Download Advertising tricks

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Recall from yesterday and Emmy award winning commercials
Advertising tricks, techniques and strategies
Deliberate Word Choice (quick ideas that you don’t have time to consider)
Distraction (large visual or aural message, small written [fine print] disclaimers)
Attractive Visuals
Slogans and Jingles (consumer retains subconscious idea)
Free advertising (t-shirts, catch-phrases, jargon)
High Volume and Repetition
Irony and Humor (unexpected finality—people remember the last thing)
Memorable Drama (see also manipulation)
Various types of manipulation and persuasion
Alternative Forced Choice (our product good, competitor bad)
Simple (not subtle) message
Psychological techniques, including:
1. reciprocation (we are obligated to return favors)
2. scarcity (rare, unavailable=more attractive)
3. authority (follow an expert or authority)
4. commitment (agreement to support)
5. like (“Mikey likes it” or Tupperware Party)
6. consensus (everyone does it/wants it)
Brainstorm Page
Product to advertise: __________________________ (it can be a real consumer
item, or you can make one up)
1. What kind of music are going to use for this ad?
2. What kinds of images will you begin to look for or use? Explain?
3. What kinds of action could happen in an ad like this?
4. What could you animate? Create a short outline of the story for this idea?
Beginning, middle, ending?
5. Complete an alternate ending?
6. List any other music, sound fx's needed.
What sort of manipulation, persuasion or psychological approach (see “list of 6”) are you
going to use?
Come up with a new slogan for your product.
Rubric for advertising storyboard:
Completes powerpoint storyboard, including timing, script,
ideas, visuals, slogan, and incorporates explanation of
advertising technique on separate page. Prepares advance
video storyboard, script and brainstorm page. Shows
additional attention to advertising details, includes visuals,
clips, and prepares a storyboard suitable for production
Does brainstorm page, video storyboard, script and slogan,
includes advertising technique on separate page. Shows
work toward a completed powerpoint with script ideas and
Completes video storyboard, script and slogan, includes
advertising technique on separate page. Begins powerpoint
with script ideas.
Completes video storyboard, script and slogan, includes
advertising technique on separate page.
Completes video storyboard, script and slogan
Completes video storyboard