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Botany 101 Exam III Study Guide
The majority of plants produce flowers. The flowering plants are called the?
Plants, unlike animals, have a diploid and a haploid generation to their life cycle. What do
we call this trait of plants?
The haploid generation of the plant life cycle is called the?
The diploid generation of the plant life cycle is called the?
What form of cell division is used by plants to produce gametes?
What form of cell division is used by plants to make spores?
Flowers are a specialized organ on plants that are used only for?
The outermost whorl of leaves located at the base of a flower and are still green are called?
What is the collective term for all the sepals on a flower?
The second whorl of leaves that are brightly colored and modified are called the?
What is the collective term for all the petals on a flower?
The “male” reproductive organ on a flower is the?
The “male” reproductive organs are responsible for producing what type of spores?
The “female” reproductive organ on a flower is the?
The “female” reproductive organ on a flower is responsible for producing what type of
The individual chambers inside the ovary, which contain various numbers of ovules, are
Petals and sepals are believed to be modified versions of this plant structure?
If a flower has all of its functional parts, it is referred as being what?
If a flower has only stamens or pistils, but not both, it is referred to as?
If a flower is missing one or more of its component parts it is referred to as?
If all other flower parts are attached to or below the base of the pistil, the ovary is referred to
How many sperm cells will a mature male gametophyte produce?
How many cells compose the mature female gametophyte?
In the female gametophyte, the two polar nuclei are fertilized by one of the sperm cells along
with the egg cell by another sperm. This process of a central cell and an egg cell being
fertilized by independent sperm cells is called?
Besides the embryo what other material results by fertilization of a cell in the female
gametophyte by a sperm cell?
What is the pollen tube used for?
The eggs of seed plants are fertilized within ovules, and the ovules then develop into what
What is the general term we apply to the multicellular male gametophyte in plants?
Do plants carry out both photosynthesis and respiration?
What cellular organelle carries out cellular respiration?
What cellular organelle carries out photosynthesis?
What do we call the stacks of inner membrane, which contain the green pigment found in
plants, inside this organelle?
What is the name given for the inner membrane of the photosynthetic organelle of plants?
What are the steps of cellular respiration?
What is the name of the primary pigment that plants use for photosynthesis?
Which part of cellular respiration is responsible for splitting glucose?
The primary photosynthetic organ of plants is?
Which part of cellular respiration produces the most energy?
Where do the Light Dependent Reactions occur?
Where do the Light Independent Reactions occur?
Organisms that derive (get) their energy from the sun are called what?
Where does the Kreb’s cycle occur during cellular respiration?
The energy-containing molecule, referred to as the “energy currency” of the cell, is called?
Which part of photosynthesis is responsible for fixing carbon dioxide into sugars?
What do we call a collection of photosensitive pigments found in membranes in plants that
sunlight strikes and releases electrons?
The process whereby plants move water and nutrients up their stems by evaporation of water
is called?
What molecule is a coenzyme that transports hydrogen atoms to electron transport chains for
making energy in cellular respiration?
Where does glycolysis occur?
What are the three types of photosynthesis that plants can utilize?
Which part of general photosynthesis is responsible for generating the energy and hydrogen
necessary for making sugars?
What do we call the special fluid found inside a chloroplast?
What is the molecule called that will attach to carbon dioxide in order to fix it during
photosynthesis (picks up CO2) during the dark reactions?
What is the primary end product of carbon fixation/photosynthesis and is used to generate