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Advertising and Public Relations
Bluefield College
November 9, 2010
Promotion Mix
Specific blend of promotion tools that the company uses to
persuasively communicate customer value and build
customer relationships.
Also referred to as “marketing communications mix”.
Integrated Marketing Communications
 Several factors are changing the face of
marketing communications:
– Consumers.
– Marketing strategies.
– Communication technology.
 These factors have shifted the marketing
communications model so that firms are doing
less broadcasting and more narrowcasting.
Carefully integrating and coordinating the company’s many
communication channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and
compelling message about the organization and its
Shaping the Overall Promotion Mix
 Nature of advertising:
– Can reach masses of geographically dispersed buyers at a low
cost per exposure.
– Can repeat a message many times.
– Consumers view advertised products as more legitimate.
– Is impersonal, one-way communication.
– Can be very costly for some media types.
 Nature of personal selling:
– Involves personal interaction between two or more people.
– Most effective tool at building preferences, convictions, and
– Allows relationship building and two-way communication.
– Requires long-term commitment to sales force.
– Most expensive promotion tool.
Shaping the Overall Promotion Mix
 Nature of sales promotion:
Includes a wide assortment of tools.
Attracts consumer attention.
Can be used to dramatize product offers.
Offers strong incentives to buy.
Invites and rewards quick consumer response.
Effects are short-lived.
 Nature of public relations:
Very believable.
Reaches people who avoid salespeople and ads.
Can dramatize a company or product.
Tends to be used as an afterthought.
Planned use can be effective and economical.
Shaping the Overall Promotion Mix
 Nature of direct marketing:
– Many forms of direct marketing exist.
– Direct marketing forms share four primary
• Less public.
• Immediate.
• Customized.
• Interactive.
– Well suited to highly targeted marketing.
Push vs. Pull Promotion Strategy
Producer marketing
(advertising, sales
promotion, other)
Retailers and
Retailers and
Reseller marketing
(advertising, sales
promotion, other)
Producer marketing activities (advertising, sales promotion, other)
Major Advertising Decisions
Major Advertising Decisions
 Advertising objective:
– A specific communication task to be accomplished
with a specific target audience during a specific period
of time.
 Overall advertising goal is to help build customer
relationships by communicating customer value.
 Advertising objectives can be classified by
– Informative advertising.
– Persuasive advertising.
– Comparative advertising (a special type of persuasive
– Reminder advertising.
Fuel For
What is the objective of
this ad for De Beers
Major Advertising Decisions
 Setting the advertising budget:
Affordable method.
Percentage-of-sales method.
Competitive-parity method.
Objective-and-task method.
 Developing advertising strategy:
– Creating advertising messages.
• Message strategy and message execution must
break through the clutter.
• Advertising is being merged with entertainment.
Major Advertising Decisions
 Planning the message strategy:
– Identify customer benefits that can be used as advertising
– Develop compelling creative concept—the “big idea”.
– Choose an ad advertising appeal that is:
• Meaningful.
• Believable.
• Distinctive.
 Message execution process:
– Choose the execution style.
– Choose a tone.
• Use memorable, attention-getting words.
– Choose format elements:
• Illustration.
• Headline.
• Copy.
Major Advertising Decisions
Message Execution Styles:
 Slice of Life
 Personality symbol
 Lifestyle
 Technical expertise
 Fantasy
 Scientific evidence
 Mood or image
 Testimonial or
 Musical
Fuel For Thought
What is the message
execution style?
What is the tone of
the ad?
Are the words used
attention-getting and
How does the
illustration work with
the rest of the ad?
Major Advertising Decisions
 Consumer-generated messages:
– Tapping consumers for message ideas or
actual ads can involve:
• Searching existing Web video sites.
• Holding contests or inviting consumers to submit
ad message ideas and videos.
– Benefits of consumer-generated messages:
• Collects new ideas and fresh brand perspectives at
relatively little expense.
• Boosts consumer involvement and gets consumers
talking and thinking about the brand.
Major Advertising Decisions
 Developing advertising strategy:
– Selecting advertising media.
Set reach, frequency, and impact goals.
Choose among major media types.
Select specific media vehicles.
Decide on media timing.
 Deciding on reach, frequency, impact:
– Reach: Percentage of people exposed to ad campaign
in a given time period.
– Frequency: Number of times a person is exposed to
– Media Impact: The qualitative value of a message
exposure through a given medium.
Major Advertising Decisions
 Each media type has specific advantages and disadvantages.
 Choosing among media types requires consideration of the:
– Medium’s impact
– Message effectiveness
– Cost
 The media mix should be regularly reexamined.
 Media vehicles:
– Specific media within each general media type, such as Newsweek.
 Factors to consider when choosing vehicles:
Audience quality.
Audience engagement.
Editorial quality.
Major Advertising Decisions
 Marketers must also decide on media
timing, or how to schedule the advertising
over the course of a year.
– Follow seasonal pattern.
– Oppose seasonal pattern.
– Same coverage all year.
 Choose the pattern of the ads:
– Continuity.
– Pulsing.
Evaluating Advertising and Return
on Advertising Investment
 Return on advertising investment:
– The net return on advertising investment
divided by the costs of the advertising
 Evaluating advertising involves:
– Measuring the communication effects of an ad
or campaign.
– Measuring the sales and profit effects of the
ad campaign.