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Name __________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
Assessment: The Rise of the Roman Republic
1. Who first ruled early Rome?
A. Etruscan kings
B. military consuls
C. Roman senators
D. plebeian assemblies
2. According to legend, events on a visit to the oracle at Delphi determined
A. where Rome should be built.
B. who would govern Rome next.
C. how Rome could start colonies.
D. when Rome would write its laws.
Mastering the Content
Circle the letter next to the best answer.
3. In the Roman Republic, patricians referred to
A. every adult male citizen.
B. everyone except slaves.
C. wealthy landowning families.
D. people with Greek ancestors.
4. Why were plebeians unhappy when the Roman Republic was first set up?
A. They had lost the right to vote.
B. They preferred living in an empire.
C. They had no say in making the laws.
D. They preferred being ruled by a king.
5. Who set up the Roman Republic?
A. plebeians
B. patricians
C. Greek settlers
D. Etruscan princes
6. How did plebeians serve the republic during its early years?
A. as priests
B. as soldiers
C. as foreign advisers
D. as government officials
7. In the Roman Republic, who might have spoken these words?
I was elected to the group that holds most of the power. I will keep this office all my life. I help
make laws and serve as a judge.
A. a scribe
B. a consul
C. a tribune
D. a senator
8. What was one major job of the consuls?
A. to command the army
B. to choose the lawmakers
C. to perform religious rituals
D. to construct public buildings
9. What event belongs in the blank space on the timeline?
A. Roman Empire falls
B. Plebeians elect a leader
C. Plebeians refuse to fight
D. Etruscans return to power
10. What was a result of the Conflict of the Orders?
A. Plebeians lost the right to vote.
B. Patricians gave up some power.
C. Romans defeated the Greek navy.
D. Etruscans won control over Rome.
11. How could a Roman become a tribune?
A. have a consul appoint him
B. win the favor of the senators
C. inherit the job from his father
D. get the plebeians to elect him
12. The power of the tribunes increased when they gained the right to
A. make laws for the plebeians.
B. appoint a special dictator.
C. lead the army in wartime.
D. veto actions by the Senate.
13. Why did the plebeians want laws to be written?
A. so the patricians could not change laws whenever they wished
B. so their land would be protected by the government
C. so the government could not pass new laws too quickly
D. so their children could learn to read in Roman schools
14. What changed as a result of the action in the image below?
A. Patricians had less power than before.
B. Plebeians followed more laws than before.
C. Priests became the wealthiest people in Rome.
D. Scribes became the most powerful people in Rome.
15. Plebeians became nearly equal to patricians when they won the right to
A. put laws in writing.
B. choose their own king.
C. pass laws for all Romans.
D. serve as priests and soldiers.
16. Why are both the Roman Republic and the United States today considered republics?
A. All the citizens vote directly on all the laws.
B. Any citizen can voice an opinion about the laws.
C. The people give a leader the right to veto some laws.
D. The people elect representatives to make laws for them.
Applying Social Studies Skills
Use the passage and your knowledge of history to complete the sentences.
Gaius Terentilius Harsa...spent several days in haranguing [making a scolding speech to] the
plebeians on the overbearing arrogance [pride] of the patricians. In particular he [complained]
against the authority of the consuls as excessive [too much] and intolerable in a free
commonwealth, for while in name it was less invidious [unpleasant], in reality it was almost
more harsh and oppressive [crushing] than that of the kings has been, for now, he said, they had
two masters instead of one, with uncontrolled, unlimited powers.
- Livy, The History of Rome, Volume I, 3.
17. In saying that now Rome had two masters instead of one, Harsa meant that in
place of one ________________________________________, Rome now had
two _____________________________________________.
18. A likely effect of Harsa’s speeches may have been to
19. Harsa would likely have favored a change in government to
Exploring the Essential Question: What were the characteristics of the Roman Republic and
how did they change over time?
20. If the Roman Republic existed today, its people would probably use the Internet. On the computer screen
below, do the following:
• Design a home page for a plebeian Web site during the Conflict of the Orders. Include a few sentences
about plebeian goals during this conflict.
• Make up two other Web sites that would interest plebeians. Add “links” to those two sites at the bottom of
the screen.