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Unit 4: Rome
Ms. Syetta& Ms. Klenetsky: Global 9
Do Now:
The Fall of Rome
Struggles for Power
During this period, a disruptive political power emerged. Again and again,
emperors were overthrown by political intriguers or ambitious generals who seized power
with the support of their troops. Those who rose to the imperial throne this way ruled for
just a few months or years until they, too, were overthrown or assassinated.
Economic and Social Problems
At the same time, the empire was shaken by disturbing social and economic trends.
High taxes to support the army and the bureaucracy placed heavy burdens on business
people and small farmers. Farmland that had been overcultivated for too many years lost
its productivity.
Emperor Constantine
In 312, the talented general Constantine gained the throne. As emperor,
Constantine continued Diocletian’s reforms. More important, he took two steps that
changed the course of European history.
First, Constantine granted toleration to Christians. By doing so, he encouraged the
rapid growth of Christianity within the empire and guaranteed its future success.
Second, he built a new capital, Constantinople, on the Bosporus, the stait that
connects the Black and Mediterranean Seas. By making his capital there, Constantine
made the eastern portion of the empire the center of power. The western Roman empire
was in decline, but the eastern Roman empire, which had more people and greater
resources, would prosper for centutries to come.
1. In your own words, how did social, political and economic problems lead to the fall of
2. What did Constantine do to attempt to save the Roman Empire from its decline?
Classwork: Complete the following worksheet with your partner
Option 1:
Why did Rome Fall?
Although historians often cite 476 as the official date of the fall of Rome, the Roman
empire had been in trouble for centuries. The illustration, the quotation , and the graphic
organizer on this page all give clues as to why Rome declined.
Corruption in Rome
“Rome is still looked upon as the queen of
the earth, and the name of the Roman
people is respected and venerated. But the
magnificence of Rome is defaced by the
[stupidity] of a few, who never recollect
where they are born, but fall away into error
and [corruption]…The Romans have even
sunk so far, that not long ago, when [there
was a famine] and the foreigners were
driven from the city, [scholars] were expelled
instantly, yet the followers of actresses and
all their ilk were [allowed] to stay…
-Ammianus Marcellinus
The Luxury of the Rich in Rome
Political Causes
-Corrupt officials
-Divided empire
Military Causes
-Germanic invasions
-Weakened Roman
Hun Warrior
Decline of
Social Causes
-erosion of
traditional values
-self-serving upper
Economic Causes
-Heavy taxes
-Population decline
Skills Assessment
Skills Assessment
1. What type of cause shown in the graphic organizer does the Hun warrior illustrate?
a. social causes
b. political cause
c. economic cause
d. military cause
Explain why you chose that response
2. According to Ammianus Marcellinus, Rome’s greatness was threatened by
a. Romans who wanted only amusements
b. an increase in interest in liberal studies
c. invasion by the Huns
d. a shrinking population of foreigners
Explain why you chose that response
3. According to one historian, Rome’s decline and fall were a result of prosperity and
power. He said that we should not concern ourselves with why the Roman Empire fell, but
with why it lasted as long as it did. Using the information on the page before, explain why
you agree or disagree with this idea.
Option 2
Directions: Write a eulogy for the fall of the Roman empire.
Make sure to:
 Highlight at least two of Rome’s biggest accomplishments using your notes from the last few classes
 Be honest about two problems Rome faced that led to the empire’s death
a speech that praises or remembers someone who has died; usually read at
their funeral
Option 3: Read the documents and answer the questions.
Document 1
This excerpt is from a textbook, TheCourseof Civilizationby Strayer, Gatzke, and Harbison (Harcourt,
Brace and World, Inc., 1961).
The basic trouble was that very few inhabitants of the empire believed that the old
civilization was worth saving. . . the overwhelming majority of the population had been
excluded from political responsibilities. They could not organize to protect
themselves; they could not serve in the army. . . . Their economic situation was hopeless. Most
of them were serfs (slaves) bound to the soil, and the small urban groups saw their cities slipping
into uninterrupted decline.
What were the basic problems facing the Western Roman Empire according to these authors?
Document 2
This excerpt, from The New Deal in Old Rome by Henry Haskell, blames the decline on the heavy
taxation required to support the government's expenses.
. . . Part of the money went into the maintenance of the army and the huge size of the government. . . the
expense of government led to very high taxes. The heart was taken out of businessmen. . . people fled from
their farms and businessmen and workmen from their occupations. Private business was crushed and the
state was forced to take over many kinds of business to keep them running. People learned
to expect something for nothing. The old Roman virtues of self-reliance and initiative were
lost in that part of the population on relief [welfare]. .. . The central government undertook
such far-reaching responsibility in affairs that the motivation of the citizens weakened.
Why did the Roman government have large expenses?
What was the effect of high taxation on the people?
Document 3 (map - over)
What does this map indicate caused the fall of Rome?
Document 4
The document below is from a conversation with a former Roman citizen whose land had been conquered
by the Huns:
[He]… considered his new life… better than his old life among the Romans, and the reasons he gave were as
follows:… The condition of [Roman] subjects in time of peace [is worse than war]… taxes are very severe,
and unprincipled men inflict injuries on others… A [wealthy lawbreaker]… is not punished for his injustice,
while a poor man… undergoes legal penalty… The climax of misery is to have to pay in order to obtain
justice… [He said] that the laws and constitution of the Romans were fair, but deplored that the governors,
not possessing the spirit of former generations, were ruining the state.
Some Romans embraced Hun occupation. How does this document help explain causes of Rome’s fall?