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AP Biology Summer Assignment Since Biology is the study of life and evolution explains the unity and diversity of life we see on Earth you will focus on evolution for your summer assignment. For you summer assignment is in two parts. Part I: you will be refreshing your memory on some evolutionary topics by reading the evolution chapters in your textbook (9th grade textbook is fine or AP Biology) and answer the following questions. 1. Describe (in three to four sentences) the philosophies and theories related to evolution of the following: Aristotle, Hutton, Cuvier, Lyell, Malthus, Wallace, Lamarck and Linnaeus. 2. Discuss how each of the researchers above influenced Charles Darwin? 3. Describe the observations and the inferences Darwin made that led him to propose natural selection as a mechanism for evolutionary change. 4. Describe natural selection. 5. Describe, compare and contrast artificial and natural selection. 6. Explain how the following types of evidence support Darwin’s theory of evolution: homology, biogeography and the fossil record. 7. Describe the conditions on the early Earth that made the origin of life possible. 8. Describe the stages and experiments in the origin of life and the first cell theories. Part II: Watch any of the following movies: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life ( OR Creation ( OR Darwin’s Dangerous Idea ( OR another movie you find about Charles Darwin and his ideas. For each movie write a review of the movie (summary and your thoughts) about one page and answer the following questions. Some of the questions are in the movie but there are a couple questions you need to look up. 1. What did most of Europe believe for about 2000 years about the origin of species? 2. What is significant about the shapes of the tortoise shells in the Galapagos Islands? 3. Describe who and what the major influences are on Darwin’s ideas discussed in the film you watched? 4. What did people find scandalous about Darwin’s book? 5. Describe how any organism supports Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. (Don’t use finches) These are due on Friday, September 9 th via Haiku to Ms. Bischoff.