensi&ve to external environment e.g. Gravity •  They can make very accurate sensors •  Entangled states connect pairs of par&cles, over large distances •  They can make very secure communica&on networks What are the uses of quantum? Quantum Sensors and Timing osiJ
Quantum CommunicaJons on Quantum Imaging E
ent m
Quantum Computers osiJ
ent m
on Cryogenics are key to Quantum Technologies •  Superconduc&ng circuits –  ‘qubits’ in quantum computers •  Superconduc&ng nanowires –  Single photon detec&on •  Driver for these devices is miniaturisa&on and cost reduc&on •  What are the spin off markets for 4K coolers? What have we done? The funding landscape EPSRC Dstl CDT programme PhDs Innovate UK H2020 QT Hubs Demonstrator programme Innovate UK programme FET ProacJve topic KTN Special Interest Group NPL ExploiJng research Science Standards and Metrology Technology ApplicaJons Markets Background-­‐ the EPSRC quantum hub network £155M for Na&onal Network of Quantum Technology Hubs + £50M for CDT University of York University of Glasgow Prof. Miles Padge2 o  Imaging, Metrology & Sensors (Photonics) Prof. Tim Spiller o  CommunicaJons (Photonics) University of Oxford Prof. Ian Walmsley o  ComputaJon o  Metrology & Sensors o  CommunicaJons (Atoms & Ions) University of Birmingham Prof. Kai Bongs o  Metrology & Sensors (Atoms & Ions) Plus a much larger net of supporJng universiJes and businesses Background – the Dstl demonstrator programme £25M + £6M for quantum technology PhDs •  Miniaturised Clock –  1 in 1012 → 1 in 1016 in 4 years •  Gravity Imager –  ‘See’ with gravity –  Demonstrator in 5 years •  Quantum Navigator –  Naviga&on without satellites –  Demonstrator in 5 years CompeJJon for Industry-­‐lead QT projects •  ‘Exploring the commercial applicaJons of quantum technologies’ •  £5m of funding, supporJng 21 projects o  early and late stage commercialisaJon of components o  academic/ Industry knowledge exchange o  measurement and tesJng faciliJes Quantum Technologies Special Interest Group CollaboraJon events • Workshops and sandpits • Industry Voice Join today: heps://­‐technology Roadmap and strategy Figure 7: Roadmap envisaged for Q uantum 2 b ased through ground gravity imagers
UK MOD Applied Research
I nternational Construction & Surv ey Industry
I nternational defence & security
Sub surfa ce survey scanners
Underground services mapping scanners
MOD r esearch Gravity I mager
UK Production Atomic Clock s
Hollow Fibre Atomic C lock
Lattice Atomic Clock
Rubidium differentia l a ccele rometer
UK Production quantum accelerometers
National standards Qua ntum 2 C lock Research
Univ ersity Cold Atom Research
University signal p rocessing research
Defence applied signal p rocessing r esearch
K ey: Whi te boxes d eno te existi ng acti vi ty, Yel low boxes d en ote anti ci pated acti vi ty, Red arr ows deno te dependenci es
Ongoing acJvity to clarify and connect quantum landscape What are we planning to do next? SupporJng innovaJon Innovate UK and EPSRC have a significant budget to support innovaJon over the next 4 years Innovate UK EPSRC 2015/16 £2M 2016/17 £5M 2017/18 £10M 2018/19 £15M 2019+ £3M £5M £5M £5M ? ? Innovate UK Targets Link great research with skills and capabili&es from industry Develop Components Link up the supply chain and develop end user engagement SupporJng innovaJon Future compeJJons will look to: •  Develop the supply chain for quantum technologies using longer and larger projects •  Engage with new companies using a series of smaller, short and more focused compeJJons •  ConJnue to encourage networking and collabora&on between industry and academia •  Connect with new poten&al end users, public or private SupporJng innovaJon •  Next compeJJon is expected to be announced Sept 2015 •  In the meanJme: •  talk to us about how you think we could help, •  get involved with the community and •  watch this space! Thank you [email protected] h2ps://­‐technology