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Charles Darwin and
Natural Selection
Darwin’s Ideas Influenced by:
 Voyage on the Beagle (1831-1836)
 Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution
 Also influenced by…
Geologists James Hutton and
Charles Lyell
• Hutton
– Processes that form rock, mountains, and
valleys are very slow
– Earth is much more than a few thousand
years old
• Lyell
– Geological processes we observe now have
occurred for millions of years
– Explains why marine fossils are at tops of
Thomas Malthus, Economist
Babies born faster than people dying
If population growth continued, people
would run out of food, water and space
War, famine and disease prevents this
Artificial Selection
 Breeders
select best traits to produce
next generation
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
by Natural Selection
Living things overproduce
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
by Natural Selection
There is variation among offspring
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
by Natural Selection
There is a struggle to survive
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
by Natural Selection
Those that survive are most fit
Natural Selection:
“Survival of the Fittest”
Fitness = ability to survive and
Fitness is the result of adaptations –
inherited characteristics that increase
an organism’s chance of survival
Descent with Modification
Over time, natural selection produces
organisms with different structures
Today’s species look different from
their ancestors
Each species descended with changes
over time
Descent with Modification
Implies that all living things are related
to one another