Download Cellular Respiration Test 1. Which stage of cellular respiration

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Cellular Respiration Test
1. Which stage of cellular respiration produces the most ATP?
a. glycolysis
b. Krebs cycle
c. electron transport
d. Acetyl-CoA charging
2. Name the 6 carbon molecule that forms when Acetyl-CoA joins 2 carbons to a 4 carbon molecule during the
Krebs cycle. The picture above shows this change.
a. ATP
b. pyruvic acid
c. glucose
d. citric acid
3. What molecule is the final electron acceptor at the end of the Electron transport chain?
A. oxygen
B. carbon dioxide
C. glucose
4. Because cellular respiration requires oxygen it is said to be _________________
A. aerobic
B. anaerobic
5. Where do the extra carbon atoms in pyruvic acid end up following the Krebs cycle?
A. They enter the electron transport chain and make ATP
B. They become part of a carbon dioxide molecule and end up in the atmosphere
C. They join with citric acid to make Acetyl-CoA
D. They build up in the intermembrane space
6. Which of the following shows the correct sequence during cellular respiration?
A. Electron transport chain → glycolysis → Krebs cycle
B. Glycolysis → Electron transport chain → Krebs cycle
C. Krebs cycle → Electron transport chain → glycolysis
D. Glycolysis → Krebs cycle → Electron transport chain
7. How many total ATP molecules are produced by 1 molecule of glucose completing cellular respiration?
a. 2
b. 6
c. 24
d. 36
8. Which of the following are produced during the Krebs Cycle? Answer all that apply.
a. ATP
c. FADH2
d. CO2
9. In cellular respiration, _____ is oxidized and _____ is reduced.
a. 02…ATP
b. ATP…O2
c. glucose…O2
d. glucose…ATP
(You can use them MORE THAN ONCE or NOT AT ALL)
10.. ______ Place where glycolysis happens
11. ______ Cristae
12. ______ Matrix
13. ______ Outer Membrane
14. What is the main function of the Krebs cycle?
a. breaking down pyruvate molecules to form molecules of NADH and oxygen
b. forming citric acid to make NADH, water, and
c. producing molecules that carry high-energy electrons to the electron transport chain
d. bonding coenzyme A to pyruvate
15. When consumed, which type of organic molecule provides the most energy for respiration?
a. carbohydrates
c. proteins
b. lipids
d. nucleic acids
16. Which process does NOT release energy from glucose?
a. glycolysis
b. photosynthesis
c. fermentation
d. cellular respiration
17. Glycolysis provides a cell with a net gain of
a. 2 ATP molecules.
b. 4 ATP molecules.
c. 18 ATP molecules.
d. 36 ATP molecules.
18. The starting molecule for glycolysis is
a. ADP.
b. pyruvic acid.
c. citric acid.
d. glucose.
19. Glycolysis requires
a. ATP.
b. oxygen.
c. sunlight.
d. NADP+.
20. High-energy electrons that move down the electron transport chain ultimately provide the energy needed to
a. transport water molecules across the membrane.
b. convert ADP molecules into ATP molecules.
c. convert carbon dioxide into water molecules.
d. break down glucose into pyruvic acid molecules.
21. Lactic acid fermentation occurs in
a. bread dough.
b. any environment containing oxygen.
c. muscle cells.
d. mitochondria.
22. The air bubbles and spongy texture of bread are due to which process?
a. lactic acid fermentation
b. glycolysis
c. alcoholic fermentation
d. the Krebs cycle
23. The two main types of fermentation are called
a. alcoholic and aerobic.
b. aerobic and anaerobic.
c. alcoholic and lactic acid.
d. lactic acid and anaerobic.
24. The Krebs cycle does NOT occur if
a. oxygen is present.
b. oxygen is not present.
c. glycolysis occurs.
d. if carbon dioxide is not present
25. Krebs cycle produces
a. oxygen.
b. lactic acid.
c. carbon dioxide.
d. glucose.
26. Which of the following molecules found in the food we eat is most commonly broken down to make ATP?
a. carbohydrates
b. lipids
c. proteins
d. vitamens
27. Energy is released from ATP when
a. a new ATP molecule is synthesized
b. a nitrogen base is added to ADP
c. a phosphate group is added to ADP
d. a phosphate group is removed from ATP
Name ______________________________________
28. Write out the chemical equation for respiration in the space below. (2pts)
29. (12pts)
In the chart below, name the 3 stages needs to breakdown glucose and complete the chart.
Use the diagram above to answer questions 30-33 (2pts)
30. What step of respiration does the diagram above show?
31. Where do the electrons moving along the inner membrane come from? In other words, what transports them?
32. Where do the electrons moving along the inner membrane in the diagram end up?
33. ATP synthase is an enzyme. Find ATP synthase in the diagram. What reaction does ATP synthase catalyze when an H+ ion
passes through its channel?