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DNA Translation
Putting it all together
Last Day
Today’s Objectives
Understand the process of how our DNA makes
proteins from start to finish
Complete a treasure hunt with the help of some
of the processes of DNA
Chapter 10 Review
So, Let’s Recap…
The Basic Building Block of DNA is
called a Nucleotide
It is made up of three basic
components, Which are…
 Phosphate
Carbon Sugar, Deoxyribose
 Nitrogen
Containing Base
The DNA Nucleotide
Recap Cont’d
 Which
two components make up
the backbone of DNA?
 The
Nitrogenous bases pair up
with their complementary base
pair on another strand to form
the DNA Double Helix we have
come so familiar with
Recap Cont’d…
Before cell division, a fundamental process in any
organism, the genetic information must be able to
copy itself
This is done in a process known as…
 Replication!
Recap Cont’d…
replication is performed in the NUCLEUS
with the help of DNA HELICASE
“unzips” the two strands of DNA
POLYMERASE brings complementary
nucleotides in the surrounding medium to
form the new strand of DNA
Recap Cont’d…
 Once
DNA has been replicated, all of the
useful information which in contains must
be Transcribed (written out)
 This
leads to the process known as…
Recap Cont’d
POLYMERASE comes along, unzips the
DNA double helix, and brings in
complementary RNA base nucleotides to
form a transcribed RNA Strand
Recap Cont’d…
process of transcription
creates 3 different types of
Messenger RNA
Transfer RNA
Ribosomal RNA
So What do these 3 RNAs do?
 Work
together to TRANSLATE the
genetic code of DNA into the proteins,
which carry out all of the bodies
 Process known as Protein Synthesis (or
Genetic Code
The sequence of nucleotides in an mRNA
TRANSCRIPT, is TRANSLATED into a sequence of
amino acids (the building blocks of proteins)
 The
nucleotide sequence combined with its
amino acid sequence is known as the GENETIC
Combination of THREE mRNA nucleotides is called
 Each
CODON codes for a specific AMINO ACID
Genetic Code
 Start:
mRNA leaves the nucleus for the
 Migrates
to a RIBOSOME- the site of protein
 Amino
acids that are floating freely in
cytosol are transported to the ribosomes by
our old friend tRNA
 Same
base pairing rules follow
 Begins at mRNA strand AUG ( tRNA
with anticodon UAC)
 Moves along until it hits a STOP codon
mutations occurring during the
replication stage play major role in
Where different base pairs in
original DNA molecule can result in a
different string of amino acids
More on this when we get to
To Recap Translation
mRNA moves the information from the nucleus to
the ribosomes (made up of rRNA) in the cytosol.
The ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis
tRNA molecules, carrying an amino acid will bind
to the codons on mRNA (starting at the START
codon AUG)
The tRNA molecules will continue to bring amino
acids, forming a chain of amino acids, until they
reach a STOP Codon
The resulting protein will detach, and move to
the site where it is needed in the cell.
It’s Time for a Treasure Hunt!
DNA Treasure Hunt
 With
your partner…
the DNA puzzle and receive a clue to
where your treasure might be.
checking with Mr.Hill, go forth and find
your Treasure!
you return, Work on Chapter 10/14
Mr.Hill’s Test Taking Tips!
NAME- Always the first thing you should write on a test.
Read over the whole test before you begin writing
 Make
sure you have the right number of pages, whether there is
a back side etc.
 Answer
Questions you know first
confidence, gives clues for more challenging questions
Do not leave blanks!
 An
attempted guess is better than having nothing.
 Multiple
 Eliminate
the obviously wrong answer(s)
 Automatically
increases odds