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Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
Understanding Promotion
The Promotion Mix
Selecting the Promotion Mix for a Particular Product
Integrated Marketing Communications
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communicat...
Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
• Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
• The Communication Process
• Consumer Perception of Communication
• AIDA Model
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communicat...
Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
• Integrated marketing communications is an approach used by organizations to
brand and coordinate their marketing efforts across multiple communication
• As marketing efforts have shifted from mass advertising to niche marketing,
companies have increasingly used IMC to develop more cost-effective campaigns
that still deliver consumer value.
• Typically, communication tools for IMC encompass both traditional and digital
media, such as blogs, webinars, search engine optimization, radio, television,
billboards, and magazines.
Promotional Tools
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communicat...
The Communication Process
• The communications process involves two or more persons attempting to
consciously or unconsciously influence each other through the use of symbols or
• Our ability to receive, communicate, and process information and external stimuli
all play a part in the way we perceive advertising and promotional messages.
• The nature of a person's role and their environment and personal characteristics
both affect the way he or she perceives marketing messages and company
Two-way Communication
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Consumer Perception of Communication
• With more and more brands cluttering the marketplace, consumers screen out the
inconvenient and irrelevant messages that fail to address their needs and desires.
• Failure to consider customer preferences can make communications efforts
ineffective and costly for marketing organizations.
• The timing and context of messages are important for brands seeking to cut
through clutter and improve their marketing communications strategy.
Consumer Perception of Communication
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communicat...
AIDA Model
• AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action.
• The AIDA model can be used by organizations to guide marketers to target a
market effectively.
• American advertising and sales pioneer, Elias St. Elmo Lewis, is credited for
developing the AIDA model.
Car Advertisement
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Understanding Promotion
Understanding Promotion
• Defining Promotion
• The Many Goals of Persuasion
• Identifying Prospects
• Encouraging Product Trials
• Stimulating Demand
• Reminding and Retaining Customers
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Understanding Promotion
Defining Promotion
• A promotional plan identifies where, when, and how advertising, personal selling,
PR, sales promotion, and direct marketing tactics will be used to support sales
and branding objectives.
• Promotional tools are used to increase sales, build brand value and recognition,
strengthen market positioning, and launch new products.
• Online banner advertisements, store rebates, contests, events, and media
placement are all examples of communications tactics used in the promotional
Cingular Rewards Card
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Understanding Promotion
The Many Goals of Persuasion
• To convince consumers to purchase their products over competing brands,
companies focus on differentiating their products, building brand awareness and
loyalty, and providing consumer education.
• Companies employ a myriad of design techniques to shape consumers'
perception of the physical products displayed in stores, on the street, or in the
digital space.
• Some of the promotional tools used to convince and persuade consumers to
make purchasing decisions include reward programs, positive consumer reviews,
and attractive advertisements.
T-Mobile Promotion
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Understanding Promotion
Identifying Prospects
• Personal selling functions as an essential component within a company's larger
integrated marketing communications strategy.
• The first step in identifying a target market is analyzing whether there is a strong
correlation between product benefits and customer needs.
• Cold-calling, trade shows, direct mailings, product seminars, webinars, and
advertisements are some of the promotional tools used to generate new leads.
Sales Presentation
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Understanding Promotion
Encouraging Product Trials
• Adjusting price, product, and place enhances both the trial offer and appeal of the
final product or service for consumers.
• Repackaging the offering so that consumers can test the product allows them to
assess whether product benefits outweigh price and other factors during the
buying process.
• Radio and television advertisements, public relations events, and mailings
comprise some of the tools companies use to promote the availability and appeal
of product trials.
Free Samples
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Understanding Promotion
Stimulating Demand
• Before a consumer is motivated to purchase a product, there must be a physical,
mental, or emotional need for the product or service.
• The source of motivation driving consumer demand can be internal,
environmental, or psychological.
• Studies on consumer motivation have led to the development of segmentation or
personality profiles that factor traits such as age, sex, income, and lifestyle.
• Companies can tailor their marketing communications strategy based on
consumer segmentation to stimulate demand for products and services.
Grocery Shopping
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Understanding Promotion
Reminding and Retaining Customers
• Personalized promotional tactics via websites and email marketing are particularly
useful for customer retention programs.
• Marketing tactics used to remind and retain customers include discounts, offer
redemptions, reward programs, and cross-promotions.
• Relationship marketing programs help companies counterbalance new customers
and opportunities with current and existing customers to maximize profit.
Using Existing Customer to Gain New
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Integrated Marketing Communications > The Promotion Mix
The Promotion Mix
• Advertising
• Personal Selling
• Sales Promotion
• Public Relations
• Social Media
• Direct Marketing
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Integrated Marketing Communications > The Promotion Mix
• Through advertising, a marketer hopes to communicate a message to a targeted
consumer group via means including print, electronic (radio and television), the
Internet and mobile phones.
• The media plan, developed simultaneously with the creative strategy, schedules
how and when consumers see advertisements.
• Effective advertising illustrates the product's value and gives consumers a reason
to take action and/or buy.
• A target audience is defined through information gathered from focus groups,
demographics and by understanding how certain consumer groups think.
Mar Com Matrix
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Integrated Marketing Communications > The Promotion Mix
Personal Selling
• A successful personal seller must utilize aggressive sales tactics that influence
and control the process, presenting it as a mutually beneficial, interpersonal
exchange of goods or services for equitable value.
• To be successful in personal sales, the salesperson must understand how to sell
to the needs of a customer.
• Selling is defined as an interaction whereby an item of value is exchanged for a
different item, which is usually money.
Personal Selling
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Integrated Marketing Communications > The Promotion Mix
Sales Promotion
• Sales Promotions - increase the perceived value of a product and are usually
offered for a limited amount of time.
• Consumer Sales Promotions - target the end user or the customer such as
coupons or point of purchase displays.
• Trade Sales Promotions - target organizational customers such as dealers,
distribution channels or sales teams that stimulate immediate sales such as sales
incentive contests or dealer wholesale price discounts.
• Retail Sales Promotions – are devised and initiated by in-store management such
as "buy one get one free" programs or "kids eat free" nights.
• Promotional Mix – a marketing plan's seven components consisting of sales
Price Deals
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promotion, advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, publicity/public
relations, corporate image and exhibition.
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Integrated Marketing Communications > The Promotion Mix
Public Relations
• Public relations is communicated through the media in the form of publicity
events, speaking opportunities, press releases including video and audio news
releases, newsletters, blogs, social media, press kits, and outbound
communication to members of the press.
• The ideal end result of public relations is for the information to serve both the
source and the public interest.
• All audiences or publics are stakeholders, groups or individuals that can affect or
be affected by the actions of the business as a whole, but not all stakeholders are
Edward Bernays -the father of Public Relations
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Integrated Marketing Communications > The Promotion Mix
Social Media
• As a marketing tool, social media is distinct from industrial or traditional media
and is versatile, far-reaching, fast , relatively inexpensive, and fosters brand
awareness and improves customer service.
• Social media used as a marketing tool provides useful and valuable measurable
data on trends, consumer interaction, feedback, public opinion, brand activity, and
customer buying habits.
• The Internet has overtaken television as the largest advertising market of all as
banner and pop-up ads showcase a vast array of products and services.
US Patents - Social Media Technology
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Integrated Marketing Communications > The Promotion Mix
Direct Marketing
• Direct marketing targets individual members of defined consumer groups.
• The message is based upon a clear "call to action" delivered directly to
predisposed consumers.
• Direct marketing provides valuable and reliable consumer and sales data, as well
as clear, quantifiable success metrics for analysis.
Direct Mail
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Selecting the Promotion Mix for a Particular Pr...
Selecting the Promotion Mix for a Particular Product
• Promotional Objectives
• Stages in the Product Life Cycle
• Target Market Characteristics
• Characteristics of the Product
• Types of Buying Decisions
• Funds Available Relative to Costs
• Push and Pull Strategies
• Trade vs. Consumer Promotions
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Promotional Objectives
• Increase demand: These strategies are used during the product life cycle in order
to increase sales.
• Present information about the product: In order for customers and consumers to
want the product they need to understand what the product is.
• Differentiate a product: This is especially important if there are multiple
competitors in the same market.
Marketing Mix
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Stages in the Product Life Cycle
• The introduction stage of the product life cycle is where a new product is launched
into a market.
• In the growth stage of the product life cycle, the market has accepted the product
and sales begin to increase.
• In the maturity stage of the product life cycle, sales will reach their peak.
• In the decline stage of the product life cycle, sales will begin to decline as the
product reaches its saturation point.
• There is no set schedule for the stages of a product life cycle.
Firm Life Cycle
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Target Market Characteristics
• A geographic target market can be consumers in a city, state, or country.
• A demographic or socioeconomic target market would focus on a specific gender,
age group, income level, or education level.
• A psychographic target market would be a market that has similar attitudes,
values, or lifestyle.
• The behavioral target market focuses on occasions and degree of loyalty.
• Product-related segmentation describes a target approach for customers who
already own a specific product.
• Determining a target market approach to sales has many benefits. It can create a
Geographic Target
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more specific marketing campaign, increase sales, and decrease the number of
competitors in the market.
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Characteristics of the Product
• The characteristics of the product are the features that differentiate it from other
products on the market.
• When companies create a product they have specific features in mind. It can be
characteristics that improve on an existing product or ones that fill a currently
unfilled need. Promoting these features can be a successful approach.
• Characteristics of a product also help to determine the price of a product.
Premium features may be able to fetch a premium price.
• It is the combination of demand for a product and its price that help to determine
the marketing mix.
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Types of Buying Decisions
• Buying decisions are based on buying behavior. Consumer behavior and
business behavior can differ because their buying processes are different.
• Consumers will often buy on emotion or impulse whereas businesses will buy
based on need.
• The type of buying decision impacts the marketing mix and the promotional mix
for a product. It will also affect the product life cycle.
• Sometimes the type of product will make a difference in the buying decision. For
consumers, large ticket items, such as an appliance, a car, or a home, aren't
impulse items.
• A company needs to know about the features of a product and how it will help fill
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a specific need. Businesses are also worried about price and return on
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Funds Available Relative to Costs
• Each type of advertising is sold at a different rate and a company has a limited
budget in which to promote a product.
• To determine the best type of promotional strategy, a company should look at its
target market. Consumers in each type of market will have a preferred form of
• Other factors that affect the funds available for product promotion include the
budget for the overall product launch and the expected length of the introduction
Tram Advertisement
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Push and Pull Strategies
• A push strategy places the product in front of the customer to make sure the
consumer is aware of the existence of the product. This can work well when
manufacturers have an established relationship with customers or when the
product is an impulse purchase-type item.
• Push strategies include trade shows, showrooms, getting retailers to stock a
product, and creating a supply chain to facilitate distribution.
• A pull strategy motivates customers to actively seek out a specific product and it
best for new products or in the case when a manufacturer has a strong and visible
Push-Pull Strategy
• Pull strategies include mass media advertising, referrals, customer relationship
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management, and sales promotions.
• Companies usually use a combination of push and pull strategies in a marketing
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Trade vs. Consumer Promotions
• The purpose of trade promotions is to help companies differentiate a product,
increase product visibility, and increase the product purchase rate.
• The purpose of consumer promotions is to increase brand awareness and market
• There are various types of trade and consumer promotions.
• Consumer promotion activities include rebates, coupons, premiums, contests,
kids eat free programs,reward programs, and free samples.
Point of Purchase Display
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Integrated Marketing Communications
Integrated Marketing Communications
• Setting Goals
• Determining a Budget
• Measuring Success
• The Growing Importance of Word of Mouth
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Integrated Marketing Communications
Setting Goals
• Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is an approach to brand
communications where the different modes work together to create a seamless
experience for the customer and are presented with a similar tone and style that
reinforces the brand's core message.
• Some of the most common goals of IMC campaigns include increasing brand
awareness, generating sales and reinforcing repeat purchases.
• Only changes in the marketplace, new competitive forces, or new promotional
opportunities should cause companies to alter strategies and reassess IMC goals.
Integrated Marketing
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Integrated Marketing Communications > Integrated Marketing Communications
Determining a Budget
• Budgeting also helps coordinate the activities of the organization by compelling
managers to examine relationships between their own operation and those of
other departments.
• Two big budgeting decisions should be resolved up front: how shall marketing
efforts be funded, and who will benefit from the new program?
• Components of IMC include: the foundation, the corporate culture, the brand
focus, consumer experience, communications tools, promotional tools, and
integration tools.
Integrated Marketing Budgets
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Measuring Success
• It is important to put both quantities and timescales into marketing strategies.
• The most important elements of marketing performance include sales analysis,
market share analysis, expense analysis, and financial analysis.
• Indirect measures like market research, tracking lost business and tracking
customer complaints can also indicate the organization's performance over a long
period of time.
Measuring Success Of Marketing Efforts
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The Growing Importance of Word of Mouth
• Marketing was once seen as a one way relationship, with firms broadcasting their
offerings and value proposition.
• The goal of an organization is to create and maintain communication with its own
employees and customers.
• To understand new forms of word of mouth marketing involves knowing the right
touch points to use to reach consumers and understanding how and where they
consume different types of media.
Word Of Mouth Marketing
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Key terms
• advertisement A commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity or service.
• Aisle interrupters product signs that jut into the aisle from the shelf, a point of purchase sales promotion device
• Backlinks Are clickable and bring traffic back to a company's website.
• bottom line The final balance; the amount of money or profit left after everything has been tallied.
• brand A name, symbol, logo, or other item used to distinguish a product, a service, or its provider.
• brand awareness Brand awareness is the extent to which a brand is recognized by potential customers and is correctly
associated with a particular product.
• Brand Character Statement sets the tone of an advertisement and defines what the targeted consumer group should do or feel
when they are exposed to it.
• budget An itemized summary of intended expenditure, usually coupled with expected revenue.
• buyer behavior the process used to decide whether to purchase a product
• communication the concept or state of exchanging data or information between entities
• community campaign the use of flyers and brochures that are delivered to homes.
• competitive analysis An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This analysis
provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
• customer relationship management Customer Relations Management (CRM) is concerned with (among other things) the
conversion rate: percentage of customers who "try and buy" the product.
• differentiate To show, or be the distinction between two things.
• differentiate To show, or be the distinction between two things.
• differentiation The process of distinguishing a product or offering from others to make it more attractive to a particular target
• Direct Marketing Marketing that reaches customers by communications directly addressed to the customer.
• Engagement Means that both customers and stakeholders are participants rather than passive viewers.
• Federal Trade Commission an independent agency of the United States government that seeks to promote consumer
protection and the eliminate and prevent anti-competitive business practices, such as coercive monopoly
• fragmentation The act of fragmenting or something fragmented; disintegration.
• Gaining Commitment This involves closing the deal or making the sale.
• Image an attitude or lifestyle advertisers attempt to link to a product.
• integrated composed and coordinated to form a whole
• latent Existing or present but concealed or inactive.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
• loss leader a sales promotion device that offers a temporary reduction on a popular product's price to stimulate sales on other
products being offered.
• marketing mix A business tool used in marketing products; often crucial when determining a product or brand's unique selling
point. Often synonymous with the four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place.
• marketing mix A business tool used in marketing products; often crucial when determining a product or brand's unique selling
point. Often synonymous with the four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place.
• Messaging to construct a consistent and specific story around a P.R. event or project.
• opt-in The property of having to choose explicitly to join or permit something; a decision having the default option being
exclusion or avoidance; used particularly with regard to mailing lists and advertisement.
• personality a set of qualities that make a person (or thing) distinct from another
• personalization The act of changing an option of a multi-user software product to change the product's behavior or style for one
• pique To excite someone to action; to stimulate a feeling or emotion.
• price index A statistical estimate of the price level of some class of goods or services.
• product life cycle The process wherein a product is introduced to a market, grows in popularity, and is then removed as
demand drops gradually to zero.
• product life cycle The process wherein a product is introduced to a market, grows in popularity, and is then removed as
demand drops gradually to zero.
• Promotion dissemination of information about a product, product line, brand, or company
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Integrated Marketing Communications
• Prospecting This involves finding and identifying buyers who are most likely to buy the product or service.
• psycho-graphics understanding how a certain group thinks .
• Public includes people who look, think, and act the same as well as those who do not.
• publicity Advertising or other activity designed to rouse public interest in something.
• pull strategy communication not demanded by the buyer
• push strategy communication demanded by the buyer
• QR Code a quick response bar code scanned via mobile phone
• receiver the agent who gets the encoded message from the sender
• Regression analysis a statistical technique for estimating the relationships among variables.
• relative share market share in relation to the market leaders.
• sales pipeline A visualization of the sales process of a company.
• sales promotion media and non-media marketing communication employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase
consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability
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Integrated Marketing Communications
• sales promotion device A type of offer, in the form of a rebate, coupon or price deal that stimulates product sales or prompts a
customer to take action
• search engine optimization the use of various techniques to improve a website's ranking in search engines in the hopes of
attracting more visitors
• segment share market share in the specific, targeted segment.
• segmentation The act or an instance of dividing into segments.
• Social Bookmarking Enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarked Web documents for future use.
• spin an effect that colors the truth by selectively presenting facts that support a desired position and can sway public opinion.
• stakeholder a person or organization with a legitimate interest in a given situation, action, or enterprise
• stimuli Something external that influences an activity.
• target market a group of people whose needs and preferences match the product range of a company and to whom those
products are marketed
• target market a group of people whose needs and preferences match the product range of a company and to whom those
products are marketed
• target market a group of people whose needs and preferences match the product range of a company and to whom those
products are marketed
• trade Those engaged in an industry or group of related industries.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
• unique selling proposition Any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar objects.
• value proposition the benefit offered by an organization's product or service
• value proposition The benefit (such as profit or convenience) offered by an organization's product or service.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Promotional Tools
IMC unifies promotional tools across all marketing communication channels.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
T-Mobile Promotion
Companies such as T-Mobile use special promotions to drive repeat business and brand loyalty.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Car Advertisement
Advertisers can target a precise market by using the AIDA model to identify a narrow subset of consumers that may be perceptive to the product offering.
Car advertisements are especially made to grab attention, pique interest, meet desires, and evoke action in consumers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Buyer behavior shapes buying decisions
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Word Of Mouth Marketing
Social media sites that allow sharing have brought about a new word of mouth form of marketing.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Price Deals
Co-promotional, sales promotion involving two different products
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Dropbox. CC BY View on
Integrated Marketing Communications
Mar Com Matrix
The building blocks of successful marketing
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Grocery Shopping
To stimulate demand, brands must first understand the needs and motives of consumers.
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Flickr. "All sizes | Asian Family Customers Shopping in The Super Market | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." CC BY
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Sales Promotion
Rebates -mail in or online redemption offers customers money back on products or services
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Tram Advertisement
Different forms of advertising charge different rates and can impact the promotional mix budget.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Firm Life Cycle
Firms progress through stages of development, indicated by their changing profits over time.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Integrated Marketing Budgets
When budgeting a marketing plan, it is important to allocate funds appropriately to the different facets of integrated marketing.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The Ad Ladder
The key to successful advertising is to sell benefits, not features.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Integrated Marketing
Integrated marketing communications can be used to develop brand awareness, increase consumer demand and change beliefs towards a product.
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Personal Selling
The Marketing Hub describes relationships in the promotional mix.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Marketing Mix
The Promotional Mix is part of the Marketing Mix
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Direct Mail
Marketing outreach via the USPS - A direct response letter
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Push-Pull Strategy
Push-Pull Strategy
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Consumer Perception of Communication
Marketing messages must use the right timing and context to be effective for consumers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Point of Purchase Display
A point of purchase or end cap display can make consumers aware of new products.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Geographic Target
A geographic target market can include a city, state, or country.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Measuring Success Of Marketing Efforts
It is important for marketing managers to constantly evaluate the performance of their marketing efforts.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Sales Presentation
Salespersons conduct significant research on their target market to better market products and services to prospects.
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US Patents - Social Media Technology
Social media platforms continue to grow at an astounding rate.
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The characteristics of a product determine the target market and price of a product.
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Two-way Communication
The communications process involves two or more persons exchanging words or symbols.
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Free Samples
Companies offer free samples to encourage consumers to participate in product trials.
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Cingular Rewards Card
Promotional tactics such as reward programs are used by companies to increase sales and customer acquisition.
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Using Existing Customer to Gain New Customers
Nurturing customer relationships can lead to customer referrals and new business.
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Edward Bernays -the father of Public Relations
Bernays managed Public Relations for World War I
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The primary driver behind an integrated marketing
communications (IMC) strategy is to
A) to create a one-way feed for consumers via one communication
B) to create a seamless experience for consumers across different
aspects of the marketing mix.
C) to create a one-way conversation conversation between marketers
and consumers.
D) to broadcast the same products and brand value propositions to
consumers with diverse needs.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The primary driver behind an integrated marketing
communications (IMC) strategy is to
A) to create a one-way feed for consumers via one communication
B) to create a seamless experience for consumers across different
aspects of the marketing mix.
C) to create a one-way conversation conversation between marketers
and consumers.
D) to broadcast the same products and brand value propositions to
consumers with diverse needs.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
All of the following trends have driven the transition from mass
communications to integrated marketing communications
A) A larger focus on data-based marketing versus general-focus
advertising and marketing.
B) A larger focus on developing a "one size fits all" approach for
communications activities.
C) A larger focus on performance-based compensation within
D) A larger focus on accountability in advertising.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
All of the following trends have driven the transition from mass
communications to integrated marketing communications
A) A larger focus on data-based marketing versus general-focus
advertising and marketing.
B) A larger focus on developing a "one size fits all" approach for
communications activities.
C) A larger focus on performance-based compensation within
D) A larger focus on accountability in advertising.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
By inputting and perceiving an advertiser's television commercial,
consumers are using the process of
A) influence.
B) perception.
C) reception.
D) persuasion.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
By inputting and perceiving an advertiser's television commercial,
consumers are using the process of
A) influence.
B) perception.
C) reception.
D) persuasion.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is considered an input subsystem that
allows consumers to receive messages and stimuli?
A) Age
B) Genetics
C) Taste
D) Culture
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is considered an input subsystem that
allows consumers to receive messages and stimuli?
A) Age
B) Genetics
C) Taste
D) Culture
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Integrated Marketing Communications
After deciding on the brands that appeal most to them, consumers
then move to the stage in the perception process where they
A) choose which promotional messages they will expose themselves to.
B) compare the products to the number of alternatives in their evoked
C) choose to selectively listen to and remember messages that are more
meaningful or important to them.
D) compare the products using personal, commercial, and public sources
of information.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
After deciding on the brands that appeal most to them, consumers
then move to the stage in the perception process where they
A) choose which promotional messages they will expose themselves to.
B) compare the products to the number of alternatives in their evoked
C) choose to selectively listen to and remember messages that are more
meaningful or important to them.
D) compare the products using personal, commercial, and public sources
of information.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following does NOT help brands maximize their
marketing communications efforts?
A) Understanding seasonal trends
B) Spending advertising dollars on big television networks
C) Focusing on consumer purchasing cycles
D) Studying consumer usage patterns
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following does NOT help brands maximize their
marketing communications efforts?
A) Understanding seasonal trends
B) Spending advertising dollars on big television networks
C) Focusing on consumer purchasing cycles
D) Studying consumer usage patterns
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The “I” in AIDA represents the
A) advertiser's ability to successfully demonstrate the advantages and
benefits of the product.
B) advertiser's ability to convince consumers that the product or service
will satisfy their needs.
C) advertiser's ability to attract consumer attention or awareness.
D) advertiser's ability to get consumers to purchase a product or service.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The “I” in AIDA represents the
A) advertiser's ability to successfully demonstrate the advantages and
benefits of the product.
B) advertiser's ability to convince consumers that the product or service
will satisfy their needs.
C) advertiser's ability to attract consumer attention or awareness.
D) advertiser's ability to get consumers to purchase a product or service.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
An ad for a kitchen and bathroom disinfectant touts the added
benefit of Clorox bleach, which is tough on bacteria and stains.
Which stage of the AIDA model is the marketer using to lead the
consumer toward a buying decision?
A) Interest
B) Desire
C) Action
D) Awareness
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Integrated Marketing Communications
An ad for a kitchen and bathroom disinfectant touts the added
benefit of Clorox bleach, which is tough on bacteria and stains.
Which stage of the AIDA model is the marketer using to lead the
consumer toward a buying decision?
A) Interest
B) Desire
C) Action
D) Awareness
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is NOT a promotional subcategory?
A) Product marketing
B) Advertising
C) Direct marketing
D) Sales promotion
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is NOT a promotional subcategory?
A) Product marketing
B) Advertising
C) Direct marketing
D) Sales promotion
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A marketing director at a manufacturing company plans to
organize a conference that brings together leading experts,
customers and stakeholders in her industry. She hopes the event
will build partnerships with external stakeholders, strengthen
customer loyalty and enhance her company's industry credibility.
Which of the following promotional tools is best suited to achieve
these goals?
A) Industry endorsements
B) Personal selling
C) Public relations
D) Direct mailers
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A marketing director at a manufacturing company plans to
organize a conference that brings together leading experts,
customers and stakeholders in her industry. She hopes the event
will build partnerships with external stakeholders, strengthen
customer loyalty and enhance her company's industry credibility.
Which of the following promotional tools is best suited to achieve
these goals?
A) Industry endorsements
B) Personal selling
C) Public relations
D) Direct mailers
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The different types of marketing communications an organization
uses is known as which of the following?
A) media mix
B) pull strategy
C) push strategy
D) promotion
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The different types of marketing communications an organization
uses is known as which of the following?
A) media mix
B) pull strategy
C) push strategy
D) promotion
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A food manufacturer produces boxed baking goods. However, it
shares shelf space with several competitors that offer the same
products at similar prices and quality. All of the following are
persuasive techniques the manufacturer can use to differentiate
its brand on store shelves EXCEPT
A) using captivating and clever messaging.
B) using bright and attractive displays.
C) placing and arranging products strategically on store floors.
D) incorporating easily recognizable colors in packaging.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A food manufacturer produces boxed baking goods. However, it
shares shelf space with several competitors that offer the same
products at similar prices and quality. All of the following are
persuasive techniques the manufacturer can use to differentiate
its brand on store shelves EXCEPT
A) using captivating and clever messaging.
B) using bright and attractive displays.
C) placing and arranging products strategically on store floors.
D) incorporating easily recognizable colors in packaging.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank: ____ is an approach marketers use through
promotions to show why their brand is unique when compared to
other offerings in their class.
A) branding
B) packaging
C) positioning
D) differentiation
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank: ____ is an approach marketers use through
promotions to show why their brand is unique when compared to
other offerings in their class.
A) branding
B) packaging
C) positioning
D) differentiation
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following best describes the purpose of a unique
selling proposition?
A) Nurturing relationships with and guiding prospects further along the
buying process.
B) Supplying marketing analysis to support sales efforts.
C) Converting leads and contacts into business opportunities.
D) Entering markets where there is greater potential to build brand equity
and recognition..
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following best describes the purpose of a unique
selling proposition?
A) Nurturing relationships with and guiding prospects further along the
buying process.
B) Supplying marketing analysis to support sales efforts.
C) Converting leads and contacts into business opportunities.
D) Entering markets where there is greater potential to build brand equity
and recognition..
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Integrated Marketing Communications
During the sales process, prospects are usually labeled as
A) leads.
B) contacts.
C) opportunities.
D) customers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
During the sales process, prospects are usually labeled as
A) leads.
B) contacts.
C) opportunities.
D) customers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
All of the following tactics can be used to incentivize consumers to
participate in product trials EXCEPT
A) Monthly newsletter
B) Free shipping & handling
C) Discounted subscription
D) Future coupons
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Integrated Marketing Communications
All of the following tactics can be used to incentivize consumers to
participate in product trials EXCEPT
A) Monthly newsletter
B) Free shipping & handling
C) Discounted subscription
D) Future coupons
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Why have marketers found personality traits of target customers
to be difficult to apply in marketing strategy?
A) Difficulty in defining motives in consumer research
B) Lack of metrics for mentally healthy consumers
C) Lack of attention given to understanding consumer behavior
D) Difficulty in engaging consumers in goal-directed, problem-solving
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Why have marketers found personality traits of target customers
to be difficult to apply in marketing strategy?
A) Difficulty in defining motives in consumer research
B) Lack of metrics for mentally healthy consumers
C) Lack of attention given to understanding consumer behavior
D) Difficulty in engaging consumers in goal-directed, problem-solving
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Integrated Marketing Communications
For there to be a demand for products and services, there must
A) consumer need and motivation.
B) consumer need and action.
C) consumer interest and motivation.
D) consumer interest and opinion.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
For there to be a demand for products and services, there must
A) consumer need and motivation.
B) consumer need and action.
C) consumer interest and motivation.
D) consumer interest and opinion.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Combining several products or services into one "package" and
offering them at a single price is referred to as what customer
retention strategy?
A) Loyalty programs
B) Cross-selling
C) Cross Promotions
D) Product bundling
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Combining several products or services into one "package" and
offering them at a single price is referred to as what customer
retention strategy?
A) Loyalty programs
B) Cross-selling
C) Cross Promotions
D) Product bundling
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Meredith, an account executive at a large ad agency, has been
tasked to put together a media plan for a new client. Which of the
following stages should Meredith complete to create a strong
media plan for her client's advertising campaign?
A) Evaluate how the client's product differs from its competition
B) Evaluate how the client's messaging and target audiences relate to
different types of media
C) Develop the client's Unique Selling Position
D) Develop the client's character statement for its target group or
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Meredith, an account executive at a large ad agency, has been
tasked to put together a media plan for a new client. Which of the
following stages should Meredith complete to create a strong
media plan for her client's advertising campaign?
A) Evaluate how the client's product differs from its competition
B) Evaluate how the client's messaging and target audiences relate to
different types of media
C) Develop the client's Unique Selling Position
D) Develop the client's character statement for its target group or
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Advertising ___.
A) is another word for marketing.
B) is the process of selling goods or services to consumers.
C) involves paying to disseminate a message that identifies a good or
service or an organization being promoted to many people at one time.
D) All of the answers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Advertising ___.
A) is another word for marketing.
B) is the process of selling goods or services to consumers.
C) involves paying to disseminate a message that identifies a good or
service or an organization being promoted to many people at one time.
D) All of the answers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The step in the personal selling process where salespeople find
and identify buyers who are most likely to buy the product or
service is referred to as
A) pre-approach.
B) need assessment.
C) prospecting.
D) gaining commitment.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The step in the personal selling process where salespeople find
and identify buyers who are most likely to buy the product or
service is referred to as
A) pre-approach.
B) need assessment.
C) prospecting.
D) gaining commitment.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Sales promotion is a marketing function that is used to achieve
which of the following?
A) Improve product functionality
B) Improve product availability
C) Improve product sales
D) Improve advertising effectiveness
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Sales promotion is a marketing function that is used to achieve
which of the following?
A) Improve product functionality
B) Improve product availability
C) Improve product sales
D) Improve advertising effectiveness
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Integrated Marketing Communications
All of the following are distribution techniques for consumer
coupons EXCEPT
A) lipstickboards.
B) free-standing inserts.
C) rebates.
D) neckers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
All of the following are distribution techniques for consumer
coupons EXCEPT
A) lipstickboards.
B) free-standing inserts.
C) rebates.
D) neckers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank: ____ consists of other types of promotions that
are not included in another component of the communication mix
such as coupons, contests, games, rebates, and mail-in offers.
A) advertising
B) sales promotions
C) direct marketing
D) personal selling
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank: ____ consists of other types of promotions that
are not included in another component of the communication mix
such as coupons, contests, games, rebates, and mail-in offers.
A) advertising
B) sales promotions
C) direct marketing
D) personal selling
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Spin within public relations can be best described as
A) constructing a consistent and specific story to eliminate contradictory
or confusing information.
B) destroying or discrediting individuals and organizations using dirty
secrets, misleading facts, or legitimate claims.
C) developing several distinct but complementary messages for multiple
D) coloring truth by selectively presenting facts that support a desired
position and can sway public opinion.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Spin within public relations can be best described as
A) constructing a consistent and specific story to eliminate contradictory
or confusing information.
B) destroying or discrediting individuals and organizations using dirty
secrets, misleading facts, or legitimate claims.
C) developing several distinct but complementary messages for multiple
D) coloring truth by selectively presenting facts that support a desired
position and can sway public opinion.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is NOT a core element of public relations?
A) PR is a spontaneous activity.
B) PR creates and retains goodwill.
C) PR takes credit for positive actions.
D) PR effectively communicates varying viewpoints to specific target
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is NOT a core element of public relations?
A) PR is a spontaneous activity.
B) PR creates and retains goodwill.
C) PR takes credit for positive actions.
D) PR effectively communicates varying viewpoints to specific target
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank: __________ helps improve and promote an
organization's image and products by putting a positive spin on
news stories.
A) public relations and publicity
B) advertising
C) direct marketing
D) personal selling
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank: __________ helps improve and promote an
organization's image and products by putting a positive spin on
news stories.
A) public relations and publicity
B) advertising
C) direct marketing
D) personal selling
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is important to public relations as part of
the marketing process?
A) Retaining as well as creating goodwill.
B) precisely describing the publics that may be concerned with the
behavior of the firm
C) Planning the communication activities of the campaign.
D) All of the answers
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is important to public relations as part of
the marketing process?
A) Retaining as well as creating goodwill.
B) precisely describing the publics that may be concerned with the
behavior of the firm
C) Planning the communication activities of the campaign.
D) All of the answers
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Social media used as a marketing tool provides useful and
valuable measurable data on which of the following?
A) Customer interactions
B) Customer feedback
C) All of these answers.
D) Customer buying habits
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Social media used as a marketing tool provides useful and
valuable measurable data on which of the following?
A) Customer interactions
B) Customer feedback
C) All of these answers.
D) Customer buying habits
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A prestige beauty company wants to publish online beauty tips for
its customers. Which of the following social media would be most
appropriate for promoting this content via interactive dialogue and
increased search engine rankings?
A) Viral videos
B) QR codes
C) Social networking sites
D) Blogs
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A prestige beauty company wants to publish online beauty tips for
its customers. Which of the following social media would be most
appropriate for promoting this content via interactive dialogue and
increased search engine rankings?
A) Viral videos
B) QR codes
C) Social networking sites
D) Blogs
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Integrated Marketing Communications
One of the biggest benefits of direct marketing is that
A) it allows marketers to message to numerous consumers
B) it allows marketers to increase retail efforts in "brick and mortar" retail
C) it allows marketers to collect reliable sales data and quantifiable
success metrics for analysis.
D) it allows marketers to easily reach customers via print and electronic
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Integrated Marketing Communications
One of the biggest benefits of direct marketing is that
A) it allows marketers to message to numerous consumers
B) it allows marketers to increase retail efforts in "brick and mortar" retail
C) it allows marketers to collect reliable sales data and quantifiable
success metrics for analysis.
D) it allows marketers to easily reach customers via print and electronic
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following differentiates direct marketing from mass
marketing tactics?
A) Direct marketing seeks to build customer relationships with individual
members of defined groups.
B) Direct marketing attracts numerous competitors by developing
products for niche markets.
C) Direct marketing provides a multi-billion dollar business for
D) Direct marketing employs tools such as TV and radio to sell products
to target audiences.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following differentiates direct marketing from mass
marketing tactics?
A) Direct marketing seeks to build customer relationships with individual
members of defined groups.
B) Direct marketing attracts numerous competitors by developing
products for niche markets.
C) Direct marketing provides a multi-billion dollar business for
D) Direct marketing employs tools such as TV and radio to sell products
to target audiences.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Direct response advertising includes which of the following?
Choose one answer.
A) Advertising and catalogs
B) PR and damage control
C) A personalized message
D) An offer and a call to action
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Direct response advertising includes which of the following?
Choose one answer.
A) Advertising and catalogs
B) PR and damage control
C) A personalized message
D) An offer and a call to action
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank. Telemarketing is an example of
________________. Choose one answer.
A) Advertising
B) Direct marketing
D) Personal selling
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank. Telemarketing is an example of
________________. Choose one answer.
A) Advertising
B) Direct marketing
D) Personal selling
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank: _____ involves delivering personalized
promotional materials directly to individual consumers.
A) direct marketing
B) advertising
C) personal selling
D) public relations and publicity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank: _____ involves delivering personalized
promotional materials directly to individual consumers.
A) direct marketing
B) advertising
C) personal selling
D) public relations and publicity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
What promotional mix objective is predicated on a product having
the competitive edge?
A) Demand optomization.
B) Differentiation.
C) Consumer Knowledge.
D) Supply.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
What promotional mix objective is predicated on a product having
the competitive edge?
A) Demand optomization.
B) Differentiation.
C) Consumer Knowledge.
D) Supply.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank. The different types of marketing communications
an organization uses comprise its _________________. Choose
one answer.
A) Promotional mix
B) Personal selling
C) Advertising
D) Publicity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Fill in the blank. The different types of marketing communications
an organization uses comprise its _________________. Choose
one answer.
A) Promotional mix
B) Personal selling
C) Advertising
D) Publicity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
At what stage, in a product's life cycle, does a company make the
most profit?
A) Growth.
B) Introduction.
C) Decline.
D) Maturity.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
At what stage, in a product's life cycle, does a company make the
most profit?
A) Growth.
B) Introduction.
C) Decline.
D) Maturity.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
At what stage of a product's life cycle is competition the heaviest?
A) Growth.
B) Decline.
C) Introduction
D) Maturity.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
At what stage of a product's life cycle is competition the heaviest?
A) Growth.
B) Decline.
C) Introduction
D) Maturity.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
In what stage of the product life cycle does the good or service
experience competitive disadvantages?
A) product development
B) decline
C) introduction
D) growth
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Integrated Marketing Communications
In what stage of the product life cycle does the good or service
experience competitive disadvantages?
A) product development
B) decline
C) introduction
D) growth
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Integrated Marketing Communications
In what stage of the product life cycle does the marketing team
emphasize promotion and initial distribution?
A) introduction
B) product development
C) growth
D) maturity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
In what stage of the product life cycle does the marketing team
emphasize promotion and initial distribution?
A) introduction
B) product development
C) growth
D) maturity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
In what stage of the product life cycle does a good or service get
tested for viability?
A) introduction
B) growth
C) product development
D) maturity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
In what stage of the product life cycle does a good or service get
tested for viability?
A) introduction
B) growth
C) product development
D) maturity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
In what stage of the product life cycle does the good or service
experience acceptance by consumers?
A) growth
B) product development
C) introduction
D) maturity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
In what stage of the product life cycle does the good or service
experience acceptance by consumers?
A) growth
B) product development
C) introduction
D) maturity
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A target market characteristic that focuses on repeat business is
A) Geographic.
B) Demographic.
C) Behavioral.
D) Psychographic
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A target market characteristic that focuses on repeat business is
A) Geographic.
B) Demographic.
C) Behavioral.
D) Psychographic
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Integrated Marketing Communications
If a company selects a promotional mix based upon a target
market that buys "green," the characteristic is ____________.
A) Behavioral.
B) Product Related.
C) Demographic.
D) Psychographic.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
If a company selects a promotional mix based upon a target
market that buys "green," the characteristic is ____________.
A) Behavioral.
B) Product Related.
C) Demographic.
D) Psychographic.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
What product characteristics impact the selection of a promotional
A) All of these answers.
B) Price and features.
C) Improvements made to an existing product.
D) How the product fulfills the needs of the target consumer group.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
What product characteristics impact the selection of a promotional
A) All of these answers.
B) Price and features.
C) Improvements made to an existing product.
D) How the product fulfills the needs of the target consumer group.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Why does consumer buying behavior differ from business buying
A) Because businesses always buy items with the best terms.
B) Because consumers buy at the lowest price.
C) Because each goes through a different thought process before they
D) There is no difference, they both buy based upon product features.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Why does consumer buying behavior differ from business buying
A) Because businesses always buy items with the best terms.
B) Because consumers buy at the lowest price.
C) Because each goes through a different thought process before they
D) There is no difference, they both buy based upon product features.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following best describes the rationale for the amount
of funds available relative to costs in the promotion mix?
A) The cost of the product being sold so that marketing costs can be
easily recouped.
B) The amount of money lost on past product launches.
C) If there will be a mix of trade and consumer promotions included in the
marketing plan.
D) The advertising that will connect with targeted market and if the
product is new or established.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following best describes the rationale for the amount
of funds available relative to costs in the promotion mix?
A) The cost of the product being sold so that marketing costs can be
easily recouped.
B) The amount of money lost on past product launches.
C) If there will be a mix of trade and consumer promotions included in the
marketing plan.
D) The advertising that will connect with targeted market and if the
product is new or established.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Goodyear Tire is a well known and highly respected brand. What
marketing strategy are they using when they advertise a special
rebate sale through an extensive mix of marketing channels?
A) A pull strategy because they have developed a powerful and
recognizable brand.
B) A push strategy because retailers will need to stock product in large
C) A consumer promotion strategy aimed at the end user.
D) A trade promotion strategy involving retailers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Goodyear Tire is a well known and highly respected brand. What
marketing strategy are they using when they advertise a special
rebate sale through an extensive mix of marketing channels?
A) A pull strategy because they have developed a powerful and
recognizable brand.
B) A push strategy because retailers will need to stock product in large
C) A consumer promotion strategy aimed at the end user.
D) A trade promotion strategy involving retailers.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The strategy in which a manufacturer convinces wholesalers,
distributors, or retailers to sell its products and that also informs.
consumers via advertising and other promotions that the product
is available for sale is known as a (an)________.
A) push strategy
B) deceptive strategy
C) pull strategy
D) sorting strategy
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The strategy in which a manufacturer convinces wholesalers,
distributors, or retailers to sell its products and that also informs.
consumers via advertising and other promotions that the product
is available for sale is known as a (an)________.
A) push strategy
B) deceptive strategy
C) pull strategy
D) sorting strategy
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following involves promoting a product to final
A) Push strategy
B) Communication process
C) Pull strategy
D) Frequency
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following involves promoting a product to final
A) Push strategy
B) Communication process
C) Pull strategy
D) Frequency
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Offering special incentives to restaurant owners who sell a
particular brand of beverages is an example of a(n)
A) Encoding
B) Advertisement
C) Push strategy
D) Dull strategy
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Offering special incentives to restaurant owners who sell a
particular brand of beverages is an example of a(n)
A) Encoding
B) Advertisement
C) Push strategy
D) Dull strategy
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The strategy that focuses on creating demand for a product
among consumers so that businesses agree to sell the product is
known as a ________.
A) deceptive strategy
B) push strategy
C) sorting strategy
D) pull strategy
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The strategy that focuses on creating demand for a product
among consumers so that businesses agree to sell the product is
known as a ________.
A) deceptive strategy
B) push strategy
C) sorting strategy
D) pull strategy
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A trade promotion is important to the marketing mix of a product
A) It motivates retailers to stock and sell one product over another.
B) It provides customers with better service.
C) It encourages retailers to stock products even if they are not selling
D) It discourages competitors from vying for market share.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A trade promotion is important to the marketing mix of a product
A) It motivates retailers to stock and sell one product over another.
B) It provides customers with better service.
C) It encourages retailers to stock products even if they are not selling
D) It discourages competitors from vying for market share.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following statements about consumer promotions is
A) They are never used in conjunction with trade promotions.
B) They include bonuses and incentives for the salesperson who has
sold the most.
C) They must rely on retailer incentive programs to work properly.
D) Their primary purpose is to appeal to the end user and motivate them
to buy.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following statements about consumer promotions is
A) They are never used in conjunction with trade promotions.
B) They include bonuses and incentives for the salesperson who has
sold the most.
C) They must rely on retailer incentive programs to work properly.
D) Their primary purpose is to appeal to the end user and motivate them
to buy.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is NOT a common goal of integrated
marketing communications campaigns?
A) To increase consumer or business demand for a product category.
B) To build customer traffic to physical stores, websites or other
marketing channels.
C) To present the brand's image and core message using various tones
and styles.
D) To change or influence customer beliefs or attitudes
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following is NOT a common goal of integrated
marketing communications campaigns?
A) To increase consumer or business demand for a product category.
B) To build customer traffic to physical stores, websites or other
marketing channels.
C) To present the brand's image and core message using various tones
and styles.
D) To change or influence customer beliefs or attitudes
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The essential purposes of budgeting for marketing activities
include all of the following EXCEPT
A) To evaluate company risks and opportunities.
B) To motivate managers to strive to achieve budget goals.
C) To evaluate the performance of managers.
D) To provide visibility into the company's performance.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
The essential purposes of budgeting for marketing activities
include all of the following EXCEPT
A) To evaluate company risks and opportunities.
B) To motivate managers to strive to achieve budget goals.
C) To evaluate the performance of managers.
D) To provide visibility into the company's performance.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A marketing director assembling an annual budget considers the
amount of money spent on product design and packaging during
the previous year. Which of the following IMC components is a
determinant in the annual budget?
A) Corporate culture
B) Promotional tools
C) Consumer experience
D) Communications tools
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A marketing director assembling an annual budget considers the
amount of money spent on product design and packaging during
the previous year. Which of the following IMC components is a
determinant in the annual budget?
A) Corporate culture
B) Promotional tools
C) Consumer experience
D) Communications tools
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A performance assessment that tracks key ratios including gross
contribution to net profit, gross profit to return on investment, and
net contribution to profit on sales is called a
A) sales analysis.
B) market share analysis.
C) financial analysis.
D) expense analysis.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
A performance assessment that tracks key ratios including gross
contribution to net profit, gross profit to return on investment, and
net contribution to profit on sales is called a
A) sales analysis.
B) market share analysis.
C) financial analysis.
D) expense analysis.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following best describes why the Internet has
increased the role of word-of-mouth in integrated marketing
A) The Internet facilitates one-way broadcasting to consumers.
B) The Internet facilitates a "sharing" culture based on consumer
C) The Internet allows marketers to identify the right touch points to reach
D) The Internet allows 24/7 access to goods and services.
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Integrated Marketing Communications
Which of the following best describes why the Internet has
increased the role of word-of-mouth in integrated marketing
A) The Internet facilitates one-way broadcasting to consumers.
B) The Internet facilitates a "sharing" culture based on consumer
C) The Internet allows marketers to identify the right touch points to reach
D) The Internet allows 24/7 access to goods and services.
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• Wikipedia. "Integrated marketing communications." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Marketing plan." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wiktionary. "integrated." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Strategy for Information Markets/e-Commerce." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikipedia. "Personalized marketing." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Relationship marketing." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikibooks. "Introduction to Business/Marketing." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Target market." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wiktionary. "target market." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Managerial Economics/Demand Theory." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Relevant market." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Hedonic index." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wiktionary. "target market." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikipedia. "marketing mix." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Push–pull strategy." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikibooks. "Advertising/Basics." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Pull strategy." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Pull strategy." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "customer relationship management." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Trade promotion (marketing)." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikipedia. "Marketing." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Boundless Learning. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Jay Collier. "Integrated planning |" CC BY-SA
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• Wikipedia. "Budget." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Integrated marketing communications." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikipedia. "Marketing promotion." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikipedia. "Promotion (marketing)." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikibooks. "Introduction to Business/Marketing." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wikipedia. "Relationship marketing." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wiktionary. "value proposition." CC BY-SA 3.0
• Wiktionary. "segmentation." CC BY-SA 3.0
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• Wikipedia. "Sales promotion." CC BY-SA 3.0
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