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Ch. 11 Study Guide
Define all vocabulary terms:
Republic: Form of government in which citizens vote for their leaders
Legion: A group of 6,000 soldiers
Patrician: A wealthy landowner
Plebeian: An artisan, shopkeeper, or owner of a small farm
Consul: Headed government and army in the republic
Veto: The Latin word for “I forbid”
Praetor: Type of judge who interpreted the law
Dictator: A ruler with complete control over the state
Latifundia: A large farming estate
Triumvirate: A political alliance of three people
Pax Romana: Roman Peace
Aqueduct: A human-made channel that carries water long distances
Currency: Something, such as coins or paper money, that is used as a medium of exchange.
Democracy: Type of government where one votes directly on issues
Describe the shape of Italy. Italy is shaped like a boot.
What geographical advantages does Italy have over Greece? Italy’s mountains and hills are less
rugged than Greece, which provided better farmland.
What two mountain ranges are found in Italy and what part of the country do they exist? The
Alps and the Apennines. The Alps lie at the top of Italy and the Apennines run down the eastern side of
Who was Virgil and how is he related to the origins of Rome? He was a Roman poet who
wrote the epic, The Aeneid, which told the story of how Aeneas and his band of soldiers/sailors
supposedly founded Rome.
What river did the Latins choose to build the city of Rome on? Describe the physical location
where Rome was built and its first dwellings. The Latins chose to build the city of Rome on the
Tiber River upon 7 steep hills. They built and lived in huts.
What language did the Romans speak? Latin
How did the Etruscans influence the Romans? The Etruscans influenced the Romans by
teaching them their military strategies and to dress in togas.
Which cruel ruling family was overthrown by the Romans in favor of a republic form of
government? The Tarquins
What two classes was Rome divided into? What were differences and similarities between
these classes? The Patricians and Plebeians. The Patricians were the ruling class who were
made up of nobles. The Plebeians were made up of artisans, shopkeepers, and owners of small
farms. Both groups were Roman citizens who could vote, paid taxes, and served in the army.
The Patricians were the only group who could serve in the government and it was forbidden for
members from each class to intermarry.
Which government group was responsible for choosing the consuls and praetors in the Roman
republic? The Assembly of Centuries.
Which branch of the early Republic resembled the office of the American President?
many people held this position at one time and how long was the term of service?
The Consuls. Two men served in this position for one year.
Describe the Senate of the early Republic.
Senate – (legislative branch) 300 patrician members, served for life – only gave advice to consuls
in the beginning, later proposed laws, held debates and approved building programs.
Which governing body of the early Republic most closely resembled our Supreme Court?
The Praetors
Explain how the Plebeians gained equality in the government. The Plebeians went on strike,
refusing to serve in the army and moved out of the city to create their own republic. These
actions frightened the patricians, who agreed to share power. As a result, the plebeians formed
the Council of the Plebs.
What was the Assembly of Centuries?
Legislative body that was under patrician control and elected officials like praetors and consuls.
Who was Cincinnatus?
Farmer who was named dictator of Rome during a crisis.
Explain what happened during the First Punic War.
Rome and Carthage want Sicily.
Carthage already has colonies on Sicily.
Rome must build navy to fight Carthage.
War lasted 20 years
241 B.C. – Rome crushes Carthaginian navy
and takes control of Sicily
Forces Carthage to pay huge fine
Explain what happened during the Second Punic War.
To make up for Sicily, Carthage expands in southern Spain.
Rome helps Spain rebel against Carthage
Carthage send greatest general, Hannibal to attack Rome directly
Hannibal’s Army: 46,000 ,men, 37 elephants
Landed army in Spain – had to cross Alps to reach Rome
Lost ½ of soldiers and most of elephants before reaching Rome
Still powerful and raided much of Italy
Beat Romans at Cannae in 216 B.C.
Roman General Scipio invades Carthage in 202 B.C. - Hannibal forced to return home to defend
Scipio defeats Hannibal at battle of Zama
Carthage gives up Spain to Rome, turn over navy, and pay huge fine.
Explain what happened during the Third Punic War.
Carthage, no longer a military power, maintained its trade
Rome invades Carthage
Burns city, enslaves 50,000 men, women and children, salts the earth
Carthage becomes Roman province
Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus?
Roman officials who attempt reform
Ask Senate to give back land
Both brothers killed by senators
What were bread and circuses?
Cheap food and entertainment to pacify masses
What does “mare nostrum” mean?
“Our sea”
List three reforms made by Julius Caesar.
Granted citizenship to people in territories outside Italy
Colonies to provide land for landless
Encourage the hire of free workers, less slave labor
Created new calendar 12/365
What did Octavian change his name to?
List the accomplishments and things that identify the following Roman emperors.
Defeats Antony and Cleopatra
Octavian gives some power to Senate but declares himself Emperor
Began Pax Romana “Roman Peace”
Built permanent professional army 150,000
Created Praetorian Guard to guard emperor
Conquered new territories (Spain, Gaul, Austria, Hungary, Romania)
Built fancy palaces, fountains, and public buildings “I found Rome a city of Brick, and left it a city of
Imported grain from Africa to feed poor.
Appointed proconsul or governor for each of Rome’s provinces.
Made tax collectors permanent government workers (decreased corruption)
Passed laws for non-citizens in all provinces
Abolished sales tax
Allowed exiles to return
Mentally unstable - made favorite horse a Consul
Wasted money
Killed mother and two wives
“Fiddled while Rome burned” in 64 A.D.
Committed suicide
Nero’s consul
Restored order after Nero
Put down rebellions
Destroyed Jewish temple in 70 A.D.
Constructed coliseum
Made Roman law easier to understand
Pulled back boundaries of empire (out of Mesopotamia)
Set northern border and Danube and Rhine Rivers
Built Hadrian’s Wall