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Course Number: Psychology 6307: Behavior Modification
Instructor Name: Robert Benefield
Semester: Fall 2014
Class Times: On-line
Dates: August--December
Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to behavior modification and learning principles derived from an analysis
of scientific research. Major principles and procedures in the course curriculum include reinforcement,
extinction, differential reinforcement, punishment, stimulus control, issues of discrimination and generalization,
shaping, fading, prompting, concept formation, stimulus equivalence, respondent learning, conditioned
reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement, and behavioral definitions. Behavior Awareness and Modification
(planning skills and consciousness component) is also included in this course. Specific competencies will be
assessed via weekly journal assignments and by an individual self-management data collection and data
reporting project (via blackboard).
Office Hours
Monday-Saturday (e-office)
8 a.m.- -5:00 p.m.
(online by email)
Monday Wednesday Friday
9:00-10:00 and 1:003:00 MW only
Tuesday Thursday
9:00-11:00 and
Other appointments can be made
by arrangement, if needed.
Hall 103f
Texbook Information
Kazdin (2013) Behavior Modification in Applied Settings, 7th ed.
o ISBN 1-57766-780-8 (available at ETBU bookstore)
Benefield (2014) Behavior Awareness and Modification (BAM)—provided via blackboard:
Welcome and Introduction + 15 lessons.
East Texas Baptist University Counseling Psychology Program
Psychology 6307: Behavior Modification (Fall 2014)
Course Objectives
 This course is intended to help future counselors understand how internal and external
environmental events influence human behavior, and to introduce behavior modification
procedures and strategies. Counselors will be able to identify and analyze target behaviors and
develop skill in planning and applying treatment plans, and they also will be able to evaluate
treatment outcomes.
Competency Assessment via Blackboard Journal Assignments and an Individually-Created SelfManagement Project including data collection and data reporting using APA style:
 Specific behavior modification concepts and competencies will be assessed in each of the 15
units/lessons via blackboard journal assignments. Students will be required to provide original examples
or illustrations of concepts and processes including operational definitions, sequence analysis, functional
assessment, data collection processes, analysis, and intervention assessment procedures with their
individual self-management data collection project.
Key Features of Competency Assessment Format (Blackboard Journal Assignments):
 Participants will apply the key principles taught in each of the 15 units/lessons (described in the course
outline of this syllabus) by creating an individual weekly blackboard journal and submitting it prior to
the stated deadline.
 Participants will develop an individually-created self-management project including operational
definitions of their target behaviors, sequence analysis, functional assessment, data collection processes,
analysis, and intervention assessment procedures. Later in the course, this will consist primarily of
DAILY BEHAVIORAL DIARY and WEEKLY DATA LOGS. Data collected in this project will be
compiled and summarized in APA style as if in a research journal in psychology.
o If you are unable to submit the entire journal prior to the deadline, PLEASE SUBMIT THE
Key Course Concepts and Competencies to be assessed via Blackboard Journal Entries and SelfManagement Data-Collection Project
 Key Characteristics of Behavior Modification
 Assessment and Evaluation in Behavior Modification
 Learning Models including:
o Classical Conditioning
o Operant Conditioning
o Modeling or Observational Learning
o Rational Behaviorism
o Consciousness: metacognition and mystical experience
 Learning-Based Intervention Procedures
 Antecedents of Behavior
o Prompts
o Setting Events
o High Probability Requests
o Discriminative Stimuli and Stimulus Control
o Generalization and Discrimination
 Behaviors
East Texas Baptist University Counseling Psychology Program
Psychology 6307: Behavior Modification (Fall 2014)
o Reinforced Practice
o Shaping
o Chaining
Consequences of Behavior
o Positive Reinforcement
o Negative Reinforcement
o Punishment
o Extinction
Identifying Program Goals
Defining the Target Behavior
Operational Definitions
Strategies of Assessment
Decision-making in Assessment
Ensuring Quality Assessment
Assessing Agreement
Plotting Agreement Data
Conducting Agreement Checks
Assessing Requirements for Evaluating Interventions
Key Components of Evaluation
o Assessement
o Research Design
o Data Evaluation
Characteristics of Single-Case Designs
o Continuous Assessment
o Baseline Phase
o Stability of Performance
Single-Case Experimental Designs
o ABAB or Reversal Designs
o Multiple-Baseline Designs
o Changing-Criterion Designs
o Approximations of Experimental Designs
Group Designs
Data Evaluation
Graphic Display of Data
Functional Behavioral Assessment
o Evidence-Based Approaches for Identifying Effective Interventions
o Interviews and Questionnaires
o Direct Observation
Positive Reinforcement
o Types of Reinforcers
o Factors Effecting Positive Reinforcement
Reinforcement Techniques for Reducing Behavior
o Functionally Equivalent Behaviors
o Noncontingent Reinforcement
East Texas Baptist University Counseling Psychology Program
Psychology 6307: Behavior Modification (Fall 2014)
Negative Reinforcement
Aversive Events
Withdrawal of Reinforcement
o Time Out
o Response Cost
Punishing Consequences Based on Effort
o Overcorrection
Characteristics of the Punishment Process
Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Punishment
Side Effects of Punishment
Spankings and Everyday Life
Characteristics of the Extinction Process
Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Extinction
Extinguishing Negatively Reinforced Behavior
Operant Behavior and Escape Extinction
Anxiety Treatment
Special Technique Variations to Enhance Performance
o Bolstering As, Bs, and Cs
o Contingency Contracts
o Group-Based Contingencies
o Peer-Administered Contingencies
o Response Maintenance
o Transfer of Behavior across Situations and Settings
o Response Generalization
o Programming Response Maintenance and Transfer
o Programming Response Generalization
Self-Control and Self-Administered Interventions
o Applications in Educational Settings
o Applications in Physical and Mental Health Settings
Clinical Applications of Behavioral and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions
o Behavioral Techniques: Emergence and Evolution
o Illustrations of Evidence-Based Treatments
o Challenges in Delivery of Evidence-Based Treatments
o Integrating Behavior Awareness and Modification (2014)
Social, Ethical, and Legal Contexts of Intervention Research
o Social Context and Intervention Acceptability
o Ethical Guidelines and Client Rights
o Critical Issues
Behavioral Interventions in Perspective
o Salient Characteristics
o Myths and Red Herrings
o Special Challenges
Behavior Awareness and Modification
o Summary of key concepts
East Texas Baptist University Counseling Psychology Program
Psychology 6307: Behavior Modification (Fall 2014)
Awareness component (planning skills and consciousness)
Self-management applications
ExampleS of Blackboard Journal Assignments for Competency Assessment:
 Case Illustrations: Applying the Concepts
The case of Arlene:
1. List some of the OVERT behaviors that are relevant to Arlene.
2. List some of the COVERT behaviors that are relevant to Arlene.
3. What are some of the treatments or interventions that were used to overcome anxiety?
4. What kind of “homework assignments” did she do?
5. What information did she keep in her Daily Diary?
The case of John:
6. What OVERT behaviors are significant in John?
7. Describe the most problematic situation as reported by the mother.
8. What did the mother have to learn to do?
9. Describe the behavior change program developed for John.
 Short Answer:
10. Explain how systematic desensitization is an application of classical conditioning.
11. Explain how operant conditioning was used in the case of the depressed patient with sleeping
difficulties and pain.
12. Explain how operant conditioning was used in the case of Ann (4-year old).
13. Explain how modeling was used in the case of Peter (Jones, 1924b).
14. Give one illustration of how emotion and one illustration of how cognition play a central role in
behavior modification.
 Self-Management Project
1. Submit a one paragraph summary of your thoughts about potential target behaviors.
2. Relate potential target behaviors (discussed above) to your goals that you stated in Lesson 1
Journal 1 Question 6.
3. What are your hopes with regard to your project?
4. What are your concerns with regard to your project?
Requirements for the Course
 Internet Access and Blackboard utilization
 Adherence to DEADLINES
Grading Policy
 Grades are based upon completion of Blackboard Journals submitted prior to the deadline.
 No work will be accepted after the deadline.
 Point values for each Journal Assignment are clearly indicated.
East Texas Baptist University Counseling Psychology Program
Psychology 6307: Behavior Modification (Fall 2014)
Appropriate Classroom Behavior
All students are expected to engage in behavior that is consistent with the ETBU Student Code of Conduct.
Receiving cell phone calls, disruptive side conversations, and sleeping in class are not appropriate classroom
Students with Disabilities
Students with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of
Advising and Career Development, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are
approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Advising Office will notify you and your
professor of the approved accommodations. You must then discuss these accommodations with your professor.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to do their own work, display marked effort in study and application to the content and
exhibit honesty when doing research assignments. Students are not to copy or plagiarize another person's
material. Students are to prepare self-made materials/papers and are not to use another person's work as their
own. Plagiarized work is dishonest and the grade will reflect failure- no make-ups will be allowed.
Blackboard Journal Entry Grading Scale in Percentage Points
90-100 =A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
Below 60=F
Instructor Contact Information:
Robert L. Benefield, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Criminal Justice
Department of Behavioral Science
MH 103-E
[email protected]
Course Assignments
Week/Lesson 1
o Read Course Syllabus and Welcome & Introduction (see Blackboard)
 Kazdin Chapter 1 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson1 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 1 DUE: Midnight Sunday August 31
Week 2
 Kazdin Chapter 2 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 2 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 2 DUE: Midnight Sunday September 7
Week 3
 Kazdin Chapter 3 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 3 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 3 DUE: Midnight Sunday September 14
East Texas Baptist University Counseling Psychology Program
Psychology 6307: Behavior Modification (Fall 2014)
Week 4
 Kazdin Chapter 4 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 4 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 4 DUE: Midnight Sunday September 21
Week 5
 Kazdin Chapter 5 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 5 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 5 DUE: Midnight Sunday September 28
Week 6
 Kazdin Chapter 6 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 6 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 6 DUE: Midnight Sunday October 5
Week 7
 Kazdin Chapter 7 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 7 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 7 DUE: Midnight Sunday October 12
Week 8
 Kazdin Chapter 8 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 8 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 8 DUE: Midnight Sunday October 19
Week 9
 Kazdin Chapter 9 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 9 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 9 DUE: Midnight Sunday October 26
Week 10
 Kazdin Chapter 10 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 10 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 10 DUE: Midnight Sunday November 2
Week 11
 Kazdin Chapter 11 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson11 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 11 DUE: Midnight Sunday November 9
Week 12
 Kazdin Chapter 12 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 12 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson 12 DUE: Midnight Sunday November 16
Week 13
 Kazdin Chapter 13 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 13 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson13 DUE: Midnight Sunday November 23
Week 14
 Kazdin Chapter 14 (read textbook)
East Texas Baptist University Counseling Psychology Program
Psychology 6307: Behavior Modification (Fall 2014)
Benefield Lesson 14 (see Blackboard)
Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson14 DUE: Midnight Sunday December 7
Week 15
 Kazdin Chapter 15 (read textbook)
 Benefield Lesson 15 (see Blackboard)
 Complete Blackboard Journal Assignments for Lesson15 DUE: Midnight Sunday December 14