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Chapter 29 – Conducting Marketing Research
5 Steps for Conducting Marketing Research
1. __________ the Problem
2. Obtain Data
3. _________ the Data
4. Recommend Solutions to the Problem
5. Apply the Results
Step 1: Defining the Problem
occurs when a business clearly identifies a ____________ and what is needed to solve it
Step 2: Obtaining Data
 Primary Data - data obtained for the ____________ and used specifically for the
particular problem
 Secondary Data - data ________________ for some purpose other than the current study
Secondary Data Sources
Internet Sources - many free and fee based sites (Hoover's, __________________ Dow Jones)
Specialized Research Companies - companies that ___________ and reports to businesses
(Mediamark Research Inc. (MRI)
Business Publications and Trade __________________ - good sources of secondary data
Business Publications -Forbes, _____________________
Trade Organizations - American Marketing Association, Advertising Research Foundation
U.S. and State Government Sources - data collected by U.S. and state _______________ provide
a huge amount of information (United States _________________, Small Business
Administration, ____________________ Statistics)
Secondary Data:
Advantages: Time; _________
 Existing data might not be ______________________
 May sometimes be inaccurate (US census - every ____ years)
Sources of Primary Data
1. Survey method
2. __________________ method
3. Experimental method
Survey Method - research technique in which information is gathered from people through the
use of surveys or ________________________
 If the entire population is surveyed - _____________
 Sample - _______ of the target population that represents the entire population
Internet, Mail, and Telephone Surveys
 ____________ surveys are the primary way of collecting primary data
 E-mail surveys are sent to a sample of people who are on a list of electronic mail
 Web survey - survey uploaded to a ___________
 Mail survey - efficient and relatively inexpensive
 Telephone survey - ________ way to reach a potentially large audience (____% of
households have phones)
o _____________ because of Do Not Call registry rules
Interview Method
Personal Interviews - involves questioning people _____________ for a period of 10-30 minutes
Focus group Interview - involves _______________ who are brought together to evaluate
advertising, product, package, or marketing strategy
Observation Method - research technique in which the actions of people ____________
__________________ either by cameras or by observe
_______________ shopping - form of observation that views interactions between customers and
employees (researcher that poses as a customer)
Point-of-sale Research - researchers observe shoppers to decide which one to choose as research
subjects (survey _____________________)
Experimental Method - research technique in which a researcher observes the results of
____________ one or more marketing variables while keeping all the other variables constant
under controlled conditions
 (Send out direct mail some color some black and white)
 Used _______ than other methods
Step 3: Analyzing the Date
Data analysis - process of compiling, analyzing, and ____________ the results of data collection
Data mining - a _______________ process that uses statistical methods to extract new
information from large amounts of data (look for ___________)
Step 4: Recommending Solutions to the Problem
Conclusions from research are usually presented in an _____________ and detailed written report
Step 5: Applying the Results
After the research has been completed and any actions taken, businesses should carefully
____________ the results of those changes
Constructing the Questionnaire
Validity - occurs when the survey questions _____________ what was intended to be measured
__________ - exists when a research technique produced nearly identical results in repeated trials
Types of Questions:
Forced-choice questions - ask respondents to __________ answers from possibilities given on a
questionnaire (multiple-choice, _____________, rating scale)
Open-ended questions - respondents construct their own ____________ to a question
Guidelines for Writing Questions
 _____________should be written clearly and briefly
 Use the _______ rating scale for all similar questions
 Avoid any _______ (encouraging one outcome or answer over others)
 Avoid questions that might cause a respondent to ________ at the meaning of the
 No more than 2 ___________ ink colors and typefaces
 Preferred color - ________ and an easy-to-read font
 Numbers should be placed on _____ individual questions
 Vary the ___________ between the questions and the options
 Directions must be _________
 Demographic profiles should be ________________ at the end of a questionnaire
Administering Questionnaires
 Response rate for most survey is ____% or less (proper administration can improve that
 All survey should have ______________ for completions
 All survey should include clear and concise instructions
 Many marketing researchers offer ________________(gift or chance at cash prize)