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Science Department
AP Chemistry
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Dr. Denise D’Meo
e-mail:[email protected]
Phone: 973-228-1200 x721
A. Grading Policy – course work will be graded as follows:
a. Assessments (lab reports, tests, quizzes) – 95% of grade
b. Homework – 5% of grade
c. All grades should be verified in genesis on a regular basis
B. Classroom
a. Rules of Conduct
i. Follow all rules as stated in student handbook
ii. Come prepared to class with all required materials
iii. No food or drinks in classroom
iv. No cell use
b. Required Material
i. Textbook
ii. Pencils
iii. Calculator
c. Homework
i. All homework will be posted on the teacher’s school
ii. Missed homework should be made-up for understanding
of concepts
d. Attendance
i. Follow all rules as stated in student handbook
ii. One day to make up work for every day absent
iii. Work assigned prior to absence(s) will be due on the
first day back
e. Academic Integrity
i. Students are to hand-in their own work
1. Receiving assistance is different from copying
ii. Cheating will result in a zero on the assessment and a
call home to the parent
C. Course Description
The AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the
general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of
college. For some students, the course enables them to undertake,
in their first year, the second-year work in the chemistry sequence at
their institution or to register in courses in other fields where
chemistry is a prerequisite. For other students, the AP chemistry
course fulfills the laboratory science requirement and frees time for
other courses. The course contributes to the development of the
students’ abilities to think clearly and express their ideas, orally and
in writing, with clarity and logic.
D. Course Objectives:
AP Chemistry should meet the objectives of a good general chemistry
course. Students should attain a depth of understanding of fundamentals and
a reasonable competence in dealing with chemical problems. The college
course in general chemistry differs qualitatively from the usual first
secondary school course in chemistry with respect to the kind of textbook
used, the topics covered, the emphasis on chemical calculations and the
mathematical formulation of principles, and the kind of laboratory work
done by students. Quantitative differences appear in the number of topics
treated, the time spent on the course by students, and the nature and the
variety of experiments done in the laboratory. Secondary schools that wish
to offer an AP Chemistry course must be prepared to provide a laboratory
experience equivalent to that of a typical college course.
E. Text(s)/resources/Software:
F. Zumdahl, 8th edition; AP tests released by collegeboard; Demmin
and Hostage 5th edition review books (practice questions with answer
Zumdahl 8th Edition
Dr. D’Meo
West Essex High School 2012-2013
The following lists describe our sequence of study, along with the College Board Performance
Objectives for each unit
Chemical Foundations, Measurement, Atoms, Molecules Ions, Nomenclature and
Stoichiometry (Chapters 1, 2 and 3)
Distinguish between physical and chemical properties and changes.
Understand the difference between elements, compounds, and mixtures.
Be familiar with the units of the metric system of measurement and the temperature
Be able to convert measurements, especially within the metric system, by using
dimensional analysis.
Determine the number of significant figures in a measurement and be able to express the
results of a calculation with the proper number of significant figures.
Distinguish between protons, neutrons, and electrons, and be able to describe the
composition of an atom of any particular element in terms of these subatomic particles.
Describe the basic anatomy of an atom and the ratio of the diameter of the nucleus to that
of the atom.
Know the difference between an atom, an ion, and a molecule.
Have a basic knowledge of the periodic table, which includes being able to predict
whether an element is a metal or a nonmetal, and what will be the probable charge of its
Distinguish between empirical, molecular, and structural formulas.
Be able to write the correct name of an inorganic compound from its formula and vice
Define hydrocarbon, alkane, and alcohol and be able to write the name from the formula
and vice versa for simple alkanes and alcohols.
Be able to balance chemical equations.
Write balanced chemical equations from word descriptions.
Predict the products of reactions based on the types presented, including
combustion of compounds of C, H, and O.
Complete and balance these reactions.
Aqueous Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry (Chapter 4)
Predict to some extent whether a substance will be a strong electrolyte, weak
electrolyte, or non-electrolyte.
Predict the ions that an electrolyte dissociates into.
Identify substances as acids, bases, and salts.
Using solubility rules, predict if a precipitate forms in a metathesis reaction, and
thus predict its products and write a balanced equation.
Predict the products and write a balanced chemical equation for neutralization
After constructing molecular reactions for metathesis reactions, be able to
identify spectator ions and write the net ionic equations.
Assign oxidation numbers to atoms.
Determine whether a reaction is Redox or not.
Use the activity series to predict whether a Redox (single replacement) reaction
will occur, and be able to write the molecular and net ionic equations if it does.
The Gas Laws (Chapter 5)
Describe properties of gases compared to other physical states.
Define common units of gas pressure.
Describe how gases respond to changes in V, n, P, and T.
Be able to solve problems using combined and ideal gas equations.
Be able to calculate molar mass from gas density and vice versa.
Calculate the partial pressure of any gas from the composition of its mixture.
Understand the process and calculation of the pressure of a gas collected over water.
Calculate mole fraction from partial pressure.
Describe how the relative rates of diffusion and effusion of gases depends on their molar
Understand the kinetic molecular theory.
Be able to work through gas stoichiometry problems.
Understand that real gases deviate from ideal gases especially at high pressure and/or low
Know the real gas equation, with corrections for particle attraction and size.
Thermochemistry (Chapter 6)
Understand what the system, the surroundings, and the universe mean.
Be familiar with the units of energy.
Understand what the First Law of Thermodynamics means.
Be familiar with how the internal energy of a system is affected by exchanges of heat and
work between the system and the surroundings.
Understand what a state function is.
Define enthalpy, and explain how heat transfer from or to the system at constant pressure
changes it.
Know what the sign of the enthalpy indicates about the reaction.
Be able to sketch an enthalpy diagram for reactions given their enthalpy changes.
Be able to calculate the amount of heat released or absorbed by a reaction, knowing the
quantity of the reactants and the enthalpy of the reaction on a mole basis.
Define heat capacity and specific heat (capacity).
Be able to work problems on calorimetry.
State and apply Hess's Law of Constant Heat Summation in calculating enthalpies of
reaction from enthalpies of other reactions.
Know what the standard state of an element or compound is.
Define and illustrate what is meant by standard enthalpy of formation.
Calculate the enthalpy change of a reaction using a table of standard enthalpies of
Thermodynamics (Chapter 17)
Define entropy in terms of randomness or disorder, and state the second law of
Predict the sign of the entropy of a given process, and state the third law of
Describe the effect of temperature and state changes on entropy.
Calculate S° for a reaction using a table of absolute entropies, S°.
Define free energy in terms of enthalpy and entropy and explain the relationship of the
sign of G, and the spontaneity of a reaction.
Calculate G° for a reaction using a table of Gf° for the reactants and products.
Describe the conditions of "standard" state for standard free energy.
Interconvert G° and K for a reaction.
Describe the relationship between G and work.
Calculate the free energy change for a reaction at nonstandard conditions, G, knowing
G°, T, and the data needed to calculate Q.
Predict how G changes with T, given the signs of H, and S.
Estimate G° at any given temperature, given H° and S°.
Electronic Structure of Atoms (Chapter 7)
Understand the relationships c = and E = h .
Understand the concept of a quantized atom and its relationship to a line spectra of
Explain the concept of ionization energy.
Describe the Uncertainty Principle and its affect on atomic theory.
Understand the relationship = h/mv and its affect on atomic theory.
Describe how quantum numbers define electron orbitals and their value limitations.
Describe the shapes of the orbital types.
Understand the concept of electron spin and how it relates to electron configuration.
Write the electron configuration both symbolically and as an orbital diagram for
any element.
Be able to write electron configurations, especially valence configurations, for any
element, using the periodic table with the knowledge of the s,p,d, and f blocks.
Concepts of Chemical Bonding (Chapter 8)
Be able to write the Lewis symbol for any atom.
Understand the energies involved in the formation of ionic bonds—ionization
energy, electron affinity, and lattice energy.
Predict the formula of an ionic compound between representative elements using
the octet rule, and the periodic table to predict an atom's probable valence.
Describe what happens to radius when an atom forms an ion.
Be able to explain the variation in size of an isoelectronic series.
Describe the nature of the covalent bond in terms of electron cloud overlap.
Be able to show covalent bond formation using Lewis symbols.
Be able to draw Lewis structures for bonds between atoms—single, double, and
triple covalent.
Relate bond energies to bond order.
Explain electronegativity, how it varies on the periodic table, and its relationship to
the nature of the bond between two atoms.
Predict the polarities of bonds between any two atoms from their electonegativities or
their positions on the periodic table.
VIII. Covalent Bonding and Orbitals (Chapter 9)
Write correct Lewis structures for any simple molecule or ion even when there is an
exception to the octet rule.
Be able to write resonance structures when no one structure is adequate.
Relate the number of electron domains in the valence shell of an atom to the
geometric arrangement of electrons around the atom.
Understand that the relative degree of repulsion between nonbonding pairs is greater
than between bonding pairs of electrons.
Predict the molecular shape of a molecule or ion from its Lewis structure.
Predict, from its molecular shape and the electronegativities of the atoms involved,
whether or not a molecule is polar (has a dipole moment).
Explain the types of hybridization.
Assign the type of hybridization on the basis of the electron geometry of the valence
shell of an atom.
Describe the bonding between atoms in a molecule as or .
Explain the concept of delocalization in bonds.
Be able to predict the bond order from the multiplicity of the bond.
Distinguish paramagnetic from Diamagnetic
IX. Solids, Liquids, Phase Changes, Intermolecular Forces (Chapter 10)
Understand the kinetic molecular theory explanation of physical states.
Describe the types of intermolecular force and be able to state the type expected for a
substance knowing its molecular structure.
Know the meaning of viscosity, surface tension, critical temperature, and critical pressure,
and how they relate to the intermolecular force.
Understand how vapor pressure depends on intermolecular attraction and temperature.
Define boiling point.
From the heat capacities and enthalpies of state change needed, be able to calculate the
amount of heat to change a substance from one temperature and state to another.
Predict the type of solid (ionic, molecular, metallic, or covalent network) a substance is
and the properties it has because of this.
Equilibrium (Chapter 13)
Understand the meaning of dynamic equilibrium.
Write the equilibrium expression for any chemical reaction.
Understand the meaning of the magnitude of the value of Keq.
Calculate Keq when given appropriate data.
Calculate Q, the reaction quotient, to determine if a reaction is at equilibrium and if not
determine its direction.
Knowing the value of Keq and initial concentrations, calculate equilibrium concentrations.
Explain how an equilibrium is shifted by stresses (changes in temperature, pressure, or
concentration)—Le Chatelier's Principle.
Explain how temperature changes the value of Keq.
Describe the effect of a catalyst on an equilibrium.
Acid-Base Equilibria, Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria
(Chapters 14 and 15)
List general properties that characterize acidic and basic solutions and the ions
Understand the Brönsted-Lowry theory and be able to identify conjugate acids and bases.
Explain the autoionization of water and write the KW expression.
Define pH and be able to interconvert between [H+], [OH–], pH, and pOH.
Understand what is meant by strength of an acid or a base.
Given the acid concentration, be able to interconvert between Ka and pH. Given the base
concentration, be able to interconvert between Kb and pH.
Calculate the percent ionization from the Ka or the Kb, and vice versa.
Understand the relationship between the strength of an acid and the strength of its
conjugate base; interconvert between Ka and Kb.
Predict whether the solution of a particular salt will be acidic, basic, or neutral.
Define an acid and a base in the Lewis sense.
Calculate the concentration of each species in a solution formed by mixing an acid and a
Describe how a buffer solution works and how one can be made at a particular pH.
Calculate the change in pH of a buffer upon the addition of a strong acid or a strong base.
Distinguish between the various titration curves.
Calculate the pH at any point in an acid-base titration.
Solubility and Complex Ion Equilibria (Chapter 16)
Write a Ksp expression for a salt.
Interconvert between solubility and Ksp.
Calculate the effect of a common ion on the solubility of a slightly soluble salt.
Predict whether a precipitate will form when two solutions are mixed.
Understand the effect of pH on the solubility equilibrium of an acidic or basic ion.
Chemical Kinetics (Chapter 12)
Express the rate of a reaction in terms of changes in the concentration of a reactant or a
product per time. Understand how to change from one to the other.
Understand the difference graphically between average rate and instantaneous rate. Be
able to calculate both.
Explain the meaning of the reaction rate law and the rate law constant.
Be able to determine a reaction rate law for a reaction from experimental data.
Calculate the rate law constant (including units) after finding the rate law constant from
experimental data. After this, calculate the rate of another experiment not included in the
Understand what is meant by order in terms of a reactant as well as the overall order.
Explain graphically the concept of activation energy and how temperature affects
reaction rate.
Understand how temperature affects the rate law constant for a reaction.
Be able to relate the collision model to all of the above.
Explain what is meant by a reaction mechanism and know the meaning of elementary
steps, rate-determining step, and intermediate species.
Be able to explain and show how a rate law is derived from a certain reaction mechanism.
Describe possible theories of how a catalyst works.
Electrochemistry (Chapter 18)
Identify redox reactions, the species oxidized, reduced, the oxidizing agent, and the
reducing agent.
Balance redox reactions by using oxidation number method and half-reactions method.
Diagram and label electrochemical cells, both voltaic and electrolytic.
Calculate emf of voltaic cell given electrode potentials.
Given electrode potentials predict if a reaction is spontaneous.
Interconvert E°, G°, and K for a redox reaction.
Be able to calculate any variable in the Nernst equation given the others.
Calculate time, current, or amount of a substance produced by electrolysis given the other
Calculate the maximum electrical work performed by a voltaic cell.
Organic and Nuclear Chemistry
Identify the types of hydrocarbons.
Understand and be able to identify structural isomers.
Know the major function groups.
Be able to write, balance and predict the products of nuclear reactions.
Understand the meaning of half-life.
Solution Properties (Chapter 11)
Describe the energy changes associated with the formation of a solution and the role of
"Like dissolves like!"
Effects of temperature and pressure on solubility.
Define units of concentration, mass percent, ppm, mole fraction, molarity, molality, and
be able to calculate each from appropriate data.
Be able to convert a concentration from one unit to the other.
Describe the effect of solute (or solvent) concentration on each colligative property—
vapor pressure, boiling point, freezing point, osmotic pressure. Be able to calculate any of
these effects from concentration data.
Calculate the concentration and molar mass of a nonvolatile, nonelectrolyte from its
effect on a colligative property.
Explain the difference in magnitude of these effects caused by electrolytes compared to
nonelectrolytes. Define the van't Hoff factor, i.
Become familiar with the types of colloids.
We will take released AP tests in the appropriate time frames. Predicting and Describing
the Products of Reactions will be addressed routinely throughout the year.