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White Paper Sustainable Land Management programme / GLUES: Models and Scenarios Das vorliegende „white paper“ versucht die Arbeiten, die das Wissenschaftliche Begleitvorhaben GLUES im Bereich Modelle und Szenarien leisten möchte, zu konkretisieren. Dieser Entwurf stellt eine erste Arbeitsgrundlage für die kommende gemeinsame Arbeit mit den Regionalprojekten dar und wird durch den Input des Kick-offs „Nachhaltiges Landmanagement“ in Bonn modifiziert. Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Frau Ruth Delzeit, [email protected] Models and scenarios Tamara Avellan4, Benjamin Bodirsky1, Ruth Delzeit2, Thomas Heckelei3, Christoph Heinzeller4, Gernot Klepper2, Hermann Lotze-Campen1, Wolfgang Lucht1, Wolfram Mauser4, Alexander Popp1, Sibyll Schaphoff1, Leila Shamsaifar3 1Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), PO Box 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany 2 Kiel Earth Institute, Hindenburgufer 66, 24104 Kiel, Germany 3 Institute for Food and Resource Economics, University of Bonn, Nussallee 21, 53115 Bonn, Germany 4 Department of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munich, Luisenstraße 37 / III / 428, 80333 Munich, Germany 1. Aim and Scope This paper aims to serve as basis for an exchange between the GLUES Work Packages 3 and 4 and the regional projects on global data sets on long term and midterm scenarios. This exchange should on the one hand consist of the provision of global data sets under different scenarios from GLUES to the regional projects, whereas global data sets will be provided through the Geodata Infrastructure (GDI). On the other hand, since models applied by the GLUES partners and the regional projects work on different regional scales and might have different assumptions and drivers, a comparison of the model results and a validation of regional results simulated by the global models is another field of exchange. Within GLUES, the models used to simulate mid term and long term scenarios do not run only on different temporal, but also on different spatial scales. Therefore, in order to describe steps to make global data sets consistent, the paper additionally provides an overview on the modelling activities applied for developing global data sets with different models. 2. General overview Scenarios of alternative plausible futures have been increasingly used in environmental change assessments as a means of exploring potential consequences of socioeconomic change on the environment. One important contribution of GLUES is to support regional projects in their efforts in modeling and impact assessment of land use change on greenhouse gas emissions and ecosystem services. GLUES will apply different models to derive climate change scenarios and biophysical impacts, to explore future pathways of the land use system and to undertake structured analysis of complex interactions within the land system. While assessing consistent regional and spatially-explicit scenarios, these models will take account for the global context, as local and regional demands can be met in spatially unconnected regions through international trade (Erb et al. 2009). Most environmental foresight studies including the climate change scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (Nakicenovic et al. 2000) and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA 2005) have used explorative storylines to provide scenarios of alternative plausible futures. The ultimate objective of such storylines is to assess the variation in possible futures and to provide insights into the magnitude and uncertainty of future changes. Explorative storylines can finally be used for communication in the scientific community and with stakeholders (Van der Heijden, 2005) in an attempt to extract policy implications. Within GLUES, a set of alternative scenarios will be developed that explores contrasting trajectories within this scenario framework. In the following sections we introduce models used within GLUES to simulate scenarios, possible parameter spaces for the construction of scenarios, and expected outputs. To construct these scenarios, explorative scenarios with associated deviations based on differences in the underlying drivers will be adapted, elaborating the underlying qualitative storylines. This contribution has two temporal facets: Medium-term (to 2030) and long term (to 2100) scenarios as will be described in the following sections: 3. Medium-term scenarios (WP 3) 3.1 Objective Besides land use dynamics that are driven by long term trends such as population growth and climate change, there are some short term factors which are policy driven and vary over time. Therefore, the aim of WP 3 “Medium-Term Projections” is to combine long and short term trends in order to provide activities of the regional projects on modelling and impact assessment with a common set of scenarios for global land use change on a mid term time scale. The scenarios will consider important feedbacks of agricultural markets, climate, economy and the related land use. Since factors influencing land use dynamics are located in interdisciplinary research fields, three different types of models are applied to produce and simulate drivers of mid term scenarios. 3.2 Models PROMET In order to understand where agriculture takes place nowadays and how much is produced, global models have been applied in the past ten years to examine global land cover, climate variability, soil properties, extension of irrigation and ultimately the extension and amount of harvest of agricultural crops. However, the scale at which these models, due to technical limitations, have been run is mainly insufficient to truly be able to extrapolate useful information about the productivity of the land stretches. With the PROMET model (PROcess of radiation Mass and Energy Transfer) (Mauser & Bach, 2009) we therefore, contrary to current models, propose to study a large number of statistically selected points (synonymous with a site on which a crop growth) on the global land surface that are representative for a) the local climatic condition, b) the soil properties of the region. PROMET is a physically based, spatially distributed process model that simulates a wide variety of land surface categories including crop growth. The included dynamic plant module in PROMET calculates the site specific biomass for each relevant crop and makes inferences about maximum attainable yields and yield gaps possible. Outcomes of the approach is to furnish the global trade models (DART & CAPRI) with biophysically maximum attainable yields of economically relevant crops/crop aggregates (see Appendix A), in order to understand the role of climate and soil on crop production. We will do so by first creating a global suitability classification of the relevant crops (triggered by climate, soil and terrain) and randomly selecting representative areas from this. Using the site-specific soil and climate values, we will then apply PROMET on these areas and calculate potential maximum yields for each crop. An aggregation of these results into the accorded regions (see Appendix B) will provide the final output result as an input for the trade models. CAPRI The Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact Analysis (CAPRI) Model 1 has been developed by a Europe-wide network of researchers under the lead of the Institute for Food and Resource Economics at the University of Bonn. Its main objective is to support decision making on reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU. Global, trade related feedbacks have received increasing attention in recent years CAPRI is a global agricultural sector model which is divided into two major modules, an EU supply and a global market module: The supply module covers EU27 as well as Norway, Western Balkans and Turkey. Regional disaggregation takes place at level 2 of the Nomenclature of Statistical Territorial Units (NUTS, 280 regions)2. The NUTS 2 system divides the territory of the EU into a hierarchical system of administrative regions. Within these regions, optimization models for up to ten representative farm types determine land allocation to crop production activities and animal production levels.3 The market module is a partial, spatial, global multi-commodity model for agricultural products and includes 60 countries in 28 trade blocks for 47 products. It is characterized as partial, because non-agricultural factor and product markets and some agricultural products such as flowers are excluded. It is spatial, as bilateral trade flows and related trade policy instruments and transportation costs between territorially explicit trade blocks are included. 4 Data in CAPRI are stored in the GDX format. As CAPRI is a GAMS-based system, the GDX format enables the use of an interface to pass data in or out more rapidly. Along with a native interface definition, data can then be exchanged with applications. For the GLUES project, the explicit representation of land use of agricultural production activities already implemented in the EU supply module will be integrated into the supply specification at the global scale with an alternative approach compatible with the structure of the market module. In addition, the currently specified regions will be aggregated and mapped to 23 regions. This development will enable simulations of 1 Website: http://www.capri-model.org/index.htm 2 Website: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/nuts_nomenclature/introduction 3 See Annex for a list of output, income indicators, policy variables and processed products in the database as well as a list for aggregated farm types in the supply model. 4 See Annex for a list regions and databases of further elements in the market model. global agricultural land use changes depending on medium term scenarios. Scenario variables currently include exogenous determinants of demand and supply such as population, shifts in preferences, income, input prices, all potentially differentiated by trading blocks. The explicit integration of land at the global level will be accompanied by allowing for climate dependent yield developments. DART At the Kiel Earth Institute, the Dynamic Applied Regional Trade (DART) model, a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the world economy, covering multiple sectors and regions has been developed. It simulates the repercussions on economic activity between the different world regions and countries and can be used to analyse the world-wide feedback effects of economic policies across different sectors and regions (see Springer 2002, Klepper et al. 2003, Kretschmer et al. 2008). Hence it computes likely impacts outside the land use sectors and derives welfare effects of different policy scenarios (see section 3.3). The model’s primary factors are labour, capital and land and it is based on the GTAP7 data set of the Global Trade Projects. For the analysis of land use change, it is calibrated to an aggregation of 23 regions (see Appendix B), and consequently model outputs are values (changes compared to a base year) for each region. Each regional economy comprises five energy sectors, sixteen agricultural sectors that include the most important energy crops (wheat, maize, sugar cane, four types of oil seeds), and three industrial production sectors. An explicit representation of land is included into DART via the introduction of Agro-Ecological-Zones (AEZs). In each region there are up to 18 AEZs, which differ along growing period and climatic zones. The AEZs enter as inputs into national production functions for each land-using sector. The major exogenous drivers of the model dynamics are changes in the labour force, the rate of labour productivity growth, changes in human capital, the savings rate, the gross rate of return on capital, and thus the endogenous rate of capital accumulation. The agricultural sector is represented in a less detailed way compared to the CAPRI model, but the advantage of DART is that it endogenously considers all sectors of the world economy. Thus, by taking into account both agricultural and energy markets and their interactions, in the GLUES project, DART is applied to generate a set of global projections of agricultural markets and related land use. Thereby, parameters driving the demand side such as population dynamics and shifts in nutrition are linked with regional economic growth dynamics and their world market repercussions. As in CAPRI, data are stored in GDX format. The model outputs are summarised in the following section. 3.3 Global data sets and parameter spaces All data are generated for the 23 regions; therefore, they are average values for these world regions. Some data might be available in a more disaggregated resolution, since CAPRI is very detailed for the European Union. Global data sets, produced for midterm scenarios are: GLUES Activities in this context (WP 3) o o In a dialogue with the regional projects, GLUES will develop global scenarios with the following parameters to be discussed: o An exogenous parameter in DART and CAPRI is population growth. In DART population growth is taken from the PHOENIX model, which is in line with OECD projections. If of interest for regional projects, it could be changed for scenario analysis. o Impacts of climate change on the maximum attainable yield. o Climate policies: different green house gas reduction goals can be implemented into DART o Biofuel policies: we can e.g. assume different countries to implement policies to support biofuels (for example EU target on 10% biofuels by 2020) o Change in food consumption behaviour: we can assume a world with current food preferences or scenarios assuming, for example, more meat and milk consumption, or in contrast a more vegetarian diet o We can assume a scenario with and without agricultural production in protected areas or areas with high biodiversity. The output of the models under these different scenario settings are global data sets which GLUES can provide to the regional projects. These are: o Maximum attainable yield of the specified crops per GLUES region (see section 3.2), o Yield gaps of the specified crops per GLUES region (see section 3.2), o Land use (in production value and hectare) for the GLUES regions o In many regional models, parameters on development of global market prices of e.g. agricultural goods or energy goods are exogenously given. GLUES can provide these data to the regional projects at the level of aggregation of the GLUES regions. o Changes in the average Gross Domestic Product by GLUES region under different scenario settings can be used to measure welfare effects of different policy settings. This also provides another category of input data for the regional projects. 4. Long-term scenarios (WP 4) WP4 will help to assess global-scale, yet regionally explicit quantitative scenarios of factors that are likely to co-determine regional trajectories of land use change under policies that consider long-term global sustainability objectives and trade-offs such as climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation. To construct these scenarios, explorative scenarios with associated deviations based on differences in the underlying drivers will be adapted, elaborating the underlying qualitative storylines. The quantitative trends for the main driving forces will either be elaborated or compiled from existing sources (i.e. MEA 2005, Nakicenovic 2000). First, temperature stratified climate scenarios will be made available at a spatial resolution of 0.5 x 0.5 degrees for the climate parameters temperature, precipitation and cloudiness. The range of IPCC AR4 scenarios and updates of these as well as more recent scenarios as they become available in the lead-up to the AR5, will be transformed for impact, mitigation and adaptation research in the regional consortia. Second, we will apply different simulation models and methodologies to derive a set of drivers (such as the impact of global warming on yield changes and freshwater availability), consequences (such as greenhouse gas emissions) and patterns of potential future land use under specified interregional optimization and sustainability criteria using an internally consistent framework (see Fig. 1 for an overview): LPJmL The prime eco-physiological model that will be employed is the long-established, internationally recognized, global-scale, spatially and temporally explicit biogeochemical process model of natural and agricultural vegetation LPJmL (Sitch et al. 2003, Gerten et al. 2004, Bondeau et al. 2007). It is able to simulate the transient changes in carbon and water stocks and fluxes in response to land use change and climate change, the specific phenology and seasonal CO2 fluxes of agricultural-dominated areas, and the production of crops and grazing land as well as the potential of biomass plantation of the second generation within grid cells of 0.5 degree resolution. Crops are represented by 12 crop functional types and biomass plants by 1 temperate tree ( e.g poplars and willows) and 1 tropical tree (e.g. Eukalyptus) and a C4 grass (e.g. Miscanthus). Crops, grazing land and land for biomass production can be either rainfed or irregated. This allows the global and regional quantification and differentiation of irrigation water use and rainwater use from agricultural products, including biomass production for bioenergy use. External drivers are climate parameters as temperature, precipitation, cloudiness and wet days, these data, used for the historical period, are provided by the Climatic Research Unit Datasets - CRU TS 3.00 (Mitchel and Jones, 2005) and by atmospheric carbon dioxide content. The individual cover fraction per gridcell are prescribed by a land use data set and soil texture parameters are derived from the FAO database (FAO, 1991). MAgPIE The global land-use optimization model MAgPIE (Lotze-Campen et al. 2008, Popp et al. 2010) simulates future transitions of the landuse sector. The model works on a time step of 10 years in a recursive dynamic mode. The optimized land-use pattern from one period is taken as the initial land constraint in the next period.The model inputs are both socio-economic parameters like population, income or production costs (labour, chemicals and other capital from GTAP) and biophysical information like yield-levels or water requirements from LPJmL. The model features 20 cropping and 5 livestock sectors, and uses depending on data-availability either 0.5° grid-based data sets or regional parameters for 10 world regions. The objective function of MAgPIE is to minimize total cost of production for a given amount of regional food and bioenergy demand. Feed for livestock is produced as a mixture of grain, green fodder produced on crop land and pasture. The model simulates trajectories for the agricultural sector and determines endogenously cropping patterns, trade flows, land-expansion and increases in future crop-yields. The direct link of MAgPIE to the LPJml model allows for an integration of biophysical constraints into an economic decision-making process and thus provides a straightforward link between monetary and physical units as well as processes, producing insights into the internal use value of resource constraints. The following products will be produced and made available to the regional projects through the Geodata Infrastructure (GDI) (see Fig. 1 for an overview): (S0) Temperature-scaled Climate Change Scenarios (S1) Scenarios of calorie demand for different demographic, GDP and lifestyle trajectories (regions-based) (S2) Scenarios of (potential) agricultural yield development under climate change (by temperate increase, GCM, 0.5° resolution, 2000-2100) (S3) Scenarios of macrohydrological freshwater availability (0.5° resolution and for river basins, monthly 2000-2100) (S4) Scenarios of 2nd generation bioenergy demand (regional [EJ]) and production (10yearly, 0.5° resolution, 2000-2100) (S5) Biome composition shifts (in the form of change metrics, to be used as a top-level indicators of shifts in ecosystem services) under climate and land use change (0.5° resolution, annually 2000-2100) (S6) Scenarios of potential future land use patterns (0.5° resolution, 10-yearly time slices 2000-2100) (S7) Scenarios of potential (implied) change in global agricultural trade (including bioenergy) as a consequence of the land use scenarios produced (regions, 10-yearly time slices 2000-2100) (S8) Scenarios of shadow prices for environmental resources (within 10 macroeconomic regions, with selected regional resolution to the pixel level, 10-yearly time slices 20002100) (S9) Scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions (CH4, N2O, CO2) from land use (agriculture) and land use change (e.g. deforestation) under (0.5° resolution, 10-yearly time slices 2000-2100) Fig. 1: Overview of long-term scenarios; yellow boxes describe drivers of the biogeochemical cycle in LPJmL, brown boxes exogenous socio-economic drivers, green boxes consequences of climate change, blue and pink boxes patterns and consequences of land use. 5. Consistency of models and data Both mid- and long-term scenarios divide into biophysical (PROMET, LPJmL) and economic models (CAPRI, DART, MAgPIE). The main link between both model-types consists in the yield level of crops, which is passed on from the biophysical to the economic models. The mid-term models have to upscale yield levels from statistically selected points to the respective regions, while the MAgPIE model can use the grid based output from LPJml. The two mid-term economic models will be harmonised with respect to the representation of land in order to increase consistency of the models. Whether and how the data sets of mid-term and the long-term models shall be harmonised has not been decided yet. The economic models use different modelling approaches: CAPRI is a partial equilibrium model, DART a computable general equilibrium model and MAgPIE a partial optimisation model. 6. References Bondeau, A.; Smith, P. C.; Zaehle, S.; Schaphoff, S.; Lucht, W.; Cramer, W.; Gerten, D.; Lotze-Campen, H.; Müller, C.; Reichstein, M.; Smith, B. (2007): Modelling the role of agriculture for the 20th century global terrestrial carbon balance. Global Change Biology 13(3): 679-706. Erb K, Krausmann F, Lucht W, Haberl H 2009 Embodied HANPP Mapping the spatial disconnect between global biomass production and consumption Ecological Economics, 692 328-334 FAO: The digitized soil map of the world, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, 1991. Gerten, D., Schaphoff, S., Haberlandt, U., Lucht, W., Sitch, S., 2004. Terrestrial vegetation and water balance: hydrological evaluation of a dynamic global vegetation model. Journal of Hydrology 286, 249–270. Klepper, G., S. Peterson, K. Springer (2003): DART97: A Description of the Multiregional, Multi-sectoral Trade Model fort he analysis of Climate Policies. Kiel Working Paper 1149. Kretschmer, B., S. Peterson, A. Ignaciuk (2008): Integrating Biofuels into the DART Model. Kiel Working Papers 1472. Lotze-Campen, H., Müller, C., Bondeau, A., Rost, S., Popp, A., Lucht, W., 2008. Global food demand, productivity growth and the scarcity of land and water resources: a spatially explicit mathematical programming approach. Agricultural Economics 39 (3), 325–338. Mauser, W., Bach H. (2009): PROMET – a Physically Based Hydrological Model to Study the Impact of Climate Change on the Water Flows of Medium Sized, Mountain Watersheds, J. Hydrol., 376(2009)362-377, DOI:10.1016/j.hydrol.2009.07.046 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA). 2005. Millennium ecosystem assessment synthesis report. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA. Mitchell and Jones, 2005: An improved method of constructing a database of monthly climate observations and associated high-resolution grids. Int. J. Climatology, 25, 693712, Doi: 10.1002/joc.1181. Nakicenovic, N., J. Alcamo, G. Davis, B. de Vries, J. Fenhann, S. Gaffin, K. Gregory, A. Grübler, T. Y. Jung, T. Kram, E. la Rovere, L. Michaelis, S. Mori, T. Morita, W. Pepper, H. Pitcher, L. Price, K. Riahi, A. Roehrl, H.-H. Rogner, A. Sankovski, M. E. Schlesinger, P. R. Shukla, S. Smith, R. J. Swart, S. van Rooijen, N. Victor, and Z. Dadi. 2000. Special report on emissions scenarios. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Popp A, Lotze-Campen H and Bodirsky B 2010 Food consumption, diet shifts and associated non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production. Global Environmental Change 20 451-462 Sitch, S., Smith, B., Prentice, I., Arneth, A., Bondeau, A., Cramer, W., Kaplan, J., Levis, S., Lucht, W., Sykes, M., Thonicke, K., Venevsky, S., (2003). Evaluation of ecosystem dynamics, plant geography and terrestrial carbon cycling in the LPJ dynamic global vegetation model. Global Change Biology 9 (2), 161–185. Springer, K. (2002): Climate Policy in an Globalizing World: A CGE Model with Capital Mobility and Trade. Kieler Studien. Springer, Berlin. Van der Heijden, K. (2005). "Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation," 2nd/Ed. Wiley, Chichester, UK. Annex A: List of crops Crop Barley Groundnuts Maize Millet Oats Paddy Rice Palm Oil Rapeseeds Rye Sorghum Soybeans Sugar cane Wheat Annex B List of regions (WP3 – midterm scenarios) EU (7) DEU GBR SCA FRA BEN MED REU Non-EU (16) Germany UK, Ireland Finland, Sweden, Denmark France Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Malta, Cyprus Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria NA New Zealand, Australia CAN USA BRA PAUC Canada USA Brazil Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile LAM Rest of Latin America JPN RUS FSU Japan Russia Rest of Former Soviet Union & Rest of Europe CPA IND SEA China India Cambodia, Laos, Tailand, Burma, Bangladesh MAI MEA AFR PAS Malaysia, Indonesia Middle East, North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Rest of the World Vietnam, List of MAgPIE regions (WP4 – longterm scenarios) Sub-Saharan Africa AFR Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo (Dem Republic), Congo(Republic), Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, The, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Malawi, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Liberia, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cambodia Centrally CPA China, Hong Kong, Laos, Mongolia, Taiwan, Viet Nam EUR Albania, Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg, Bosnia and Herzegovina, planned Asia Europe (incl. Turkey) Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Falkland Islands (U.K.), Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kerguelen (F.S.A.T.), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Former Yugoslavia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia (Fed Rep of) Former Soviet Union (FSU) Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Republic of, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan Former Soviet FSU Union Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Republic of, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan Latin America LAM Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad, Uruguay, Venezuela Middle MEA Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Islamic Rep of, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, East/North Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Africa Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen North America NAM Canada, Puerto Rico, United States of America Pacific OECD PAO Australia, Japan, New Zealand Pacific Asia PAS Brunei, Fiji, Indonesia, Korea (Dem People's Rep), Korea, Republic of, Malaysia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Thailand, Vanuatu Southern Asia SAS Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Reunion, Sri Lanka CAPRI Supply Module: Output, Input, income indicators, policy variables and processed products in the data base Group Activity Code Cereals Soft wheat Durum wheat Rye and Meslin Barley Oats Paddy rice Maize Other cereals SWHE DWHE RYEM BARL OATS PARI MAIZ OCER Oilseeds Rape Sunflower Soya Olives for oil Other oilseeds RAPE SUNF SOYA OLIV OOIL Other annual crops Pulses Potatoes Sugar beet Flax and hemp Tobacco Other industrial crops PULS POTA SUGB TEXT TOBA OIND Vegetables Fruits Other perennials Tomatoes Other vegetables Apples, pear & peaches Citrus fruits Other fruits Table grapes Table olives Table wine Nurseries Flowers Other marketable crops TOMA OVEG APPL CITR OFRU TAGR TABO TWIN NURS FLOW OCRO Fodder Gras Fodder maize Fodder root crops Fodder root crops Straw GRAS MAIF OFAR ROOF STRA Marketable products from animal product Milk from cows Beef Pork meat Sheep and goat meat Sheep and goat milk Poultry meat Other marketable animal products COMI BEEF PORK SGMT SGMI POUM OANI Intermediate products from animal production Milk from cows for feeding Milk from sheep and goat cows for feeding Young cows Young bulls Young heifers COMF SGMF Outputs YCOW YBUL YHEI Young male calves Young female calves Piglets Lambs Chicken YCAM YCAF YPIG YLAM YCHI Nitrogen from manure Phosphate from manure Potassium from manure MANN MANP MANK Renting of milk quota Agricultural services RQUO SERO Mineral and organic fertiliser Seed and plant protection Nitrogen fertiliser Phosphate fertiliser Potassium fertiliser Calcium fertiliser Seed Plant protection NITF PHOF POTF CAOF SEED PLAP Feeding stuff Feed cereals Feed rich protein Feed rich energy Feed based on milk products Gras Fodder maize Other Feed from arable land Fodder root crops Feed other Straw FCER FPRO FENE FMIL FGRA FMAI FOFA FROO FOTH FSTRA Young animal Other animal specific inputs Young cow Young bull Young heifer Young male calf Young female calf Piglet Lamb Chicken Pharmaceutical inputs ICOW IBUL HEI ICAM ICAF IPIG ILAM ICHI IPHA General inputs Maintenance machinery Maintenance buildings Electricity Heating gas and oil Fuels Lubricants Water Agricultural services input Other inputs REPM REPB ELEC EGAS EFUL ELUB WATR SERI INPO Income indicators Production value Total input costs Gross value added at producer prices Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added at market prices plus CAP premiums TOOU TOIN GVAP GVAB MGVA Activity level Cropped area, slaughtered heads or herd size LEVL Policy variables Premium ceiling Historic yield PRMC HSTY Other Output from EAA Inputs Relating to activities Processed products Premium per ton historic yield Set-aside rate Premium declared below base area/herd Premium effectively paid Premium amount in regulation Type of premium application Factor converting PRMR into PRMD Ceiling cut factor PRET SETR PRMD Rice milled Molasse Starch Sugar Rape seed oil Sunflower seed oil Soya oil Olive oil Other oil Rape seed cake Sunflower seed cake Soya cake Olive cakes Other cakes Gluten feed from ethanol production Biodiesel Bioethanol Palm oil Butter Skimmed milk powder Cheese Fresh milk products Creams Concentrated milk Whole milk powder Whey powder Casein and caseinates Feed rich protein imports or byproducts Feed rich energy imports or byproducts RICE MOLA STAR SUGA RAPO SUNO SOYO OLIO OTHO RAPC SUNC SOYC OLIC OTHC GLUE BIOD BIOE PLMO BUTT SMIP CHES FRMI CREM COCM WMIO WHEP CASE FPRI FENI PRME PRMR APPTYPE APPFACT CEILCUT Source: CAPRI Model Documentation CAPRI Supply module: Aggregated farm types used for impact assessment Code Description Farm type included A10 Specialist COP (other than rice) or various field crops 133,144 A13 Specialist Rice or Rice & COP 132,133 A14 Root crops 141,142 A23 Permanent crops & vegetables 143,201,202,203,311,312,313,314,321,322,323,330,3 40 A41 Dairy 411,412,431 A42 Cattle fattening & rairing 421,422,432 A44 Sheep & goats 441,442,443,444 501 Specialist pigs 501 A52 Specialist poultry 502,503 A60 Field crops diversified 601,602,603,604,605,606 A70 Livestock diversified 711,712,721,722,723 A80 Livestock & crops diversified 811,812,813,814,821,822,823 999 Various Source: CAPRI modeling system CAPRI Market Module: Regional Breakdown Country/Country aggregate Code Components with own behavioural functions European Union 15, broken down into Member States (Luxembourg aggregated with Belgium) EU015000 AT000000 BL000000 DK000000 DE000000 EL000000 ES000000 FI000000 FR000000 IR000000 IT000000 NL000000 PT000000 SE000000 UK000000 European Union 10, broken down into Member States EU010000 CY000000 Country name Austria Belgium/Lux Denmark Germany Greece Spain Finland France Irland Italy Netherlands Portugal Sweden United Kingdom Covered by programming models in supply module? Yes Yes CZ000000 EE000000 HU000000 LT000000 LV000000 MT000000 SI000000 SK000000 PL000000 Norway Bulgaria & Romania BUR Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Lithuania Latvia Malta Slovenia Slovakia Poland NO000000 Norway Yes BG000000 RO000000 Bulgaria Romania Yes Other mediterranean countries MED Turkey TUR Morocco MOR MOR Western Balkan countries WBA HR000000 CS000000 MO000000 KO000000 AL000000 BA000000 TUN ALG EGY ISR Tunisia Algeria Eqypt Israel No Yes MK000000 No Croatia Serbia Montenegro Kosovo Albania Bosnia & Herzegov. TFYR Macedonia Yes Rest of Europe REU No Russia, Belarus & Ukraine RBU No United States of America USA No Canada CAN No Mexico MEX No Venezuela VEN No Argentina ARG No Brazil BRA No Chile CHL No Uruguay URU No Paraguay PAR No Bolivia BOL No Rest of South America RSA No Australia & New Zealand ANZ No China CHN No India IND No Japan JAP No Least Developed Countries LDC No ACP Countries which are not LDCs ACP No Rest of World ACP No Source: CAPRI modeling system CAPRI Market Module: Data Sources Based on Bi-lateral trade flows FAOSTAT Items of the market balances for countries not covered by the supply model. (production, feed demand, processing demand, human consumption) FAOSTAT Most favorite nation tariffs and data for TRQs and bilateral agreements AMAD data base, EU legislation Source: CAPRI modeling system