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Stem Cells in Infectious Diseases
Ramesh Chandra Rai, Debapriya Bhattacharya and Gobardhan Das
Immunology Group, International Centre
for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi,
1. Introduction
Stem cells are unspecialized cells found in embryos (blastocyst stage) and in various tissues
of adults. They divide mitotically to self renew and can differentiate into different types of
cells in appropriate conditions for specific functions. They serve as cell reservoirs for
purpose of repair of damaged tissues of the body. Recent research suggests that stem cells
especially mesenchymal stem cells have immuno-modulatory characteristics. Due to this
property many trials are being conducted with transplantation of MSCs in treating diseases
which arise from immunological abuses. These cells have capacity of specific homing and
thus can repair infection induced injuries of various organs of body. Evidences suggest that
mesenchymal stem cells could on the other hand be a potential target for treatment of
Even after more than a century of its discovery in 1882 by Robert Koch, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis (M. tb) continues to be one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in
humans among infectious diseases. One third of global population is latently infected with
M. tb (World Health Organisation November 2010), and is a cause of around two million
deaths each year. The majority of infected individuals remain asymptomatic until there is
any perturbation of host immune responses. Currently available vaccine, Bacillus CalmetteGuérin (BCG) is effective only in disseminated TB in young children. On the contrary, its
efficacy dramatically varies in adult pulmonary TB depending on ethnicity and
geographical locations. Current therapy of TB is very effective and is adopted by
internationally recognized Directly Observed Treatment Short course (DOTS) programme.
However, this regimen of therapy consists of multiple antibiotics for an extended period of
time, and thus incorporates the risk of developing drug resistance. In fact, non-compliance is
the central cause for generation of multiple and extensively drug resistant (MDR and XDR)
forms of TB (Peter A. Otto et al., 2008). Therefore, there is an urgent need for alternative
therapeutic targets and newer strategies for treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Considerable efforts have been made to uncover the strategy used by the harbouring
tubercular bacilli to induce persistent/latent infection. Only recently, it has been clearly
demonstrated that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) play a “Janus” like activity and establish
a dynamic equilibrium. MSCs position themselves in between harbouring bacilli and host
protective T cells. Therefore, MSCs could be a potential therapeutic target for treatment of
Insight and Control of Infectious Disease in Global Scenario
latent tuberculosis (Raghuvanshi S. et al., 2010). They are recruited at the site of infection and
do not allow M. tb to spread but at the same time suppress host immune response mounted
against the pathogen, thus preventing complete elimination of pathogen from the host
(Raghuvanshi S. et al., 2010). These results shed a light on possible new ways for treating
tuberculosis, which has been a major killer of humans for centuries.
2. Stem cells and various diseases
Due to self renewal and multi-lineage differentiation capabilities, transplantation of stem
cells has emerged as a very promising way of treatment of many diseases. Stem cell therapy
of different diseases involves the local delivery of stem cells to injured/ infected site or their
systemic transfusion. Owing the ability to differentiate into various lineages, stem cells hold
therapeutic potential for treatment of many non-infectious and infectious diseases.
2.1 Non-infectious diseases
Mesenchymal stem cells can manipulate host immune responses; they have been used for
treating/preventing many diseases which arise because of irregularities of immune system
or host responses. Also the infused stem cells are able to differentiate to a particular type of
cell after reaching the site in response to local signals. Although this notion have not yet
been demonstrated very well. Many reports suggest their use in case of cardiovascular, lung
fibrosis, neural and orthopaedic diseases (Barry FP and Murphy JM, 2004; Ortiz LA. et al.,
In a study by Teng, YD. et al., 2002, have shown improvement in injured spinal cord by
transplanting neural stem cell in adult rat. These approaches can also be extended to treat
the conditions of stroke and other neurodegenerative diseases (Barry FP. and Murphy JM,
2004). Recently Lin H. et al., 2011, reported positive therapeutic use of MSCs in different
liver diseases and inherited metabolic disorders. They have shown that cytokines produced
from MSCs can attenuate inflammatory injury to the liver and prevent apoptosis of liver
cells. Also MSCs helped in regaining the proliferation and function of hepatocytes.
2.1.1 Auto-immune diseases
When immune system of human body recognises its own component as non-self, it starts
immune response against it. This leads to auto-immune diseases such as inflammatory
bowel disease, arthritis etc. In inflammatory bowel disease which includes ulcerative colitis
and Crohn’s disease, the intestine become inflamed (Melgar S and Shanahan F, 2010;
Siegmund B and Zeitz M, 2011). This is due to immune reaction of person’s body towards its
own intestinal tissues. In case of arthritis especially in rheumatoid arthritis, there is
inflammation of joints due to overt immune responses. This leads to damage of joints which
is due to inflammation of joint lining tissues. So, objective of treatments will be suppression
of immune responses.
2.1.2 Graft Versus Host Diseases (GVHD)
It is a situation when host immune system rejects transplanted organ or part of it as a nonself. Infiltration of MSCs can suppress host immune response and thus can prevent GVHD
Stem Cells in Infectious Diseases
(Le Blanc K, et al., 2004; Tse WT, 2003). Prolonged survival of skin graft was observed when
MSCs were used (Bartholomew A, et al., 2002). So it can reverse the process of rejection and
GVHD when used in transplantation (Bobis S., et al., 2006; Le Blank K and Ringden O.,
2005). GVHD was not observed in case of patients with metachromatic leukodystrophy and
Hurler’s syndrome after MSCs were infused (Koc, O. N. et al., 2002).
In such situations immuno-suppressive effect of MSCs can help in preventing these diseases.
2.2 Infectious diseases
There is growing understanding among scientific community that many of infectious
diseases may be cured or controlled using stem cells. Stem cell therapy can also be used in
general to fight infections e.g. sepsis, a life threatening condition which arises from spread
of an infection throughout the body and body’s response to it. Report from Mei SH. et al.,
2010; suggest that sepsis could be treated successfully by transplanting mesenchymal stem
cells to the patient.
2.2.1 Stem cell therapy for treatment of HIV infection
Stem cell therapy for treatment of HIV is under intensive investigation in recent times.
Scientists are trying to reconstitute HIV-resistant lymphoid and myeloid system in
experimental mice model to combat HIV infections (Holt, N. et al., 2010; Steven G Deeks and
Joseph M McCune, 2010). Holt, N. et al. 2010, engineered human hematopoietic cells to
disrupt the CCR5 receptors which are utilized by viruses for their entry. When these
engineered cells are transplanted to mice, they confer resistance towards the HIV infections.
When CCR5 disrupted stem cells transplanted in a HIV patient, patient remained free of
virus for 20 months even in absence of antiretroviral therapies (Hütter G et al., 2009).
In a similar kind of approach Kitchen SG. et al., 2009; demonstrated that hematopoietic stem
cells could be engineered to target HIV infected cells. They generated CD8+ cytotoxic T cell
lymphocytes which express transgenic-human anti-HIV T cell receptor. After cloning and
transplantation to mice model, these cells were able to kill cells which were infected with
HIV and were displaying its antigens.
2.2.2 Stem cell therapy for treatment of malaria
Malaria, which is characterized by invasion of erythrocytes by Plasmodium, leads to extreme
perturbation of hematopoiesis. Severe destruction of red blood cells causes anaemia, thus
posing pressure on bone marrow to meet the requirement of myeloid cells. Scientists from
National Institute for Medical Research, UK, have identified an atypical progenitor cells
from malaria infected mice which can give rise to a lineage of cells capable of fighting this
disease (Belyaev, NN, 2010). Transplantation of these cells into mice with severe malaria
helped mice recover from the disease. Other reports also supports stem cell therapy for
malaria treatment (Saei, AA. and Ahmadian, S., 2009). Stem cells can also be engineered to
produce erythrocytes with modified hemoglobin as its variants are associated with
protection from malaria.
Approaches may differ but stem cells are in focus for treatment of many diseases. The
current reports from our lab suggest that tuberculosis could be prevented possibly by
targeting mesenchymal stem cells.
Insight and Control of Infectious Disease in Global Scenario
3. Tuberculosis and its treatment options
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects humans through aerial route and thus lungs are the
primary organ for its infection. Subsequently infection spreads to other organs of body such
as spleen and lymph nodes. Recruitment of macrophages and lymphocytes at the site of
infection leads to formation of granuloma which is small area of inflammation due to tissue
injury or infection and a hallmark of tuberculosis. Many other diseases are also associated
with the formation of granulomas such as sarcoidosis, histoplasmosis, syphilis, Crohn’s
disease etc. Granulomas are formed when immune cells contains a foreign substance after
recognition which could not get cleared by body’s immune system. They are characterized
by presence of macrophages and infectious agent besides other cells and body matrix such
as lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, fibroblasts and collagen.
In case of tuberculosis granulomas are formed at the site of infection where Mycobacterium
tuberculosis remains as a latent infection. Infection to the macrophages of lungs leads to
secretion of several of chemokines which attracts lymphocytes and neutrophils. These cells
are able to contain pathogen inside granuloma, thus preventing the spread of bacterium to
other parts of body and further inflammation. In other words granulomas are hiding place
of bacteria in the infected organs. Final outcome of these interactions and whether it will
lead to disease condition or not depends on the strength of host immune response.
Host immune response blocks spread of infection and prevents disease condition but it is
not able to completely remove M. tb from body. Its persistent infection in a person converts
into diseased condition when there is suppression of immunity such as in case of AIIDS. As
HIV infection compromises immunity, the person will become highly susceptible to active
tuberculosis as latent infection turns into active form (Goletti D, et al., 1996). Co-existence of
both TB and HIV fuel each other worsening the patient’s condition. Immunosuppression in
HIV patients occur as a result of decrease in number of CD4+ T cells and leads to
progression of TB. One report suggests that the chances of getting TB increases from 4% to
49% when there is decrease in CD4+ T cells from 200 cells/µl to 100 cells/µl (Jones BE et al.,
1993). On the other hand Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection facilitates replication of HIV.
This is done by cytokines such as TNF- and IL-6 secreted from M. tb infected macrophages
(Havlir DV and Barnes PF 1999; Nakata K, et al., 1997). These cytokines creates a
microenvironment which are inductive to HIV replication (Goletti D, et al. 1996). Thus, both
HIV and M. tb can shorten the lifespan of patients by working together.
4. Bacillus Calmette–Gue´rin (BCG) and its efficacy
Bacillus Calmette–Gue´rin (BCG) vaccine is prepared from attenuated strain of
Mycobacterium bovis. This strain has become avirulent due to continuous passages in
artificial medium for a long time but still remained antigenic, being used as vaccine to
prevent tuberculosis. But its effectiveness is not 100% and does not last longer (Colditz GA
et al., 1994). At the maximum it can provide protection up to 15 years depending on many
factors including geographical conditions. Directly Observed Treatment, Short Course
(DOTS) is a world health organisation (WHO) recommended treatment for tuberculosis. It
was launched in India in 1997 as a revised national tuberculosis control programme. Before
launching the programme, it was tested from 1993-1996. The key components of this
programme are as follows-
Stem Cells in Infectious Diseases
i. Political commitment to control TB;
ii. Case detection by sputum smear microscopy examination among symptomatic patients;
iii. Patients are given anti- TB drugs under the direct observation of the health care
provider/community DOT provider;
iv. Regular, uninterrupted supply of anti-TB drugs; and
v. Systematic recording and reporting system that allows assessment of treatment results
of each and every patient and of whole TB control programme.
Treatment of tuberculosis involves- isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide daily
for two months, followed by four months of isoniazid and rifampicin given three times a
week. Sometimes one or the other drugs are omitted during treatment depending on the
patient’s condition. Later in 2006; WHO launched stop TB programme as a multidimensional approach to fight this disease at international level and better management of
treatment strategies.
5. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and its role in M. tb infection
Discovered by A. J. Friedenstein in 1968 (Friedenstein, AJ. et al.,1974) MSCs are a subset
of non-haematopoietic pleuripotent cells found in adult bone marrow and are capable
of differentiating into adipocytes, fibroblasts and even myoblasts (Ren G. et al., 2010).
The mesenchymal stem cell name to these cells was given by Caplan. They have very
high capacity to proliferate in vitro and don’t loose proliferation capacity for a long time
(Sundin, M. et al., 2006). After their discovery and growing understanding of their role
in the modulation of host immune response, they have been thought to be an important
tool for regenerative medicine and immunotherapy. Although there are no exclusive
markers for MSCs, they are characterized by their ability to differentiate into different
kinds of cells mentioned above and by the combined surface expressions of
CD29+CD44+Sca-1+CD45−CD11b−CD11c−Gr-1−F4/80−MHC-II −MHC-Ilow (Ren G. et al.,
2008 and 2010).
MSCs are immuno-suppressive in nature and they exert their effect only when they are
stimulated. Unstimulated MSCs are not capable of performing this effect (Yufang Shi et al.,
2010). MSCs have been shown to prevent rejection of allogenic skin grafts (Xu G, et al. 2007),
graft versus host diseases (K. Le Blanc and O. Ringden, 2006), and therefore are helpful in
treating auto-immune disorders. They are able to alter function of T cells, B cells, dendritic
cells (DCs) and natural killer (NK) cells (Ren G. et al., 2010). This is done by cytokines
secreted by MSCs and through direct cell-cell contact. MSCs produce number of cytokines,
signalling molecules and growth factors which can suppress inflammatory response and
may also lead to trophic effects (Caplan AI and Dennis JE. 2006; Lin H. et al., 2011). Their
regulatory effect on immune system, such as anti-proliferative (Bartholomew A, et al., 2002;
Di Nicola M et al., 2002; Le Blank K et al., 2003; Sudres M, et al., 2006) and anti-inflammatory
roles makes them an important candidate for therapy of many inflammatory diseases
(Newman RE et al., 2009).
Mesenchymal stem cells have ability to create a microenvironment which helps in
engraftment. The expressions of major histocompatibility I (MHC I) molecules are less on
these cells and they lack human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II and costimulatory
molecules such as CD40, CD80 and CD86 (Krampera, M. et al., 2003). Low level expression
Insight and Control of Infectious Disease in Global Scenario
of MSC I can still activate T cells but they become anergic as there is no secondary signals or
co-stimulation (Javazon EH. et al., 2004; Wong RS. 2011). Also low level expression of MHC I
prevent these cells from being destroyed by natural killer cells (Moretta A. et al., 2001). They
generally do not express MHC II molecules on their surface (Le Blank K. et al., 2003) but
could be immunogenic in certain circumstances (Le Blank K. et al., 2003; Stagg J. et al., 2006).
The above characteristics help them to be less immunogenic (Herrero C. and Perez-Simon, J.
A. 2010) and also have ability of interaction with components of both innate and adaptive
immune system. Suppression of T and B cell proliferation and their activation makes them
useful for treatment of different infectious and non-infectious diseases such as tuberculosis,
graft versus host disease and various auto-immune diseases (Sundin, M. et al., 2006). These
cells have ability to migrate specifically to the site of injury. This has been shown in many of
diseases involving injury of tissues and cartilages.
5.1 Effector molecules of mesenchymal stem cells
The molecular players which perform immunosuppression are mainly nitric oxide (NO),
indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) (Ren G. et al., 2008). Three
nitric oxide synthases catalyse the synthesis of NO, which by interacting with many
receptors and enzymes plays critical role in immune-suppression. It affects the phenotype of
T cells and impairs its proliferation and function affecting TCR mediated signalling
(Hoffman, RA. et al., 2002). MSCs has been shown to express many chemokine receptors
such as CCR1, CCR4, CCR5 and CCR10, thus in response to many of the cytokines, they
move to desired destination (Von Luttichau et al., 2005).
5.2 Host immune response
Both innate and adaptive immunity plays role against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
Host immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is Th1 rather than Th2 mediated
as IFN- knock out mice fails to mount immune response against its infection (Schroder K et
al., 2004). Of note, IFN- plays suppressive role for Th2 cell differentiation. M. tb evades host
protective immune responses by modulating various immune mechanisms that includes
down regulations of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHCs), co-stimulatory molecules,
and up-regulating production of immune suppressive cytokines viz. TGF- and IL-10, and
prostaglandins. Each of these targets is extensively studied for therapeutic interventions.
However, it has been mostly unsuccessful. It is now evident that MSCs confine harbouring
bacteria and segregate host protective responses. Cell mediated immunity is required for
protection from M. tb. But M. tb has evolved mechanisms to evade the host immune
response and remains as persistent infection inside the granuloma.
5.3 Balance between immune response and disease outcome
After M. tb infection, macrophage and lymphocytes are mobilized to the site of infection,
resulting in formation of granuloma. Thus cells of innate and adaptive immune system of
body surround the pathogen. Recognition of pathogen associated molecular patterns leads
to activation of T cells which secrete IFN-. Since M. tb is an intracellular pathogen, effector
T cells plays crucial role in host immunity against this pathogen. To evade the host defence
mechanism, pathogen recruits MSCs at the periphery of granuloma (Raghuvanshi S. et al.,
Stem Cells in Infectious Diseases
2010). Reports from various groups suggest that MSC interferes with antigen presenting cell
functionality, block the differentiation of B cells. They also suppress natural killer cell and T
cell responses. Both naïve and memory T cell responses were inhibited by MSCs. The
suppression is due to cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 stage of T cells (Glennie S. et al., 2005). They
induce Th2 cells to produce interleukin-4 (IL-4) and also inhibit the production of interferon thus creating an anti-inflammatory state. MSCs also arrest B cells at G0/G1 stage of their
cell cycle besides suppressing their differentiation (Corcione, A. et al., 2006; Tabera, S. et al.,
2008) and inhibit immunoglobulin production (Herrero, C. and Perez Simon J. A. 2010).
MSCs also hinder functional differentiation of dendritic cells (Jiang XX., et al., 2005;
Ramasamy R., et al., 2007). Besides above mentioned roles there is conflicting reports
regarding immune-suppression effect of MSCs in murine models in vivo (Muriel Sudres et
al., 2006).
Pro-inflammatory cytokines induces MSCs to secrete several cytokines/ chemokines (IL-10,
TGF- , IDO and PGE2) and nitric oxide (NO). Together they perform immuno-suppression
(Ren G. at al., 2008) and also induce regulatory T cells which prevent killing of M. tb by
cytotoxic T cells (Scott-Browne JP et al., 2007). NO inhibits T cell proliferation, production of
cytokines, and induce tolerance (Niedbala, W. et al., 2006; Ren G. et al., 2008). NO diffuses
rapidly to the vicinity but its active concentration drops very fast as it is highly unstable
(Ren G. et al., 2008). It is effective only up to a distance of 100 micrometer (J.R. Lancaster Jr.,
1997). To perform immunosuppressive activity, T cells must be held in close proximity to
the MSCs. This is done by MSC surface molecules such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1
(ICAM1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM1), which are shown to interact with
T cells and hold them close to the mesenchymal stem cells (Ren G. et al., 2010 and 2011).
Thus besides soluble factors secreted from MSCs, cell surface molecules on MSCs also play
crucial role in immune suppression against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Xu G, et al. 2007; Shi
Y. et al., 2010).
In mice after infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MSCs exclusively infiltrate to
infected organs such as lungs and spleen (Raghuvanshi S. et al., 2010). They have not been
found to the uninfected organs of the infected person. This report suggests that immune
suppression by MSC is local and confines to the infection site only. Although MSCs
recruited at the site of infection contains pathogen inside granulomas, it also prevents
killing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by suppressing the host immunity. These cells
intercept immune cells from the pathogen by being there physically and helping to
establish equilibrium between host and the pathogen (Figure 1). In other words, M. tb rely
on MSCs to establish long lasting infection which should be intervened to achieve
objective of treating tuberculosis.
6. Issues in therapy with stem cells
Therapy with stem cells have shown hope for treatment of those diseases which otherwise
seems to be untreatable. But this approach also has its own risks. Utilization of MSCs for
therapeutic use is like a double edged sword putting patient at the danger of cancer. The
anti-proliferative effects of these cells are often associated with anti-apoptotic effect also,
which may leads to tumour progression, metastasis and drug resistance. So even with vast
therapeutic potential of stem cells in various non-infectious and infectious diseases, there
Insight and Control of Infectious Disease in Global Scenario
Fig. 1. Immunohistochemical staining for the presence of MSCs (arrows) in granulomacontaining lymph node of patients with tuberculosis. Adapted from Raghuvanshi S. et al.,
PNAS, 2010.
are some issues which have to be addressed before its actual implementation. Some of them
are as followsi.
Reach of the administered stem cell to its desired destination such as injured tissue and
infected/affected organ. Also the effect of endogenous population of the stem cells
should be considered.
ii. Proper understanding of the host immune response against the administered stem cell.
iii. Dose of the transplanted stem cells. Also being animal product for administration into
patients, long term safety issues has to be understood.
iv. Risk to the patient with secondary infections in case of immune suppression of the host
by stem cells. Immuno-compromised condition of the patient may lead to infection of
fungus, bacteria and viruses. This should be considered while going for stem cell
infiltration and should be tested clinically (Sundin, M. et al., 2006).
v. Although anti-tumor response of MSCs has been observed, they can also suppress antitumor immune response. MSCs can be potentially tumorogenic by direct
transformation. So, use of MSCs for therapy of patients with high risk to cancer should
be avoided.
Since allogenic MSCs are little immunogenic, the other choice should be administration of
autologous MSCs. Clinical applications of autologous MSCs of bone marrow has been
successfully shown in case of MDR tuberculosis (Erokhin VV., et al., 2008). They have shown
that systemic transplantation of the autologous MSCs stopped the bacterial discharge and
lung tissue cavities were resolved in tuberculosis patients infected with resistant forms of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Contrary to the role of MSCs in various diseases which have been
discussed earlier, where transplantation of these cells is required for treatments of various
diseases, report from our lab suggest them as a target for treatment of tuberculosis.
Stem Cells in Infectious Diseases
7. Conclusion and future perspectives
Use of stem cells for treatment of many diseases is the area of intensive research these days
with many clinical trials undergoing. Mesenchymal stem cells are the main cell type being
used due to their longevity and less ethical issues. Still there are many concerns as discussed
including their immunogenicity. Suppression of immune system is the other major concern
which poses serious threat of other infections to the patients. Studies from our lab using
mouse model of tuberculosis suggest role of mesenchymal stem cells in this disease. Besides
currently available strategies for treatment of tuberculosis, the probable new target such as
MSCs holds promise in the current scenario of MDR and XDR tuberculosis. Targeting MSCs
will also wouldn’t lead to generation of any new resistance in pathogen as one does not
need to target them directly rather manipulate the host immune response. In the coming
future we may be able to use MSCs as an immuno-therapeutic target for the treatment of
8. Acknowledgements
Authors would like to thank Wellcome-DBT India Alliance; Department of Biotechnology,
Government of India and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India
for financial support.
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Insight and Control of Infectious Disease in Global Scenario
Edited by Dr. Roy Priti
ISBN 978-953-51-0319-6
Hard cover, 442 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 21, March, 2012
Published in print edition March, 2012
This book is projected as a preliminary manuscript in Infectious Disease. It is undertaken to cover the foremost
basic features of the articles. Infectious Disease and analogous phenomenon have been one of the main
imperative postwar accomplishments in the world. The book expects to provide its reader, who does not make
believe to be a proficient mathematician, an extensive preamble to the field of infectious disease. It may
immeasurably assist the Scientists and Research Scholars for continuing their investigate workings on this
discipline. Numerous productive and precise illustrated descriptions with a number of analyses have been
included. The book offers a smooth and continuing evolution from the principally disease oriented lessons to a
logical advance, providing the researchers with a compact groundwork for upcoming studies in this subject.
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Ramesh Chandra Rai, Debapriya Bhattacharya and Gobardhan Das (2012). Stem Cells in Infectious Diseases,
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