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What two marketing
communication channels are
used by most of your
Marketing Communications
Group, Inc.
Everything marketing starts and
ends with your customers... cater
to them, listen to them and react
to them. The results will amaze
2863 NORTH 4360th Road
Sheridan, IL 60551
Marketing Communications Group
[email protected]
Hint: Both permit one-to-one
With direct mail, the more channels you use, the better success.
Increase the frequency of messages means even more success.
Getting a double digit response below budget is simply amazing!
Sign-up for a FREE One Hour Teaching and Presentation
for A Better Response Using Our Surprising New Technology!
Many of today’s top marketers know cross-selling tactics in a multi-channel marketing campaign can be quite successful, especially by increasing touch points with consumers. Marketers who specialize in direct marketing that
use direct mail as the lead, and another channel or two, are seeing double digit response rates.
All direct marketing professionals have a very strong motivational gene in their DNA to go after the consumer
tooth and nail. For instance, they write powerful copy. Direct marketers know they need an offer no one can refuse. Dazzling design pulls the reader into the mail piece. Most of them say frequency of messages is like finding a
pot of gold, especially if you can do it below budget.
The most important component of a direct mail campaign is the list of names and addresses. If your list is old, and
containing bad data, as you can imagine, your results will be pathetic. If you need a better list, we can help you obtain one.
Here’s a quick 1-2-3 step tour of this surprising new technology
1. Below is a post card sample of a recent political campaign, front and back.
2. Before the mail is dropped at the post office for processing, the mailing list enters the process of matching to
an IP address for the household. Our technology does not use “cookies” or census block geo-location. This is
done in a privacy-sensitive manner by assigning a unique privacy ID.
“Our patent-pending process combines
more than 30 public data elements to
hyper-accurately map an IP address to a
home address with >95% accuracy.”
3. Once we have the Household IP address the banner ads are created.
Every time someone in the household goes on line, no matter what
website they visit, we place your banner ad in real time at the top and side on the webpage. Think of those ad
spots on every webpage as a potential digital mailbox for you to insert your message.
Direct Mail and Marketing Techniques Can Meet Your Response Objectives
Do you want to make your direct mail piece even more powerful? The purpose of all marketing –– direct mail included –– is to motivate a prospect, patient, or customer to take action: to call, order, buy, request information,
visit your practice, or whatever –– to take the next step. Using banner ads sent to the household digital mailbox, at
a minimal cost, on a 1:1 basis with no wasted ads, brings the ultimate frequency and motivation to your marketing messages!
“Customers don’t want to be sold to… they buy an opportunity.”
Just about anybody you really want to reach is probably on the internet. There is a very high rate that this person
has a mailbox. If this person who receives your graphically designed postal mail goes online and seems a similar
design and an enticing offer with relevant copy about 20 to 30 times, the chances are good of this person making a
Please Meet...
El Toro is a company built by industry leaders in Geospatial Databases and Internet Provider (IP) monitoring.
Their patent-pending product is appropriately named El Toro.
How is El Toro digitally different?
El Toro can provide a direct one-to-one online connection to a selected household by geographically locating its
web entry point. Your direct marketing and mail message finds every intended target when they go online – you
get 100% reach and zero marketing waste.
Direct household online targeting delivers extraordinarily relevant online display ads reinforcing a direct mail
message leading to higher conversions and increased revenue.
The El Toro Advantage. The most amazing benefit of El Toro is found in two words direct marketers
strive for in every customer communication: RELEVANCY and FREQUENCY.
Send a relevant message to the consumer at the appropriate touch-point frequency to consummate a purchase.
Achieving both can be difficult and expensive but not when you use El Toro.
Data collection and privacy issues are on the minds of many people. El Toro’s Personal Privacy Shield is present to
satisfy privacy questions about your consumer data.
What matters most is to focus on a relevant journey with frequent cost effective messages pushing to make the
sale sooner rather than later. That’s the El Toro Advantage.
We want to show you El Toro is No BS
We want to take you and your company marketing team, on a FREE one Hour Teaching Session and Presentation on How El Toro Can Work for Your Company. Some of the finer points you will learn:
Address list for Mail and IP Digital Targeting
Similar copy, design and photo elements in each channel
Increased frequency via the IP Digital Targeting at a small fraction of another mailing cost
New technology for direct mail, but El Toro is not new to this technology.
1st iteration of this technology was built on a Credit Card scrubbing technology company.
Tasked with reducing fraud in online Credit Card payments, knowing the Internet Provider was a big benefit
that stood out as a way to identify who a person was when they were online.
Today, banks and larger institutions are using this as a form of verification.
El Toro has amassed terabytes and terabytes of transaction data and domain name system data associated with
households. Now, fast-forward from 10 years ago to today, El Toro saw an opportunity to create transparency in
the ad space by utilizing the association of direct mail to an IP address matched to a household address.
Call to schedule your One Hour Teaching and Presentation today at 800-251-3608.
2863 NORTH 4360th Road, Sheridan, IL 60551,
(800) 251-3608 * [email protected]
© Copyright 2014 by Marketing Communications Group, Inc. All rights reserved. You may distribute this document as
long as it remains unaltered with all credits and copyright notices in place. All product names and/or logos are copyrights and trademarks of their respective owners. None of these owners has authorized, sponsored, endorsed, or approved this publication. Photography purchased from providers such as I-Stock, Windows clip art, HubSpot, PhotoPin,
DepositPhotos, Solid Stock or John Deuerling.
October 6, 2014v3